
You might like this band Motor Daddy.

MD, do you like the band, Fink?

“Fraggle Rocker” was the “Linguistics Moderator” :slight_smile: on sciforums. He was really cool. He posted that video and I loved it! I don’t know much about them but it sounds great to me.

Thanks Fraggle!

That is a cool story. Is Fraggle still active on sciforums?

No. I think he must have died. He stopped showing up. He was an old timer.

I never heard of them, I’ll check 'em out.


Depeche Mode 207 song playlist [About 200 songs in actuality, so sweet! :romance-kisscheek: Chakra!]

Did you make that playlist or is there a list of different playlists?

Not mine. There are probably playlists available for many artists.








