Men who are womanizers

I selected this one yesterday helland. She was 30 years old, 5 foot 2 inches, 106 lbs and has 34 D’s. Super clean. Manicure/pedicure, salon quality hair, completely hairless from the eyebrows down. An impressive specimen. She’s one of those girls who’s so hot that she will literally get herself drunk and just listen to music and dance naked in front of a mirror rubbing on herself for hours, only taking breaks to hit the bong or drink another drink. Now here’s the funny part…she’s a 4th grade school teacher. So when you send your kids to school and you think, “oh that teacher seems like such a sweet young lady”, she’s probably not. If a girl has a hot body, they usually put it to work for em.

No. Darwin explicitly made a distinction between the two.

No he didn’t, since they are both the same thing, he didn’t say evolution is the survival of the fittest either, Spencer did, and Darwin said he was wrong in reply, “Evolution is not the survival of the fittest it is the survival of those most able to adapt to nature”, it has nothing to do with Wall st either. Sexual selection is a survival strategy, it’s also natural selection. :wink:

Then why you said in your previous post that your answer is the samw as Blurry?

Nevertheless, add what else you want to add to what that link says.

with love,

Didn’t two guys back in the day have a big argument about whether we adapted to our environment or whether the environment adapted to us?

I see this shit getting ignored in all the debated that reference evolution. I mean, building a civilization is a pretty big push back against nature.

“Since everything is natural it’s to push this rock.”


This is well said incorrect… you and smears both talk about this aspect of sexual selection that I haven’t raised yet, the lying. Men who offer a genuine presence of reciprocity and involvement (using the terms you’re throwing around right now) don’t fair very well. It’s SO ubiquitous to be the nice guy who doesn’t get laid - to end up in the “friendzone”. You hit the nail on the head when you said “not only won’t you fuck me for it, YOU’LL PROBABLY BE TURNED OFF.” I have seen men try to have THIS discussion with women more times than I can count, and the first thing you notice is that when they try to have this discussion, it completely turns women off, in many of the instances I’ve had such discussions with women, their number one response to it is “Strange, I’ve had lots of guys tell me the same thing.”, what’s interesting about trying to open this discussion with women, is that they immediately become uncomfortable and it turns them off. Women have a completely different experience with men to this regard, if a woman says that lack of sex in her life is bothering her, particularly if she’s nice, it doesn’t turn men off, it turns them on, because men have a tendency to want to use sex to make peoples lives better, particularly if they’re nice people. I said somewhere in these threads that women actually FEEL like dirty people for having sex with the right men, while men feel like dirty people for having sex with the wrong women… it’s really hard to address an issue like this when the gender FEELS dirty for doing the right thing and is TURNED ON by doing the wrong thing. Male sexuality is not backwards to this extent, men are turned on by non-bullying women and men are turned off by bullying women.

In the few instances a woman has ever feigned to approach me, her first question is usually “What do you do for work?”, the odds of a man asking any of these money or status questions to a woman are extremely small. I don’t even bother with the work question, I just say, “I don’t feel like telling you” and then they usually go away.

No, it is not. Natural selection is an environmental force that determines the life or death of an organism. Sexual selection is force coming from one sex (or both) of a species that determines whether an organism’s genes will be passed on to the next generation. If an organism is not selected sexually, it can still live to a ripe old age and die of natural causes. Darwin first proposed natural selection as the mechanism by which life evolves. This was in Origin of the Species. In his next book, he proposed sexual selection because he realized at that point that natural selection was not enough to account for why certain genes get passed on and others don’t. A gene that is selected for sexually is not necessarily a gene that helps the organism survive in its environment; it’s just a gene that is attractive to the opposite sex. Likewise, a gene that is absolutely necessary for survival in an organism’s environment will not survive into the next generation if it is not attractive to the opposite sex.

I don’t Think you know what is actually happening in sex. Most people don’t. There is an Exchange. Even if coldly carried out, it is intimate. I do not mean this in the banal sense of Close Contact, but two (or more) people intermix on emotional and other levels along with the physical.

