“It isn’t a matter of conjurings, there is no logical connection between the events therefore no logical proof that all events are necessarily subject to being observed. Indeed a certain Bertrand Russell would argue certain facts are true irrespective of their being observed. What would you say to him? Would you tell him his work was irrelevant and therefore not worth reading?”
The fact is that what I a experice with allows the possibility of all further then, allows the arrangement of all phenomenon by whatever faculties according to whatever standards. This implies that all the phenomenon of my awareness are homogeneous at their basis. Hmmmm…I wonder why this is? It is the fact that they all enter into my awareness becoming of my awareness and thus becoming relative to it. Thee the homogenous actuality lies in my awareness which is the first and foremost of all things for me because it denotes the possibility of experience itself. Inclusive in this possibility of experience is the possibility of all latter things and in this possibility of all latter things being made possible such as knowing, imagining, reasoning, or whatever else comes some conditions under which the universality is achieved. By this all things of my awareness are relative to it and submit it conditions. It requires that in order for me to be aware of all the thing I am aware of that they all have some at their basis in common and this would be those conditions provided by awareness. Following causality foward and backward the logical connection is bound to necessity as I have demonstrated many a times but I guess you ignore this fact.
“I haven’t. You have. Your description of consciousness flaunts the rules you yourself have set down.”
The only rule I set down is the Priniciple of Sufficient Reason. Awareness is unchanging and only the things I am aware of change according to my unchanging awareness. This is the only way to explain the fact that all the things of my awareness having seemingly nothing alike are intimately joined by some standard. The standard I found can only rest in our awareness alone for this is what is most immediate and allows for the possibility of experience. If consciousness were changing there would be no logical order to things everything wouls be chaos of which it is not. The conditions under awareness stasify the most primitive kind of order that being merely “presence”. Surely, we can have disagreements about all things about reality but you canot deny “presence” which is everything in everytime always.
You getting lazy or what or are you just having a stroke.
“All experience is phenomenon? You have stopped making sense again”
Experience is phenomenon meaning that it is accountable to certain conditions that differentiate from an actual object existing seperate of those conditions. The conditions of experience are a priori which make it phenomenon versus the “thing-in-itself” which exists seperate of those conditions of experience and thus we do not experience it.
“You’ve made a leap from a physicalist reading to a total reading based on nothing more than your own assertion. This doesn’t strictly invalidate your claim, but it leaves us in an aporia, where we simply cannot say anything meaningful about the truth value of your claim. It is a claim, nothing more, nothing less.”
You can determine it right or wrong by thinking it through. Do not rely on the dogmatic measures of external conditions because these were formed from thinking and all that thinking requires to be effective is understanding. If you rely on external measure your understanding is passive to the conditions thus making then useless and dulling them into futility. Think! Philosophy as Science cannot rest in copying Science but going beyond it realizing the stupidity of system building and realzing that all along the source of any sucess for us rests in our faculties nor in our created devices and conditions.
“No, you’ve simply ridden roughshod over grammar in trying to say something Kant and Sartre said far more clearly (i.e. something unoriginal which will overturn no dogmatic conceptions) and then dressed yourself up as an intellectual revolutionary to pardon your lazy use of language. Again, I am reminded of the Sokal Affair.”
Where as the foundations or such inferences? Your experience which is merely phenomenon and relative to conditions that seperate it from reality of things outside our consciousness of them. Not only this but is even farther away from my consciousness because we have this unknown reality seperating us.
“That’s it, it’s all language’s fault that you can’t express yourself sensibly or grammatically. It’s not like English is the most widely-spoken language in the world, which sort of indicates it is quite adaptable and capable of working in lots of different contexts. Blame it all on conventions you are apparently overturning in your hasty, lazy, philosophising.”
I am not blaming anything but the fact of the matter is that english is far to bound to convention because it requires such in order for the common masses with undeveloped understandings to communicate.
“You can’t. Full stop. I don’t care how long you spend reducing and reducing you’ll never, ever reach the end.”
