Mind blowing audio lecture/ the war against Islamic-Fascism


I suggest everyone listen to this brilliant lady at least twice. Download it to your iPod and listen. It is a bit graphic, especially in her detailing of what the muslims forced her friend that she had as an assistant for a while do to her teenage son… they tied her (the mother) to a chair, then tied her son to her lap, and forced her to behead her own son.

She also makes very cogent points about the lack of moderate muslims, and when they DO march, groups like CAIR, shut them down and say “that’s not the voice of Islam”.

On thing she mentions is how radicalized the mosques in the US are… I think they are far more radicalized than she states. according to a recent press release, 80% of the US mosques are funded and controlled by middle eastern Islamic extremists.

This is all the more disturbing when you hear the history of lebanon, as described by this christian woman who lived there…

so did anyone listen to Brigette?

If not… why?

On a related note… the takeover is in process with the forced indoctrination of our school children. And the supreme court that was lauded by the moral right did NOTHING to say it was wrong.

oy vey…

I don’t have any audio at my PC at this moment. I have a nice amp to hook up but I haven’t gottena around to doing so. Probably tomorrow.

The PC bullshit they teach never mentions that we must tolerate the intolerant. Disgusting.

With regards,


Fucking propaganda! Your own prejudices are showing Scythe.


He is reporting the facts regarding what many Muslims believe. Read their media and go to a mosque for insight. Read:

Also, try reading her book. She is a Muslim.

Then try: apostatesofislam.com/

Read what the apostates claim.

There is much, much more. Go to any Islamic web site for information regarding death to apsostates, apologies for Mo’s behavior, excuses for the stonings, beheadings, and maimings.

If you enjoy your freedoms, the freedom to speak your mind, the freedom to protest, the freedom to have your rights and walk around with “bare naked legs” (from a male Muslim blogger) you might want to become more aware of what is going on.

You once accused me of not thinking, but you walk around with blinders on believing that if you think no evil, evil will not befall you. Pure rubbish.

aspacia #-o

When I was young, I got beat up by a bunch of blacks…
I blamed the entire black race.
When I was young, I got beaten to a pulp by a bunch of Mexicans…
I blamed all Mexicans.
When I was young, I got beaten to a near pulp by a bunch of white power sons of bitches…
I blamed the entire white race.

This is all true. I’ve taken severe beatings. Been hospitalized more than on one occassion.
My response each and every time was to blame the entire race.

When I was a bit older, I was fucked over by a Christian group…
I blamed all of Christianity.
When I was working for minimum wage, I was fucked over by my boss…
I blamed all of capitalism.
When I was in love, I was fucked over by a woman…
I blamed all women.

This is all true. I’ve been fucked over a lot.
My response each time was to blame the entire group I could possibly associate to my hurt.

Sometimes we misplace blame…


What are you talking about aspacia? Blabbering about something I’m sure but it has nothing to do with me or anything I may think or say. You are speaking about yourself yet again.

Go put words in someone else’s mouth.



I’ve told you this before. Each side is being bred to hate the other. Focusing on out of context beheadings isn’t the best way to go about this.

Combat negative vibes with positive ones.


The Difference between the Mind of the Fool and the Mind of the Wise Man

“The fool thinks the cruel and harsh things seen by his mind, when it is first struck by them, actually to be what they appear, and likewise afterwards, just as though they really were formidable, he confirms them by his approval also, whereas the wise man, when his colour and expression have changed for a brief instant, but keeps the even tenor and strength of the opinion which has always had about mental impressions of this kind, as things that do not deserve to be feared at all, but terrify only with a false face and a vain fear.”

[Aulus Gellius]



My post was directed to a comment you made ages ago regarding me not thinking, and at the moment you do not appear to be thinking about much but how evil the government is, yours and mine, and how what others post is pure propaganda. Frankly, Scyth and others are simply posting what radical Muslims claim they will do and what they want. This is not distortion but fact, and the facts frighten you. Those posting the facts appear to be the ones frightening you, not those who wish you harm and deprivations of your freedoms, especially since you are female.

Remember, the post has a great deal to do with what you say. You actively choose peace. Fine, never cause problems, but sometimes the problems land on your doorstep. Simply being aware of potential problems, or potential excalated problems often will avert the problems.

I hope no problems land on your doorstep, but they very well may again. Remember the tube bombing that murdered 50 or so of your brethren?