Increasing amounts of bullshit is all the stuff you Think is not really involved, but it is. It is just happening on more unconcsious levels. I Think women feel this and know it more often than men do. Men Think sex is a very complicated newtonian phenomenon. That’s insane.

I do think it’s involved - I really, really think it’s involved, moreso for my partner, and while I don’t like it per se, I don’t mind doing it, as long as I actually get sex. Frequently. It’s what men need, Its what I need. ‘For better or for worse’ right?

I help out with the dishes once for the first time in forever, and you appreciate it. I get laid that night. I do it again, because I care about you, but you expect it. I don’t get laid that night. I do it a third time, it turns you off - I’m doing something womanly, repeatedly, albeit to help you, and you don’t fuck me. So I stop doing the dishes. You start complaining about me not doing the dishes, and don’t fuck me.

this is the bullshit I don’t need

if this is the bullshit that is a part of sex at a subconscious level (its not for me), whoop-de-fucking-do… just fuck me frequently regardless of my dish habits, because there’s no right answer here

Men don’t think sex is a complicated newtonian phenomenon. Men just want sex, frequently. Women know this. They exploit this. THIS IS THE BULLSHIT. And womanizing might work better than dealing with this bullshit


I’ll take that as a compliment :smiley:

Richard Dawkins coined the phrase, and Dennet’s use of it made it popular, it’s a reference to genes but means any self replicating idea that takes root in society and is talked about at length in The Selfish Gene under his section about cultural memes. Which is quite apposite to men as womanisers and Darwin’s meme.

Hence natural and sexual selection based not on genes but memes.


“Richard, Richard, Richard! Your preaching to the unconverted by which of course I mean the converted.”


“I’ve seen a ghost, that was weird, do you believe in ghosts?”

“I hardly think religion is comparable to ghosts!”

“Damn: free lunch?”

“The free lunch delusion?”


Nice guys who don’t get laid (or get pity sex) because they come off as too needy and desperate.

Women can feel dirty by having sex with wrong men too (and by dirty I mean like a slut).

Lack of sex does not explain everything. You should also consider men who are GETTING sex (from their girlfriends or wives) and STILL have sex on the side by cheating on them, because apparently just getting it - is not enough. And this is what this thread is about, not being satisfied by having sex with just one woman. You claim women perpetuate evil by selecting bad boys, but what about the cheating/deceiving men who destroy their own families or lives of others around them with lies, just so they can keep getting laid.

It’s not exactly to keep getting laid in terms of quantity, it’s the search for quality.
One source of quality is in variation (though not just variation for its own sake).
And it’s not necessarily a rational search, more of a compulsive one. One is simply drawn to sexually attractive beings and it is exciting in itself to hit it off with someone who you have not yet won over. Uncertain, new, impulsive, in the moment. It’s addictive, and the feeling is not just limited to men.

You haven’t read my other threads, if you had, you’d know that part of the reason the female suicide rate is so much lower than the male suicide rate is because men are more polyamorous than women are, which gives all women more optimism that they can have sex with any desirable mate that they may have their sites set upon. Because women are much less polyamorous, it actually puts a plug in the male reward system, like a glop a hair in your drain… women tend to be the most polyamorous when the male sexual peak is occurring, and during this age they give bullies the most sex and then tend to want to settle down with a nice guy who had way less partners than the women ever did. Because women become more monoamorous as they age, it completely destroys any possibility that women atone for what was done to males during their sexual peak, such that as life goes on, the non-bullies still got the least sexual choice, not only that, but the purest non-bullies, men who don’t approach women or show attraction for them, because women complain about this and they are respecting female consent, don’t get any sex during their sexual peaks, you CANNOT give someone their sexual peak back! BECAUSE men are more polyamorous, the suicide rates of women all over the world are decreasing relative to men.