How can you know if there is an end if you have no reached it. I think the problem is that you have just stopped based on the assumption there is no end but if you continued inspite of this uncertainity you will find there is an end. I believe this is what Kant refering to when in his quote he stated we should make more room for “faith”. I see your problem now and it rests in intellectual uncertainity in which you can either overcome like me or revert to a dull cynicism like yourself. Cynicism gets us nowhere where overcoming always get somewhere even if the efforts end up failing. This is why empiricists make horrible philosophers because they cannot get pastthe need to have things directly given to them so they just stick to experience never doubting it. In order to overcome and get to truth it requires you to doubt your cynicism and the foundations for it.
“This is patently untrue, in questionning you use words, words are learnt through habitual empirical experience. This is simply a lie you are telling yourself to reassure the nagging doubt that all of what you’ve ‘built’ is on swampland. No matter how many times you rebuild the castle…”
Questioning occurs in thinking such that it is possible to question myself and thus through establishing proper limitations arriving at an answer. All things we are aware of are phenomenon relative to our awareness and therby awarenes always having a priority over it. You present the belief that experience is not phenomenon which is false. You present the belief that there is somehow conformity between one thign one is aware of “words” and another thing one is aware of “habitual empirical experience” are relative to each other when they relativity is to awareness which formed the possibility of even considering there awarenes to each other. Both being “present” they are according to the condition of awareness which gives them a homogenous quality which is exactly why they are relative to awareness and exactly why you can even think they are relative to each other. To think phenomenon are relative to each other is really very shallow thinking.
“Faith is neither right nor wrong, it is the only solution to the infinite regress. We take almost everything on faith. You yourself use faith to tell yourself you have got the answers when you haven’t.”
There is no infinite regress and you can never no that it is either wrong or right unless you reach the end in which case you would find that there is no infinite regress. If you take an attempt at reduction like me you will find that there is no infinite regress but of course since you have never tried you will not understand until you have achieved it yourself. The believe in truth only provides that we recognize something truely or falsely to be true or false. Truth and falsehood rest inspite of believe but our believe in it establishes the necessary connection to truth to reflect upon it and bring it into represenation and thus achieving an understanding of it.
"‘their’ not ‘there’ - another ‘typo’?
Not all cultures ‘take their basis’ (what?) ‘in emotions’ unless you are now going to claim that everything is a matter of emotional experience. You can do that, but if you do then you’ve relativised your own claims, which makes your castle come crashing back down into the swamp, again"
Not a typo but a mix-up. All I am saying is emotions form the basis of what we pay attention to because emotions give us that sense of meaning on the most basic level. It is by certain emotional keys that language can or cannot develop and it is by certain emotional keys that I learn and eventually imploy language as I am growing from an infant, to youth, and so on. Not only thig but emotions have some form and much meaning which certainly given our intiative to pay attention to certain things given emotional keys that emotions form the basis of thought and thereby in consequence language. Experience does not provide any forms but only content, that is purely will which when entering our consciousness is given form on the most primitive level as anger, sadness, or happiness. The dynamics of the will granted by experience I am working on to understand through my Metaphysics which I now see possible. We could speculate that Will has certain level of strengths so that given the strength I respond accordingly. What strengths are what forms? This is the question I need a way to answer so that I can actually develop a Metaphysical outlook on the world.
“You ain’t an individual and your understanding is far from superior. Everything you’ve said here treats language as nothing more than a referential tool. Wittgenstein demonstrated about a hundred situations where this doesn’t apply, which would have to be accounted for if your claim were to be valid.”
Language is meaningless it but a form of which represent a meaning that lies within the individual. You would have to carry out reduction in order to understand this but since you wont you will never get the oppurtunity to understand what I am talking about. Sorry, Wittgenstein but you are wrong suffered from to much “Bad Faith” I guess.
“I’m not ‘calling names’ I’m describing your tactic, which is to say “Yes, but I’m smarter than you” or “Yes, but my understanding is superior” every time you are faced with a question you cannot answer.”
No…you are taking actions and inferencing on what my motives are. It is predjudice because you have no foundation to certify you understanding thus you judgements are prejudice and thereby mere “name calling”. That is really fruitless words which demonstratea believe in something which is no actually there and demonstrates no reason even to believe it is there.
