
The Steve Miller Band- Abracadabra

Gesaffelstein- Viol

Len- Steal My Sunshine [Clueless, miserable, shady people cannot steal my sunshine! When my sunshine is not appreciated, :sunglasses: will shine elsewhere. Can joy be defeated? Try on… Ugliness is a super power too, which tends to be shared in feeding frenzies, but there’s not enough pity in this world to transform a horror into a wonder.]





I really enjoyed that. =D>

Here’s another Alison Krauss with my crush, John Waite. A reprisal of John’s hit song all for Motor Daddy in hopes that his Sunday is fantabulous!

John Waite & Alison Krauss- Missing You

Here’s one to make your Sunday fun:


Although Country is not generally ‘my thing,’ this song was the GREATEST for a fun way to finish out my Sunday. Every time I feel cranky, I’ll return here to lighten my mood.

ABBA- Don’t Shut Me Down (New to me, one of their later songs)




Let’s see, what am I thinking?

You are thinking I don’t know what you’re thinking. :wink:



You> :smiley: :smiley: <Me

Eye in the sky was one of the very first songs that I started listening to on the radio. I love that song. I played it over and over and over.