MGTOW And The Ongoing Comedy Of Women.

New Research Proves That Women Were Gold Diggers As Far Back As The Stone Age

Man, gold diggers. Fuck gold diggers. Right? Women who just use men for their money. Terrible people. Marrying rich to ensure a life of clothes and cars and a hot tub that you have a servant to clean is about the lowest thing a lady could do.

Marry for love. Not money.

But what if I told you you shouldn’t be mad? That gold digging gals weren’t working to ensure themselves a future of obscene wealth, but just a future, a life, the ability to reproduce and raise kids. What if I told you that gold digging was as old as time, an evolutionary behavior no less ingrained in women than the desire to spread our seed about and pick up a lot of hotties on Tinder is in men.

You’d probably scoff or something and say something like, “Bullshit, money was invented by the Medicis in 1610, so no woman could have those kinds of desires inherently inside her.”

Yea, I’d say, glossing over your Euro-centric rememberance of history. But before you needed money to survive–remember, there wasn’t always money–you needed food. Food was like money you could eat. What I’m trying to saying is that bitches back in the day married dudes who were good at farming, not investment banking like they do today. But it followed the same priniciple. From The Washington Post:

Researchers recently uncovered a sharp decline in genetic diversity in male lineages across the world during the Stone Age. The study’s authors hypothesized that material gains made through early agricultural success — a proxy for wealth — gave smaller groups of related men the reproductive upper hand for generations.

“Men who had more wealth and power might have had more to offer to women,” said co-author Melissa Wilson Sayres, an Arizona State University professor who studies sex-biased biology. “Their sons and grandsons could have been more successful in the same way.”

And it turns out that men who were rich boned A LOT in the Stone Age. Way more than men who were poor.

For every 17 women who passed on their DNA, researchers could find genetic evidence of only one male whose lineage stretched to modern times.

Of course. Why would you fuck a gross smelly caveman loser who also didn’t have food? Because he was cute: Spoiler: Everyone was butt fucking ugly in 6,000 BCE.

Meanwhile, people are using this news to crap on men folk, such as our (not) friends at Slate, as though the idea that the Bros who were best suited to survive in the times they lived in should have 1. Not reproduced and 2. Respected women’s wishes to leech off their land and food stuffs and not provide sex in return (desires we aren’t necessarily sure even existed).

“More to offer” is one way to think about it, but the cynic in me wonders how much choice women could really exercise in societies that were so strictly patriarchal that a few wealthy men shut all the other men out of the sexual marketplace so effectively.

That statement just made me barf. Sure, our currently backwards and rigid sexual norms can be traced back to the structure of society long ago, BUT THESE PEOPLE DIDN’T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY WERE DOING. They didn’t know what choice is. Blaming these people for having a patriarchal society is no different than crapping on cavemen for not having the foresight to kill off the monkey population to preempt the AIDS epidemic.

Anyhoo, gold digging. It’s the world’s oldest profession, in that a profession is doing whatever you can to keep yourself alive, which in this case is ensuring you and your offspring access to food during the Stone Age.

TO THE OP: A good laugh. Thumbs up.

To ShieldMaiden; I don’t know if you are man, woman, or herm, but my take on it is this. Money based reproduction value is a form of nihilism and idiocy. Not all women are complete idiots, many are masculine and therefore rational in some way. However, the 100% woman, the woman who has no masculine qualities, is hysterical, like a clown. Clowns require much stimulation, but due to this lose attachment to stimulation and often become enlightened, content living in squalor.

So the real threat is the 75% woman, who is partially but not fully hysterical, therefore she is always reaching for stimulation but never self-aware enough to recognize her own attachment. She is the fuel of the fire of the world, worsening the human condition. She drives men to conspicuously consume, buy bigger houses, work like slaves, and pile up cars endlessly. She is Injustice and Greed itself.

The men are at work being feminine in mind and soul. Mentally most men are 75% women, mentally speaking. Therefore they see no reason why a women shouldn’t be attracted to their odious qualities, they themselves are attracted to their odious qualities.

The meat eating man is the most feminine of all, he is too masculine to be aware of his on feminine ego, and too feminine to be aware of ethics and morality, and so feminine that he aims to conform into society, but yet, not intouch with his feminine side to care about other beings. Men are the agents feminizing themselves…the rich man feminizes himself. He aims to please woman…a mediocre house is not big enough for him, he must spend and consume lest he incur the wrath of his wife. A playboy is no different, buying and purchasing more and more cars, not for himself, but for his women, if not for his women, for himself.

Men are the reason for their own feminization, their helpless submission to women, a subspecies which generally takes advice from them…men define the culture, men program women to view gas cars as “cooler” than electric cars, big mansions “cooler” than small houses, it is they who submit to the whims of women, rather than instructing women on what is right and is just, they succumb to whims of a child-like woman…men brought this idiocy on themselves, and subsequent generations have been paying the price, encountering volumes of men and women who worship materialism and are sexually attracted to materialism and nothing else…empty, child-like minds without any wisdom to be found.

Also old as civilization used to combat against gold diggers. I suggest a reintroduction within society. Cheeky bitches…

This study flies in the face of the extremely well known fact that the male population has more outliers than the female population, and thus more genetic diversity…

It may be tempting to look at this research and think it is true, but doesn’t even begin to explain what every study in social science shows.

There’s a missing variable here.

Pharma and psychiatry are run by men.
Courts, law enforcement run by men.
Most politicians, men.
Most corporate Boards, CEOs, men.

Yes, and they are fueled by the evil women who support them. Doesn’t it bother you that women claim they are full of goodness, yet routinely are caught giving love to pasty and evil politicians and bad people.? Women who claim they are animal rights activists, yet eat meat? Women who say they care about animals, yet discard and ignore friendships from people who want to help them? Does the fact that they are walking lies, does this not bother you??

A minority of men that makes slaves out of a majority of other men.

Most men have no power by comparison. Please try again.

There are more men in poverty than there are women.

How many wealthy women are there by comparison today?

Well… Women may not be the top earners, but this new economy of working women has found out that they make more more money with women as service job providers… And since the other jobs have gone foreign (manufacturing) men are sol in developed countries.

For now, yes…but when those western nations collapse however…