Mixing, the final word

We are all of one species, the human species. Within the human species, we are divided by race, religion, gender, age, class, height, weight, occupation… the list goes on. Preservation of the species is important, (excluding homosexuals). There are three trait that are we are born with, human species, race and gender.

Gender loses significance as one gets older, gender is purely marked for reproductive purposes. Older people can’t breed, thus it loses significance.

But the other two, species and race remain with us till the end of time, meaning forever, we can never change them.

Mixing preserves the species, no doubt about that. But it destroys the race. Non mixing preserves the species, no doubt either, yet it also preserves the race. Whether one thinks the destruction of a part of one’s identity is not important is up to the individual. But for all rational individuals with the will to uniformity will find lossing one’s identity a loss immeasurable. Some idiots claim race does not exist, because there are not biological evidence supportin the hypotheiss. I say, maybe they have not looked hard enough. The existence of race is blatantly obvious to the eye, it’s existence is unquestionably undeniable. To claim otherwise is a blatant lie.

Mixing preserves the species but does not preserve the race. When I ask the question, who am I? I am confronted by the answer that I am who I am, I am my identity in its entirity. I belong to the human species and I belong to a race. It is my duty, not only to preserve the species but also the race.

Mixed children are human beings, but they do not belong to the pure races. Mixing is a temporary insanity that produces another race without connection to a preexisting identity.

Ok, being a ‘mixed’ person I find this interesting.

Let’s take a look at this quotation. With one blow you manage to completely destroy the opponants position, very powerful stuff… but just how acurate is such a simple argument? You say there is no biological evidence to support the claim that race is an illusion. Now you also say the evidence is clear when you look at someone… com’n PoR that isn’t a very good place to start and finish. I can see with my eyes circumstances, events… some would say they are the acts of God, things like that. Others would say they arn’t. See what I’m getting at… it’s like the faith you hold so dearly; there is no evidence… yet you see it with your eyes, you feel it with your body. You cannot prove it.

This is my point, I have no problem with you believing how you do, but you cannot use faith to automatically win an argument like this. You have faith race is not an illusion… I don’t. Think about it, if you trace history back far enough… everything you think you’re made of ‘racially’ begins to look like something else before it. For example if you are a native american, then you are actually from europe because way back when… they crossed the landbridge in the arctic, and it goes back farther and continues to evolve so to speak in reverse. So why shouldn’t it go forward, naturally like it’s always done. What you don’t think back in the biblical days people around the world wern’t mixing it up with other ‘races’? of course they were.

I see it as only logical, take me for instance… I’m half black (half white) but I used to live in Vancouver, perhaps the most racially hormonious place I can think of. I knew people who celebrated many different histories and beliefs, because they were comprised of so many different ‘races’. If we extrapolate on this we see that with the advent of ‘mixing’ as you like to call it, we’ll see the individual’s sense of self and history extending far beyond the limited spectrum the ‘pure breeds’ share. When you think about it, your system seems to go against everything nature would suggest. I suppose the same could go with homosexuals, bisexuals, trans and everything else. The more accepting our minds become, the less we will be restrained biologically. Think about the capacity we would have mentally if we allowed society to evolve our minds so what we didn’t categorize every concept we think about… and what could be more crucial then our sense of self?

No offense PoR… but I thought of your theory back in like grade 8, then I thought about it for a sec and was like “No that’s ridiculous”. But if you are going to argue it… then don’t base your premise on a giant leap of faith… this isn’t a religious issue… althought your stance against gays is making it appear that way.

“Some idiots claim race does not exist, because there are not biological evidence supportin the hypotheiss. I say, maybe they have not looked hard enough. The existence of race is blatantly obvious to the eye, it’s existence is unquestionably undeniable. To claim otherwise is a blatant lie.”

Well, I’m one of those “idiots” that does not claim to be. What we see with humans is mostly adaptation to weather (climate) and it may not be that big of a deal. Look at American Indians, at one time they were Chinese people. Due to climate changes they started to look quite a bit like white people.

The is no race because of this example. If a people can move to a new part of the world and change head shape and color then we are not talking about fixed biological features, but rather adaptation to the weather. So, people aren’t “supposed” to be any specific way.

In the whole expanse of human history how many “races” have evolved, how many have disappeared completely? Do you think a modern Briton looks at all like an inhabitant of the isle 2000 years ago, after countless conquering armies invaded and stayed?

If you’re going to talk about races, you might as well move immediately into the discussion of genetic strains, and the subtle differences that delineate between the physical attributes of a people. But since genes are not perceivable by the eyes alone, accept for skin tone, many assertions would be unprovable unless you were a trained geneticist, and you had access to whatever tests there are which can uncover ones genetic make up; the scientific history of your lineage.

Anyway, I believe culture is a far more important aspect of one’s individual self than the patterned path of your genetc make up.

There are different races, but these races aren’t simply a matter of bloodline. Tempers, perspectives, approaches, strengths and weaknesses can be inherited culturally or genetically.

It is amazing that the US has Irish Nazis. The Irish were not always considered fully white here, along with the French. Race is a construct that is subject to cultural changes. Once the stereotype was that the Chinese did the laundry quoting confucious in Pigion English. Now we have them as a race of ernest scholars who are the next great adversary for us. differences exist, but the word “Race” (and a few other words) has become so muddled that it is no longer practical to use to convey any meaning intact.


You remind me of Iron Dog as you say things that you can’t, or just won’t, back up. The saying does not make something a fact.

All races are from seperate planets! What makes that any different from what you just said?

You haven’t yet asked me to back up anything, I consider this accusation to be rather presumptuous and premature. Ask, and you will receive.

Do you mean ‘saying something is true doesn’t make it so’?

I said something else. I would have thought this was obvious, even to you.

hahaha i think its time to grab the pitchforks and torches and march up to ol PoR’s house!

  1. Humanity exist
  2. Race exist

dear Old_Gobbo, do you agree with the above assertions? My understanding is not based on faith, but on common sense. you are attacking a strawman. actually, my view on this issue is this, mixing preserves humanity but destroys the race, non mixing preserves humanity and also the race. clearly being a mixed human being you have no racial understanding. you brought ‘nature’ into your argument, please, a white person living in Africa will never become a black person in millions of years, provided s/he put on sun screen.

TheAdlerian, just because there were no ‘race’ in the beginning does not imply there are no ‘race’ now. people have ‘evolved’ into races and now it is up to every person to preserve that identity.

concordant, it does not matter what people looked like before, but what they look like now. stop living in the past

just as an aside, has anyone seen Hotel Rwanda? Is the ‘black’ actress playing Paul’s wife really ‘black’ or mixed?

Firstly, someone like OG or even myself are not “mixed” or half anything. We are completely unique. You aren’t half this or that.

“TheAdlerian, just because there were no ‘race’ in the beginning does not imply there are no ‘race’ now. people have ‘evolved’ into races and now it is up to every person to preserve that identity.
concordant, it does not matter what people looked like before, but what they look like now. stop living in the past”

This has little to do with my point since I never mentioned what people originally looked like. I mentioned the factors that changed people into what they are today. The weather is what is responsible for the appearance of “race” as it has been known. Until any evidence is shown to the contrary that seems like the primary factor and that is not that impressive.

By the way, what do you mean by “racial understanding?” How does that work and what are people supposed to be feeling?

P.O.R. wrote

The past is not exactly the point, instead it is that a race that once existed in a certain form has evolved over the years. The genetic make up of an average Brit 2000 years ago is much different than an average Brit today. And what of Americans, both of European descent, and of African. Most people are irreconcilable mutts by your definition, meaning that the mixing of different historic or cultural groups has advanced to the point where there is an actual “American” look. It is usually fairly easy to tell the difference between a first generation American and a 10th generation. How does one define race at that point.

In Herodotus’ History, he mentions that it was common practice to steal the women of another tribe, or group to destroy, or rather integrate that other tribe/group into their own. I’m just saying that over time definitions of race change. So your “pure races” have most likely been mixed in the past. There is no getting past the facts of history, nor the inevitable future.


you were alot smarter back then! (sorry, I had to say it, heheh)


you explain race in terms of evolution, as if race is due to the weather. maybe, but there is more to race than its practical benefits. practical benefits lead to theories of racial superiority which I don’t accept. You are missing the point that we not only have a human identity but also a racial identity, the latter part is one which you lack. I feel close to people, but I feel closer to my kind of people. I call it the will to uniformity.


I am beginning to doubt whether you actually think about what I wrote. I said and you actually quoted ‘It doesn’t matter what people looked like before, but what they look like now.’ and you go on and repeat the point I refuted with my refutation. but then, I maybe expecting a little too much from you. People looked different before because they did not protect their identity, just because people in the past mixed, does that imply we must mix today. Even if we, the current people are mixed, that does not give consent for further mixing. also I don’t want to hear anymore tribal stories, it reminds me of that Amazon tribal orgy in support of promiscuity.


You are missing the point that we not only have a human identity but also a racial identity, the latter part is one which you lack.

Really? How does this happen beyond just your mind? What if you were blinded and could not see anyone would you then feel your race? What you say makes no sense.

Also, you are from Australia right? If so then I’m sure that you aren’t as racially sound as you think that you are.

PoR, where’s your fucking mother when you need a spanking? probably out sniffing coke with her degenerate white trash biker boyfriends, taking it in the ass and screaming like an old woman at church. you sicken me.

Crap I could not help but laugh… it’s as if you stomped on him with steel-plated combat boots that have those steel spikes dipped in a slow-kill poison… I think I saw Gene Simmons wear them once.

True, environment plays a role in human development more or less the same as genetics(depending upon the individual). My ex-husband took part in a twin study 7 years back, so I was able to access a great deal of research regarding the whole “nature vs.nurture” question. Human social,intellectual and emotional development is determined partly by genes and partly by where you grow up and with whom.

Where do we all come from? We are all African…or we all started out as African. It is the theory that is most commonly accepted by anthropologists,anyways(not that they would know anything about it ):roll: …I haven’t seen a lot of evidence to dispute it. I don’t think I will, either.

What race mixing? We’re all the same race.


But I am not blind and I can see. No race would still exist, just that I can not see it. You are making no sense with your ‘everything is in the mind’ nonsense.

However, if you think race does not exist, then maybe you ARE blind, but the rest of us AREN’T.


Please just because we MAY be africans 10 million years ago, does not mean we ARE africans NOW.

You’re not smart at all… sorry I had to say it, heheh

I just want to know how you feel closer to your race? Who would that be achieved if you went blind?