Greetings! I’m sure the majority of you have read quite a bit 'a philosophy over the years, and was wondering what you recommend as the all-time most mind expanding philosophical read you’ve ever fixed your eyes upon. Internet link, book, whatever. Just something that made you think ‘Woah!’ or some other word worth an exclamation mark.
So post what you think is the best stuff, and I will edevour to read it! Thanks!
Its gotta be the New Testament mate
A young carpenter guy beams down and says -
“I’m not of this world… I’ll tell you things hidden since the creation of the world.” (John 8:23/ Matt 13:35)
So I for one will listen, how about you Spock?
“Yes I’m all ears”…
It’s possible for a person’s view point to be changed by others or changed by thyself. Once a person learns how to change their viewpoint enough they can paradigm-shift.
Morphic ressonance exists because the minds of the dead and the living exist within a certain dimension which is potentially accessable by anyone or anything.
Nietzsche’s “Zarathustra”, which, for me, put my conservative mind in a whole new universe and poet Wm Blake, who taught me that I could revere Christ without revereing(sp?) Christianity.
^0^ beergnat in residence
The rest of the links to the rest of the seminar should be apparent through the side thingy on google video. Most insane 6ish hours of my life… I’m still reeling.
That guy is from BC, where I used to live and those talks he gave were in Vancouver and then he gave another up in the Yukon or something. Anyways, I found out that he died…
So… looks like we’re relatively on our own.
I mean… I can’t believe more people don’t know about this…
He was showing some sort of thing in the first vid, that calculated our calendar to the mayan one. I want to find that, and see what mayan day it is, and what each day is for.