
Has anyone here experienced anything that they would call a religious miracle?

Becoming atheist in America.

That’s hilarious! :smiley:

Well, I also read the quote in small print below your signature. I thought it made an excellent point. So then, what would count as a miracle if one happened today? What are the basic necessities to call a thing a miracle? INCLUDING IN THIS HOW A MIRACLE COULD BE VERIFIED.

I reckon a miracle would entail an occurance that defied natural explanation, and could never be reproduced, which is unfortunate, because unless I bore witness directly to such an event, I would have a hard time believing it.

Even if I heard about it, I would chalk it up to natural occurances beyond our understanding at this time.


Gregg Barden has already discovered, whilst others have recorded or observed, repeatable “miracles”.

It is as simple as this:
Reality is energetically mutable in all ways.

But, materialist-sophists have undermined and blocked out nearly all “paranormal” evidences in “modern” culture.

On the contrary, it is Newton and Einstein whom have created the unnatural theory of what is possible. And any “miracle” should be, do some degree, repeatable, if done properly.

Hey d0rkyd00d,

That’s a pretty tough definition for “miracle”.

It, perhaps, makes miracles impossible by definition. The only thing that could qualify would be the creation of something from nothing, or making nothing out of something (quite literally in both cases) which is by definition impossible.

But I think we have pretty similar points of view regardless.

How’s this for a definition: a produced effect, the mechanics of which are beyond the observation and understanding of the observers of the miracle at that time (except of course, PERHAPS, the creator of the miracle).

This might end up including too many things as miracles that we don’t consider miracles, but I think it’s workable enough for this conversation.

That said, see if you think this is a miracle: I was playing touch football with some friends. A bunch of us collided during a play and I fell directly onto both my knee caps. I was in AGONY. As I sat there gasping for breath, a friend told me to move my body back into the position it was in right when I landed on my knees, at the exact spot where I had actually landed. I told her I didn’t want to because the pain was almost too unbearable to even consider even lightly touching my knee to the ground. Plus I didn’t understand why she’d want me to do that. She gently insisted I do it, so I did. I eased my body into the position when I’d struck the ground, the pain got much worse, and when I gently touched my knee to the ground the pain vanished INSTANTLY. I got up and played two more hours of football, no swelling, no bruising.

She told me later that most times a person has to go through the motion and position that caused the pain many times before it stops and that I was fortunate that it stopped so quickly.

What do you make of this?

Nobody has any special powers. Hence, nobody ever performs any miracles.

There can of course be the illusion of a miracle, of sorcery etc. But that is all it ever is, an illusion.

Does milagro tequila count?

No, that is a punishment sent by the Mexican’s for loosing Texas.

Oh, David Hume on Miracles. Maybe not THE definition, but given the skeptical nature of most people on miracles it seems to fit quite well. Also, and easy definition to grasp if you aren’t looking for something purely metaphysical.