Moral Question: What Would You Do?

I dont think I would have sex with her, simply because I find the chase one of the best parts.

Well, Bill, did you score or what?

You’ve had almost a month to complete your objective…or build a time machine.

I would not have tried to have sex with her. Not only because you would be attempting to have sex with a girl that is not in a coherent state of mind, but also because I find plastered women to be absolutely unattractive.

I found this question rather interesting too:

Hypotheticals are fun, aren’t they? By asking this question, you are also asking whether or not I would murder someone, just to see what it was like to murder them. The answer is no. I don’t care to know what it “feels like” to murder someone, or to rape someone for that matter. I find it interesting that some people believe that if something can be experienced, it should be. There is also value in not having experienced something. Ask someone that has had the experience of being molested whether or not it was worth “the experience”. The same goes for drug use. I will never experience the euphoria of heroin, but I will also never experience the constant pain of addiction. Do I care to have the memories of me forcing myself upon a girl? No. So in either case Bill, I would not do it.

There are far easier ways to get into the pants of a girl Billy- a little confidence, some comedy and playful teasing goes a long way… But don’t take my advice; De’trop may have more of drop on the ladies than I do. :wink:

Greetings Bill,
I’d like to start off by saying that I don’t think you came here asking us about what you should have done or whether it is moral or not. You are here because you have already made the choice, you just want to understand it, in my opinion. Am I right or wrong? I think you didn’t do anything with this beautiful girl and I think it is eating away at you now. Don’t allow yourself to do this! Indecision is the worst thing in the world, cause no matter what happens in the world as long as you have peace with yourself all is well. But indecision leads to serious tension within oneself. You are who you are, live with it. Out of all honesty, I think not doing anything with that girl was the right thing for you to do, not just because you didn’t do anything and that is who you are, but because if you are any kind of sensitive guy who truly cares about people and hence gets attached easily, then you saved yourself a lot of pain. For, once you woke up in the morning, in all likelihood, she would tell you to get dressed and get out, or she might have even told you that you were awful in bed just do goad you to get out. However, being a sensitive guy (if you are) you would have likely believed her and been much more hurt and much more angry then you are now.

In all likelihood she came to your room to fulfill her dream. She also played the oldest trick in the book on you, which is to leave something behind as though she forgot it so she would have an excuse to come back. I think, whether consciously or unconsciously, you detected this tactic which is why you went down to her room yourself. Always trust your gut feeling.

Bill stated:

What you could have done though, was to take her to bed anyway, cover her up, bring her a glass of water, and tell her that you find her very attractive but that if anything happened between you while she was drunk, you wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself. And leave it at that. This leaves the ball in her court to give you a clue, once she is sober, if she still wants you. And you don’t have to worry about a thing.

Bill stated:

When she said “Yeah I don’t think so”, I think, she was merely protecting her exposed self. She was embarassed and you had this dream thing as leverage over her, not to mention the drunk night she was plopped on the floor of your room. This is very embarassing for women, you brought it up and tried to use it as leverage - so she got defencive and said “yeah I don’t think so”. Even if she wanted you more than anything in the world, there is always self-respect that comes higher. I think your chances with this girl are good, but you have to play your cards right; while she is sober.

Bill stated:

This is a grand question of extraordinary philosophical importance. I point you to Plato’s republic for an answer. Are we just only because it is advantageous to be just, or are we just because we truly believe we ought to be just? I think the majority of guys would say the answer does change, they would have their way with her and then take back time and walk out of the room so they can get what they want and still look like the decent caring guy. Few guys would say they wouldn’t have their way with her whether or not there was a time machine. Generally speaking, I am of the latter opinion. Though I will admit, that even I have moments where I just might choose the former option = people are capable of anything.

What’s your take?

Hail de’trop,

I respect, and concur with your wise words :slight_smile:

Did not score. Fell into dreaded friend zone.