How is something I said out of context a thousand posts ago relevant to the fact that this thread is pure propaganda? Muslims are not the problem! Saying that Muslims are responsible is like me saying blacks are cunts because a friend was killed by a black man. Or that Christians are fools because George Bush is a twit! Or that the English are dumb because they vote a man like Tony Blair into power.

Frightens me? Government? What? You probably didn’t read what I had to say on the issue of the London bombings because if you had, you would be eating your words. You’re mad aspacia. Stark raving mad.

The fact that I advocate peace is a completely different matter to accusing all Muslims of having some kind of agenda.


Sometimes we don’t place enough blame. Sometimes we get confused and think that there are races when we are all human.

They are blinded by an idealogy, that the only positive outcome is that EVERYONE in the world becomes muslim.

Do those blacks follow the writings of an insane prophet?

Do those blacks cheer and dance in the street when an attack a thousand miles away is carried out against non-believers?

Do those blacks burn embassies over cartoons defaming blacks?

NO. Your way off base, and way off target.

Blair is going to save your country from becoming Londonistan.

And how many moderate muslims have you seen speak against the atrocities carried out against the rest of the world in the name of THEIR religion?

This is absolutely true, and on top of the sites aspacia mentioned you can go to al-jazeera, and see what REAL propaganda is. You can dress as a muslim and visit ANY mosque and LISTEN to what real propaganda is.

Why is it that FREE PRACTICING muslims in Israel, are still violent towards Non-muslims? If you go to ANY country surrounding Israel, you’ll not be free to practice ANY other religion except Islam. Saudi Arabia will arrest you for carrying a bible in public. When they aren’t busy performing FGM’s, and killing gays, and rape victims.

Where are the moderate muslims speaking out against these atrocities?

WHERE LIQUID? Your country has a MUCH higher percentage of muslims than my own, have you seen many marching in the street trying to stop FGM? honor killings?

Let alone, the insanity of jihad that goes on in every country with a larger muslim population than 15%. Southern Thailand for example where they regularly slaughter the buddhists. Where are the moderate muslims in Europe and America who speak out for the buddhists and against those who “pervert” their religion?

When a black man kills a friend of yours, you have no right to blame ALL blacks, because their is no idealogy that all blacks follow to kill white people. This is NOT an issue of race. It is an issue of idealogy.

Kim Jon Il, also believes in something. He believes in the almighty power of communism to allow his country to “burn the cities of the USA”.

Great eh?

The problem is not race it is idealogy and belief. The fact is you don’t think so because you don’t understand what it is to believe. When you read the quran and the hadith it is a mixed bag of hatred and love. When they read it, they are told what to believe by the imam. The imam’s tell them that the hate words ABROGATE, the words of love. That means they have more validity in today’s world. The words are also direct from god. Do you even understand that? When the quran calls jews and christians and other infidels, apes, pigs, “worse fate than death”… it’s not a mere book, it’s the word of the creator.

Muslims are not the enemy. There is no enemy. It is all bullshit manufactured by people like Blair. You people are your own enemy.


complete and utter crap gobbo, provide context besides the anti-christian propaganda that is the “jesus camp”.

the west is being taught to DEFEND itself to maintain our culture, they are taught to HATE and KILL to propagate their culture. There is a HUGE HUGE difference, you cannot tell the difference because you are in the moral fog of relativism.

Nice contradiction… “there is no enemy, You people are your own enemy.”

BBZZZ wrong answer.

Evil does exist in the world as do enemies. We cannot stop generations upon generations of hatred that have been instilled into the muslim people, we can only have compassion for them, when we ultimately will have to fight them to defend our own culture. Hell to defend the moderate muslims, who ultimately are going to have to stand up and confront the evil within their religion.

China itself is going to have to confront the evils of communism to oust Kim Jon Il. That man is evil personified.

Fear is vain. Fear is what has allowed mankind to survive the wilderness that is out there. The world is a fucking harsh place and I am SICK AND TIRED of you moral relativists getting all squishy and squirmy when we try to confront darkness with ANY SORT OF LIGHT AT ALL. Even if that light doesn’t involve violence.

I’m not catholic… I’m not christian… but frankly the pope is RIGHT ON, when he says “It’s time to jettison the nonsense of moral relativism which emerged in the social upheaval of the 1960s”

Moral relativism is a “mana” It doesn’t exist, just like your vague, “no country” citizenship you claim in your other post on the other thread.

