We are all of one species, the human species. Within the human species, we are divided by race, religion, gender, age, class, height, weight, occupation… the list goes on. Preservation of the species is important, (excluding homosexuals). There are three trait that are we are born with, human species, race and gender.
Gender loses significance as one gets older, gender is purely marked for reproductive purposes. Older people can’t breed, thus it loses significance.
But the other two, species and race remain with us till the end of time, meaning forever, we can never change them.
Mixing preserves the species, no doubt about that. But it destroys the race. Non mixing preserves the species, no doubt either, yet it also preserves the race. Whether one thinks the destruction of a part of one’s identity is not important is up to the individual. But for all rational individuals with the will to uniformity will find lossing one’s identity a loss immeasurable. Some idiots claim race does not exist, because there are not biological evidence supportin the hypotheiss. I say, maybe they have not looked hard enough. The existence of race is blatantly obvious to the eye, it’s existence is unquestionably undeniable. To claim otherwise is a blatant lie.
Mixing preserves the species but does not preserve the race. When I ask the question, who am I? I am confronted by the answer that I am who I am, I am my identity in its entirity. I belong to the human species and I belong to a race. It is my duty, not only to preserve the species but also the race.
Mixed children are human beings, but they do not belong to the pure races. Mixing is a temporary insanity that produces another race without connection to a preexisting identity.