“None of this answers the issue of the connection between events.”
I am aware of one event and the other my connection lies in my awareness of the events not in or between the events themselves. The possibility to look in or between events in because of my awareness itself thus in all logical circumstances all things that I am aware of reduce themselves to my awareness.
"Right, so you think it is critical and demonstrative of a ‘superior understanding’ to put words in the mouths of philosophers then refuse to cite references when asked?
Christ, you a presumptuous, arrogant person"
I cannot demonstrate my lies within me, which is my understanding which has basis in no thing you can look at because it rests in my ability to look at the writing at the correct perspective in understand. I cannot give you my perspective or my understanding. I can only give things in a way as I understand them but such a presentation is impossible to make you change your understanding and perspective to fit mine. That is why people have to gain understanding instead of satisfying there already closed and fixed understanding based in an already closed and fixed perspective. My argument follows in the lines of Bergson who understood that it is intuition that is the key because only when your understanding matches mine and not in what you understand can you understand what I understand in the same way I understand it.
“Perhaps not, but it can make it valid.”
No quality attached to a certain thing can change that thing in and by its nature. It is valid or true inspite of whatever you assign to it or whatever belief one has in it. This all relates to the fact that phenomenon are not relative to each other. The truth of something is not relative to proof and proof is not relative to truth. If you take this some example here and extend it you will found that nothing we experience is relative to any other thing we experience but only to the things which all things of experience are experienced with.
“Now you’ve turned tail and become a sceptic, thus invalidating your every claim up until this point. Hilariously bad tactics. I think that’s about 5 own goals you’ve scored.”
Actually, I am far more skeptical than you. You do realize that I beleive all of our awareness is merely phenomenon relative to our awareness and not to each other. This is quite a bleak outlook and quite a skeptical and even nihilistic one. You think I am taking ad leaps of faith when actually I am trying to destory all leaps of faith and conslidate what can be held only be absolute necessity.
“That’s it, keep telling yourself you are a special individual just because other people can’t understand you. Breath into the paper bag”
Judgements come a little prices and are worth little but perhaps a critical showing of understanding an analysis of that understanding althoght costing far more could be worth alot more.
“Nope, this is sophistry. Your assertion that you have a superior understanding and that this superior understanding is ‘more valid’ than logic is utterly nonsensical. Logic is the art of working out what is valid and what isn’t, nothing transcends its validity.”
Nothing is valid in-itself we merely attach that quality to things and in doing so we lead yourselves from reality into illusion. Understanding forms logic and logic affirms validity therefore understanding affirms validity. Yet, nothing is valid in-itself and determining the validity of things and thus whether or not would should care to understand them is dogmatic. If one removes the dogmatic assignment of validity and takes the time to understand what another is saying then one can get to the truth. Logic makes people lazy and makes understanding passive to logic, it makes it serve it as a slave his master. Some times the slave wakes up and relaxes his state and wants to be free and wants the truth. In this the slave reasserts his understanding destroying his master logic and making logic a slave for him. The belive in logic is dogmatic that is why Scholastic loved it so much and that is why Idealists and Existentialists hated it so much because it kept them from truth and intellectual freedom. You really ought free yourself unless you like being a slave and all.
“All thought takes place in language, all thought necessitates ‘external’ things”
All thoughts have a directedness to external things but it is to bad those external things do not exist.
“So now we’re back to 'I’m not writing what I’m thinking, it is the fault of the language which… is… enslaved… to… me”"
I write what I think but for you the writing can only be related to your thinking and never mine. Unless of course you would have me believe that writing can think itself…lol.
“‘you people’ - get over yourself. Nothing individual can be expressed in language.”
Langauge cannot express anything anyways it is a mere means of representation for others and reflection for myself.
“So I’m being conventional am I? Given you don’t even know what the conventions of philosophy are because you refuse to read them because they are irrelevant I consider it pretentious and stupid of you to call me conventional and assert your cliched, illogical philosophy as radical.”
You are being conventional as you hold many empiricists beliefs in common with the masses.