Too needy or desperate? Have you ever met a nice guy? You don’t think that douchbag who sits next to you and says hi with a smile isn’t needy? And besides, even if there is a correlation between neediness and nice guys, it is because they experience sexual deprivation relative to assholes… (not only do women not experience sexual deprivation on the same scale that men do, the nicest women get the most sexual choice - so really, women have nothing to complain about to this regard) but in my experience, nice guys are the ones who will go years not showing any sign of physical attraction, no pressure, normal conversation, no sexual overtones, nothing that implies a sexual overtone (which is why they can sometimes be seen as acting strange by people who don’t understand what they’re looking at). I guarantee you the ones that seem needy are the ones that BY FAR get the most sex.

Women really have no clue what it’s like to lose all of your sex to assholes, because men don’t do that to them… women also don’t know what sexual deprivation is like because men distribute the sex more equitably amongst them, when you’re dealing with men, you have 80% of them who only have about 20% of the female choice and variety, it’s such high stratification that it’s not something women can even comprehend, so they come in here and are like “Duh” “All you guys want is to get laid, there’s more to life than getting laid.” Try living in a gender that has an 80-20 rule and on top of that being in a gender where the nicest men get 0% of the sex. Try living in those condition before you go an about how men are so pathetic compared to women. The same things trigger both genders - sexual neglect - but for women - there is no sexual neglect - so it doesn’t trigger them.

It’s not a matter of dissatisfaction, it’s that the whole monogamous/exclusivity thing in relationships isn’t such a hard and fast rule in men’s sex drive. It’s like having dinner. One night you might have pizza, the next night chicken, the night after that a hamburger. If someone were to say “you must not find pizza satisfying seeing as you had chicken the next day and then a hamburger the day after that,” you’d say, “No, the pizza was very satisfying. I just don’t have the compulsion to eat pizza every night.”

Keep in mind that men’s sex drive and their moral compass are a little less connected than they seem to be in women. This doesn’t mean that men don’t have moral compasses when it comes to who or how many partners they have sex with, it’s just that to make to decision to commit himself to one woman has more to do with a decision he makes for moral reasons, and not because his sex drive is now geared towards this one woman only.

Also keep in mind that to say that men don’t mind sleeping with a variety of different women is not to say they’re disinterested in love and romance and the emotional element that’s involved in that equation. There’s a difference between these things (what I call “chemistry” or “magic”) and monogamy/exclusivity. I get the impression women find this hard to understand–that a man can be in love with several women at the same time without committing himself to one only.

Your pizza, chicken, hamburger analogy is perfect. Actually, there’s a study which showed that women have something called a 4-year itch, they were delving into the concept that monoamory isn’t natural for our species.

Fuck me.

You mean a marriage partner, sickness and Health…? My main Point was that I Think men tend not to notice how they are affected by sex as much as women are. They don’t notice what they take into themselves from sex with someone they actually do not like.

Then you probably do not need a live in sex partner. Or you don’t want to notice that you do.

Hey, you might be married to a jerk, I don’t know. But Before I took it as generalizing about women. Perhaps there is a real give and take in different ways, where you each actually acknowledge the other person as someone with feelings and some actions that indicate this also. And she is just a bitch. Or perhaps there is a way in which you see her as a hole and she sees you as a dick and a person. And so the dishes reminds her that she is more just a hole even though she sees you both as dick and person, and she gets pissed off. From this side of the planet I cannot judge. And I certainly do not Think that it must be the case that the dishes must be a shared chore.

Then womanize. Leave the monogamous relationship, do your own dishes in your own apartment or pay someone to do it or eat out and fuck women without all the (what you feel is) bullshit. If you do this and it works for you, fine. If it doesn’t that means you’ve got your own bullshit and she was probably taking care of that and you miss it or miss someone taking care of your bullshit - whatever your equivalent need to be validated that you doing the dishes was for her.

But if you Think it is merely BS AND YET put up with it, the odds are she is doing your emotional dishes in some way you are not acknowledging. And you expect it and need it and she senses this and simply does it, because you are not just a cock to her.

Otherwise you should get out of the marriage, and possibly marriage to anyone, and live the Life that fits your needs.