I challenge you fucking spineless relativists to confront a muslim and ask them WHY, they don’t get out on the street and protest the perversion of THEIR religion of so called peace.

I challenge you to confront darkness with me. But you’ve got to bring your own flashlight.

It’s not just people like him that manufacture bullshit.
Some do it consciously, some don’t.
Beware of those that do not consciously manufacture bullshit…


[size=75](see below)[/size]

Asking for special priviledges really pisses me off. Go to the end of the line, obey the laws. If your faith is that important to you, then Allah will provide. Leave if you have a problem tolerating those who do not live as you do.

As previously claimed, Muslims want a world wide Islamic Caliphate. Time to put the brakes on this bullshit.

Now, how many of the liberals on this board believe this should be tolerated?


Don’t Bring That Booze into My Taxi

by Daniel Pipes
New York Sun
October 10, 2006

A minor issue at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP) has potentially major implications for the future of Islam in the United States.

Starting about a decade ago, some Muslim taxi drivers serving the airport declared, that they would not transport passengers visibly carrying alcohol, in transparent duty-free shopping bags, for example. This stance stemmed from their understanding of the Koran’s ban on alcohol. A driver named Fuad Omar explained: “This is our religion. We could be punished in the afterlife if we agree to [transport alcohol]. This is a Koran issue. This came from heaven.” Another driver, Muhamed Mursal, echoed his words: “It is forbidden in Islam to carry alcohol.”

The issue emerged publicly in 2000. On one occasion, 16 drivers in a row refused a passenger with bottles of alcohol. This left the passenger - who had done nothing legally wrong - feeling like a criminal. For their part, the 16 cabbies lost income. As Josh L. Dickey of the Associated Press put it, when drivers at MSP refuse a fare for any reason, “they go to the back of the line. Waaaay back. Past the terminal, down a long service road, and into a sprawling parking lot jammed with cabs in Bloomington, where drivers sit idle for hours, waiting to be called again.”

To avoid this predicament, Muslim taxi drivers asked the Metropolitan Airports Commission for permission to refuse passengers carrying liquor - or even suspected of carrying liquor - without being banished to the end of the line. MAC rejected this appeal, worried that drivers might offer religion as an excuse to refuse short-distance passengers.

The number of Muslim drivers has by now increased, to the point that they reportedly make up three-quarters of MSP’s 900 cabdrivers. By September 2006, Muslims turned down an estimated three fares a day based on their religious objection to alcohol, an airport spokesman, Patrick Hogan, told the Associated Press, adding that this issue has “slowly grown over the years to the point that it’s become a significant customer service issue.”

“Travelers often feel surprised and insulted,” Mr. Hogan told USA Today.

With this in mind, MAC proposed a pragmatic solution: drivers unwilling to carry alcohol could get a special color light on their car roofs, signaling their views on alcohol to taxi starters and customers alike. From the airport’s point of view, this scheme offers a sensible and efficient mechanism to resolve a minor irritant, leaving no passenger insulted and no driver losing business. “Airport authorities are not in the business of interpreting sacred texts or dictating anyone’s religious choices,” Hogan points out. “Our goal is simply to ensure travelers at [the airport] are well served.” Awaiting approval only from the airport’s taxi advisory committee, the two-light proposal will likely be in operation by the end of 2006.

But on a societal level, the proposed solution has massive and worrisome implications. Namely, the two-light plan intrudes the Shari‘a, or Islamic law, with state sanction, into a mundane commercial transaction in Minnesota. A government authority thus sanctions a signal as to who does or does not follow Islamic law.

What of taxi drivers beyond those at MSP? Other Muslims in Minneapolis-St. Paul and across the country could well demand the same privilege. Bus conductors might follow suit. The whole transport system could be divided between those Islamically observant and those not so.

Why stop with alcohol? Muslim taxi drivers in several countries already balk at allowing seeing-eye dogs in their cars. Future demands could include not transporting women with exposed arms or hair, homosexuals, and unmarried couples. For that matter, they could ban men wearing kippas, as well as Hindus, atheists, bartenders, croupiers, astrologers, bankers, and quarterbacks.

