Meta stuff

Do I have to really post a new topic everytime I post a message here?

Slow mode is insane.

Should I post in rant?

Even rant is put into slow mode.

This site has gone downhill since the new OS,

I disagree.

In other news, Iā€™m singing ā€œyay not Kamalaā€ to the tune of the Macarena song.

Slow mode isnā€™t widely used, and I usually set it to expire after a day or so (if thereā€™s a topic where I set it permanently let me know, I havenā€™t found a way to search for all currently slow topics).

Itā€™s useful when people start bickering or sniping each other, making rapid-fire replies, responding impulsively rather than thinking deeply. One or two posts like that is part of a good discussion, but too much of it makes discussion impossible. Slow mode selectively prevents the low-effort posts, while allowing thoughtful conversation to continue.

For example, most recently this thread was put into slow mode when you and mags had a 10-post off-topic chat. Slow mode stopped it completely.

Try writing a paragraph every once in a while, Ecmandu. It takes a while, but itā€™s worth it.

Thatā€™s so funny, Iā€™m singing ā€œconstitutional crisisā€ to the same tune!

And youā€™re pronouncing Kamala wrong.

Constitutional crisis has too many syllables for that to work, or youā€™re pronouncing it wrong.

Audio or it didnā€™t happen.

You smuggle in the first couple syllables and line the ā€˜TUā€™ up with the ā€˜HEYā€™.

Not sure if thatā€™s legal, but ignoring the law is on theme.


I punctuate my sentences for effect.

Like this.

2 posts were split to a new topic: View My Posts

Like this?


More like this!

As I am more likely to like the unlikable if I get more likes.

Like this right here!

Unlike this.

I like this, either.

But alsoā€¦

If all of your sentences are punctuated, none of them are.


Itā€™s just about hitting the return key.

Thereā€™s no weird paradox there like you think.

I used to write walls of text so much that I had to use so many characters that I needed three posts to make 1 post.

It wasnā€™t working or usefulā€¦. So I adapted

Do you talk like this in person? Or on the phone? Just on the fly, like itā€™s normal for your conversation style?

Iā€™m much more casual in person.

Much more formal on the web.

In personā€¦. I donā€™t want people to know what I know.

On a board that offers itself as a philosophy forum, Iā€™ll let people know what I know.

Iā€™ll add to thisā€¦

You all brought me back because I could do the job.

Thatā€™s not the right way to bring a person back.

I donā€™t want to be all powerful.

I want to go back to my sleep:

Iā€™m going to lay down real genius to you.

If youā€™re dead, you canā€™t gain or lose anything.

What sets me apart from a lot of others, is that my soul never wanted to exist.

Everyone who is alive is hurting someone elseā€™s feelings. Including myself. Thatā€™s unacceptable to me.

I did make a new plan as a work around ā€¦ but it hasnā€™t substantiated yet.

Iā€™m the mean time, Iā€™m just passing by the timeā€¦

Protecting myself from the deepest pits of hell.

None of you are doing that.

So in the meantime, Iā€™m using my time to protect all of you from things you donā€™t understand.

That keeps me from being bored.

All of you are begging for hell.

It entertains me to keep you out of it.

God co-ā€œplannedā€/determined the whole universe (the whole timeline) with our consents taken into account. He doesnā€™t agree with all of our choices, but because he is omnipotent, he leaves us free to make them, and he can always turn them back to good. True freedom is to make choices in partnership with him.

He is not subject to time like we are. We will never be able to reverse engineer it outside his permissive will.