midnight motion

Midnight Motion

following the road
of loneliness
engines of death
passing without a
second glance

finally one takes
heed to my
outstretched hand
and slows to a
stop with the moon
like a beacon of
suffering, it’s
light reflecting off
the eyes of the

sitting down and
moving in a direction
I don’t even want to go
but it’s not important
the way he looks
at me with disgust
it feels lovely

stricken by fear
running away somewhere
exhausted and the night
is squeezing my lungs
like a snake suffocates
its pray before
the satisfaction of killing
and I tripped
he was upon me with
the eyes of a snake

thrusting out
with his dull knife
taking virginity like
life and emptying the
contents of my exasperated,
overshadowed body
damp and all I
hear is the drip on
the leaves as the car
starts up somewhere in
the back of my mind

Nice ending.