This is not a review or a hate thread against any of your favorite cartoon pals.
In this thread i wish to discuss several cartoons dating from the early 40’s to the 50’s.
These cartoons are workf of art and were brilliantly produced.
The first cartoon i with to discuss is “The blue Danube” which can be seen here:
The blue danube is the second cartoon.
Now many of you might be confused about what there is to discuss in this cartoon.
When i was a kid i watched this cartoon and absolutely loved it, now when i look back on it what do i notice?
Well, it’s interesting that the “ugly duckling” (black for some reason) happened to gain acceptance into the swan group through military service against a german vulture.
The 4F that got stamped on the ducklings butt was a war refrence. that was the label unfit military recruits were given.
I mean, he turned into a friggin fighter plane (an allied one).
I’m not saying this is racist, just that it is war time propaganda which plays on social norms (racial inequality) in an effort to eek out more of a commitment from the masses.
This is a childrens cartoon but i imagine many adults would have watched it aswell.
The government does everything it can to be the best war nation it can be, and they know that getting to the child can mean gettingto the parent.
The government went into schools and got kids to collect tinfoil from cigarett packages for war metal.
The thing was, they buried the useless shit in a field, they just wanted the kids to be excited and enthusiastic about the war effort.
This cartoon my friends, is a subtle yet potent example of social control through mass media.
Some people deny that there is even any war agenda in the cartoon whatsoever.
What do y’all think?
(more cartoons to come )