My thread in the philosophy section was closed, why wasn’t I informed as to why, and why wasn’t it simply moved to the rant house if the moderator felt it was inappropriate (which it was not, it was very philosophical)?
Over moderation is turning this place into a bigger shit hole. I’ll gladly be the last to go if you so wish.
Ah, so you think it’s more insulting calling someone out on their ignorance and lack of sensitivity while being passionate of your own on the subject which you issued to be discussed in a serious manner?
So if you make a thread on gay marriage (this happens to be a topic you’re concerned with) and the first responses are that gays are fags with no rights and deserve to be treated like such, and they should stop whining because we all have problems…do you think your first reaction will be on their ignorance, and will you not call it such?
Will you not then say something like “If it was you who was gay, you might feel different. This is ignorance on your part; failure of insight.”?
I have an inclination that you would. Perhaps you would even be sarcastic, angry, and present photos of gay bashers to illustrate your point.
You had no reason to close that thread. I have strong feelings that it was the content you are biased against, though you would never admit to such a thing.
Echo, everything’s an affront to you. Your thread was an observation, and your subsequent posts were riddled with ad homs. Over-moderation? Whether or not that’s going on can be left to the latest thread I’m sure you’ll create lamenting the golden years, but it’s pretty safe to say that limiting how often people call each other ignorant in place of offering an argument, or how often they express how much they wish death upon their board mates, is not over-moderation.
How many times has someone called another person ignorant in this forum? Would you like me to take count where it’s gone unmoderated?
And I said it was one of the worst things going on today that he wasn’t dead, never did I wish death upon him.
But you’re right, I made a new thread…same thread…
And apparently it’s ok to allow that one, even though all it consists of is ‘homs’.
Once again a case of selective moderation. Way to go ILP.
Sure, Sure, but you’re ignorant and I want you dead.
Oh, I’m sorry…I said ‘sounding’ ignorant to begin with, never directly. Yes, and I never wished death upon him, I said it was one of the worst things taking place.
Thank you for twisting my words, however. I hope it helped in your case.
You’re one of the brightest members we have. Please don’t tell me you can’t distinguish between a veiled ad hom and one that is unceremoniously spit out. One is obvious, the other may be “suggested” but is the same and same. This isn’t your first complaint about ILP or ILP moderation. You seem to go looking for it. You make “bad” a self-fulling prophesy. Moderation has been cussed and discussed on ILP until it is almost ridiculous, but if you want to find problems, you will. Expecting perfection from any one of us or the staff group is a bit unrealistic. We make judgement calls, and they may or may not suit everyone. What I am seeing is that no moderation suits you regardless of who or the situation. I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not. We use the lightest “touch” possible short of no moderation at all. I understand your passion on certain subjects. We’ve actually agreed on several of them. All we can ask is a bit of restraint when disagreeing with people. Of all staff, I’m probably the least “restrained” when it comes to ad homs. I’ve had to slap my fingers bright red on more than one occasion to keep from going over the line, so it isn’t that I don’t understand the impulse to lash out. Give it - and us - a break… please?
Umm, correction Echo, I said the body is not sacred, what is within is. The soul is important not the vessel. Don’t accuse others of twisting when you do it yourself. The soul is the life of the body, not the other way around.
a tad testy, Can’t stand correction and runs away to prove it. Geez Echo get off the dramatic high horse and try to calmly discuss your points not lash out with them. You would get further. Its not your way or the highway its a place to accept and learn about differences to work with differences. You can’t grow if you have to be so forceful and demeaning, chill out.
FYI I don’t hold with Chakra theories nor alot of eastern or western beliefs or theories. You jumped again with out actually bothering to question and learn.