“Fine, but there are much more serious abuses of language in your posts”
How can I abuse language? I think you are confusing you conception of language with reality which I guess is excusable for you empirical type thinkers make those kind of mistakes all the time.
“Yet you rest on this very fact time and again because you can’t prove your claims logically (or empirically)”
“Nietzsche was wrapped up in conventions, much of his writing on ethics is derived from Aristotle, a lot of his work is basically an extension of Heraclitus, he talks about almost every philosopher under the sun at some point in one of his books…”
That is not convention. Convention as to do with the “how” of philosophy not the “what”. It is in “how” you write, “how” you think, “how” you build your philosophy etc. Philosophy is but a grouping of processes the product of those processes is not philosophy but something of philosophy’s creation always relative to it. I wrote my “Meta-Philosophical Theoretic” to establish the proper “how” in philosophy because this is what leads to the “what” in philosophy. If the “how” is incorrect then the “what” is also incorrect. My “Meta-Philosophical Theoretic” establishes the proper “how” so that one can get to the proper “what”. It is no accountable to questions of “what” but only criticism that adress the “how” of philosophy. Logic cannot be used for the determination of “what” but only understanding.
“You’ve told me explicitly that I lacked your understanding, that yours was/is superior.”
That post which you responded here with your above quote was not about that it was about the fact that without understanding knowledge is useless and that the better understanding you have the better the use one can make with knowledge. It was not about my claims to greater understanding.
“No, you didn’t. By common consensus your use of English isn’t ‘plain’ or ‘simple’ or ‘clear’.”
It is or is not inspite of all things except itself.
“This doesn’t explain how you can assess the work of a philosopher without reading it”
If there work I can see is no generally good and may have only small jems in it then it is is not really worth buying is it. I will spend my money only if the author’s book presents for me in general a good amount of useful ideas.
“Glitches? Let me guess, you are one of those AI programs designed to produce text that is meant to be meaninful that keeps messing up”
It was a glitch.
“Now I know you are joking, taking the mickey, playing a game unseriously.”
I was just trying to say be patient.
“I’m not angry in the slightest, I’ve remained calm throughout this conversation. You don’t anger me, I know you are wrong about all of this. Not because I’m smug, self-satisfied or somesuch, but because I’ve been through all this before and been taught by smarter people than you or I.”
Well, I will take your word that you are no angry but you do seem frantic in the sense that your at least no very patient and you are very quick to judge. Your quickness to judge however probably arises from your blind faith in logic and your doubt in the natural human faculties. How can a creation of a faculty be superior to the faculty itself?
“Not at all. I’d just prefer you to not blame your faults on language”
Where do you get “blame” my reference to langage was purely etiological.
“I assure you I can handle chaos. You are the one banging on about pure consciousness and the thing in itself. You are the one who is desperately trying to come up with some way of reassuring yourself that your understanding is superior because it is misunderstood.”
I hang unto reality and embrace the chaos that often comes with it.
“Let’s just say I’ll add that to the list of presumptions you’ve made and I’ll be on my merry way”
You presume that I am presuming without any reason to belive that I am presuming. That I understand something you do not or that you think I do not and do not present it would mean prehaps that it is no a presumption. Just because I do not present certain things that make make an assumption not an assumption does not mean that what I am saying is an assumption. You make the assumption all the time that I am assuming and in this I can be certain that your assumption is unfounded where my assumption I know to be founded in my understanding but merely not always presented to you. I present only as much as needed and will not give it all unless one demonstrates that he or she is worthy of such a presentation. I would only make such a presentation if I felt that individual to be at a level that the presentation would lead the person already understood as I. Those I feel do not understand I make a minimal presentation and they have to prove to me their understanding before I show my understanding fully. In this I ensure that individuals individually attempt to work to get to the truth themselves instead of just memorizing what one said and just repeating it. That is why I hate Academic philosophy because that it what occurs and that is why I limit my arguments to you is because your academic and do not present a high enough understanding to be entrusted with such knowledge.
Trust me I have another two section of my book that set the foundation for my philosophy, then build my philosophy, and finally I deal with all opposing of ideas of concern. I sealed it shut and make is absolute. It is masterful indeed something far better than I present here but you are not worthy of it.