Do unto others as they would do unto you.
All living organisms have a right to complete an entire life cycle.
This includes vegetable life.
In this repect the only moral diet is fruit and cereals
They won’t like this in Frisco
Some might though
Plants are living organisms.
Vegetables are plants.
Trees are plants.
Fruit grow on trees.
Fruit grow and die of their own accord if they are not picked.
Animals grow and die of their own accord if they are not hunted.
Therefore, fruit are living organisms when attatched to the tree.
Furthermore, when fruit are picked from the tree, they die.
If man picks fruit from a tree, therefore he kills the fruit.
Therefore, the fruit has not had the right to complete its entire life cycle.
Still tastes good though.
The fruit of the tree is the end f the cycle, silly.
You poop out the seed and start it again. =D> =D> =D>
And when I poo it helps to fertilize the soil so that the animals I will eat later (once someone helps them end their “life-cycle”) have grass and other vegetation to eat.
It’s all a part of the same cycle.
Isn’t it nice to have someone else do the dirty deed.
All this about getting protien from meat is hokum. Herbivors manufacture it out of veggies - so can we.
Gorrillas pack on 800 Lbs of muscle without meat, dairy products, fish, suppliments of vitemen and minerals etc etc etc
We made through 6 million years without advise.
Check this link out for the perfect moral diet. Theresa Neuman, a Bavarian nun who died in 1962, never ate a bite of food or drank a drop of water for forty years. (See page 5 of the link) … eumann.pdf[/url][/url]
Listen, MagnetMan, my point had nothing to do with what source of protein one chooses.
The idea of a “moral diet” is as contrived as the notion of a “humane society”.
Humans that worry about how animals are treated while other humans go hungry and die of disease should be shot on principle alone.
If you see a hungry kid, giv’em a hotdog.
So two acts of immorality add up to…
Curses… I guess I should be shot then…
How about we give up eating non sentient creatures and start eating only our peers? I mean if you kill it shouldn’t you have to eat it? Waste not want not. So instead of burying the dead we eat them. Think about all that protein we could be using. (yes ,I enjoyed Soylant green )
Save an animal, eat a human!
You are fucking hilarious.
Cannibals are alive and well in New Guinea. Just read an interesting article regarding this group. Seems, they declare a young, choice member of their tribe to be a witch, and start fattening her or him up for dinner. Then they argue regarding who will be given the best parts.
Me, hell run the steak through a warm room, tartar steak is nice as well.
Folks, we are omnivores, ever wonder why we have cuspids? Vegans simply do not heal as quickly and those who indulge in meat. The key is balance.
Tell you dog or cat to become vegan, and see what happens. Oh, Shit, what the hell are you trying to feed me!!! Now, let us try to turn a tiger into a good vegan. The keeper will be the tiger’s next meal.
Are you nuts!!! … Wait, no need to answer that …
Hominids, in their nasty lifestyles of saturated fatty chips, alcohol, drugs, and whoever they ate the night before … are nothing but toxic.
I’ll take my red meat out of the infected and diseased natural environment … the urban jungle makes for bad meat.
Not to mention the stench of hominids … if you ever stand close to one, they reek of unending ass … then try to cover it up with fake stuff to try to deceive you into believing that they really aren’t foul and smelly.
Save an animal, kill a hominid and use them as fertilizer.
ROFL Mas, consider humans self marinating, only eat the ones that have marinated themselves with flavors you would enjoy. Me I like chips and beer. I might just go live in Ireland
Thanks for the heads up, oddly enough New Guinea was one place I have wanted to visit. Um not now. They may not have seen a redhead like me and they may want to sample.
Ok and eating your young is self defeating. A great way to teach the other kids a lesson, but tactically not quite sound if you wish to survive and expand. I can only imagine the bedtime stories.
The notion that it is immoral to kill an animal is insane.
Go ask a bear if he considers morality when attacking and killing a human.
Humans are prey too, no reason to involve morality in the equation.
I do believe we are the only species concerned regarding morality and killing, no other critter does. When hungry, even the most religious will eat what is disallowed.
Had a wonderful rare Filetto al Pepo last night. Filet Mignon cooked in brandy, and served with mushrooms and peppercorn. Damn, I can’t find the recipe, been looking for the last hour.
The problem with Filet Mignon that I have, is the portions are always too small. Love the flavor and texture. Its just not worth buying it because I never can afford enough to feed the three of us. A favorite around here are riblets, they are so cheap. It is not well known that the meat on these morsels is as nice as Mignon. Tender, delicious , yum… Pork or beef, they are goooood. They marinate easily and well. I buy about three packages of them for one meal with a bit left over for snacking on the next day. and it cost less than buying one serving of Mignon.
LOL, it was a nice splurge because I will be returning to Nevada in a couple of weeks. Has been a wonderful summer.
Riblets sound yummy. Love those pork spareribs, but never had riblets.
Immorality can be such fun, similar to sodomy.
ROFLOL==Just though of my semivegan friend and always must remember not to barbeque ribs when she is here, too barbarique, if you get my drift.
got it like a sledge hammer to a 10 penny nail ROTFLMAO
No it’s not!
That’s just like saying males become able to reproduce, therefore, when they do, that’s the end of their life cycle.
Fruit don’t STOP growing once they have seeds in them ready to make new trees. Males don’t STOP growing once they have seeds in them ready to make new people.

That’s just like saying males become able to reproduce, therefore, when they do, that’s the end of their life cycle.
Help! Somebody call a gynecologist!
Fruit don’t STOP growing once they have seeds in them ready to make new trees.
Help! Somebody call a botanist!
Males don’t STOP growing once they have seeds in them ready to make new people.
God help all of us if we did.!