MAC has consulted on the taxi issue with the Minnesota chapter of the Muslim American Society, an organization the Chicago Tribune has established is devoted to turning the United States into a country run be Islamic law. The wife of a former head of the organization, for example, has explained that its goal is “to educate everyone about Islam and to follow the teachings of Islam with the hope of establishing an Islamic state.”

It is precisely the innocuous nature of the two-light taxi solution that makes it so insidious - and why the Metropolitan Airports Commission should reconsider its wrong-headed decision. Readers who wish to make their views known to the MAC can write it at publicaffairs@mspmac.org. :confused:

LMFAO, Nicholas Berg tried this. Ever see the video. Gobs, you may be another lamb to the slaughter. A big lamb granted, but you don’t stand a chance if you protest the bs. Just make one negative statement regarding Islam to a Muslim and see what happens.

It has zero to do with breeding Gobs, it has to do with the behavior, silence, excuses, and sympathizing with the terrorists that the so many do.

I had zero problem with Islam and Muslims untill 9/11 and I started digging. Thought it was just another faith. The more questions I ask of laypeople (theologians never answer) the more red herrings, the more excuses I encounter.

There is a problem.

Sure, there are problems with many of the evangelicals, but they at least do not try to bullshit themselves out of answering direct questions, and do not run around massacring people. Sure there are nut, but not that many who do violence in the name of faith.


Sorry Tentative, I am being nice.

My point is that you are not thinking, or realizing the threat that exists.

One entry found for propaganda.
Main Entry: pro·pa·gan·da
Pronunciation: "prä-p&-'gan-d&, "prO-
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Congregatio de propaganda fide Congregation for propagating the faith, organization established by Pope Gregory XV died 1623
1 capitalized : a congregation of the Roman curia having jurisdiction over missionary territories and related institutions
2 : the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
3 : ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one’s cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect

Almost all people use propaganda in one way or another. If you want a raise in pay, you will use propaganda to promote this. It does not mean it is a lie.

Not all but many are. There is a problem with those who condone violence in the name of religion. This does not wash in the West, but still occurs with Muslim immigrants who attempt to use faith to avoid penalty after commiting crime. You know, those who aid and abet the violence against unarmed civilians. Those who demand the legal right to violate our laws in the name of faith. Jeffs is on trial at this moment for that very reason. Many Muslims make excuses for the violence, excuse their brethrens’ behavior, and are generally silent regarding the massacres, mutiliations, stonings that occur in the name of faith.

Faulty analogy, and you know it. If Muslims are not responsible for the beheadings, stonings, massacres of their brethren and others, who is? Are you trying to blame other individuals for the violent behavior often exhibited by Muslims? Get Real. The recent violence after the Pope quoting a Medieval emporer to supports the claim that many Muslims are violent, and condone the violence. Individuals, and those who lead the faithful who call for violence are a huge problem.

What happened to free speech? The right to criticise others, and other faiths? What happened to following the laws of the land you immigrated to?

Off topic. Bush is a twit, and so are many Christians, but most are not commiting acts of violenct in the name of God. Many Muslim’s are violent, and who is to blame for this, they are responsible for their behavior. The blame lies squarely upon Muslims to say or do something regarding this, not to remain silent as so many are. They need to speak out against the bullshit going on in their mosques, but they do not.

Hilarious, I am worried regarding the violence the many Muslim’s perpetrate in the name of Allah and you resort to ad hom calling me mad. LMFAO. Actually, violence frightens you, and you appear to be all “The World is Full of Wonderful people” when it is not, and no, it is not your government, nor any member of the West you have to fear.

All practicing, faithful Muslims do have the Qur’an and Sharia Law agenda. Read the Qur’and and the six types of Sharia law implemented that they ALL ABIDE BY. THEY FOLLOW ALLAH’S LAW FIRST, then tolerate human laws when they must. At the moment, many are trying to change the laws to suit their ways.

This is not sterotyping, this is simple fact. Go back to Noetician’s claims regarding faith for insight.

Why the emotion? Do you realize that the best seller in Turkey is Mein Kampf?

Sure, we have White Supremist groups who spout much of the same bullshit, but they are restrained by man’s law. The murderer of Theo Van Gogh had not such restraint. Know what the butcher put on Van Gogh’s chest? It is a declaration of war. I believe I read it in The Guardian.


aspacia #-o

Well then, it must be true.