month of birth and chances of attending university

Here is something interesting.

Link to article:,2-1447209,00.html

What do you think about that?

So all you people born in September and who wants to attend university have a slightly higher chance of attending university in England… :wink:


:confused: Hum, this sounds similar to astrology. More geniuses are born in February, etc.

Or how about, more geniuses are left handed.

No, it looks more relevant to the fact that everyone starts school at the same time. Clearly, it would appear that the extra months of development for the elder children has a knock on effect throughout their educational careers. It would be interesting to see if a similar impact was felt in GCSE results/SATS/A levels etc.

If I’d have been born a few days later I would have had to wait another year to start school, so I was easily the youngest in my class. Yet I had the highest ACT scores my school and ever produced (at least up til that time- I don’t know about since).

Still, that might be the “exception that proves the rule.” I agree that the extra developement time gives one an edge. I just happened to be precocious.

Do you want a medal?!

Thanks for the offer. :wink: