It’s lines like this from women that make me laugh. Wait till you’re 38
I liked this piece alot. I often debate with throwing in other artist lyrics with fiction but I mean why not?
I once had sex with a girl in a cold car outside of a party.
I tried to make light of the situation. It wasn’t passion; it definitely wasn’t love;fuck… it was barely lust. It was just a straight up hormone pump – like two junkies giving each other a wink as another line goes up their nose in a Macdonalds washroom. Anyways, like I said… I made her laugh.
The point here is optional:
A. You’re clearly an attractive individual like myself so if you want or need attention from the opposite sex learn to find it in less invasive ways.
B. Get laid and have fun. Who cares? Instead of thinking ‘this might be good for a story’ think like… ‘This might be good for an orgasm’. If you’re gonna have sex simply to have sex, it’s really better just to enjoy the moment.