Morality in Abortion

Yo, fixed jakob the barbarian, you’re up! :wink:

As far as I understand this approach, it seems to me to frame each view within its own unique context.

The consequence of such an approach would be that views resist comparison, to the extent that highly variable contexts, and people themselves differ.

As such, I suppose the purpose is not to universalise answers across all people, or objectivise answers independent of subjective variation, but instead to compare different causes for each outlook. This defies the political aim to universalise a single law across all people irrespective of their experiences that form their different outlooks, and seems to foster a more empathic understanding and exchanging of stories to perhaps individualise legal cases and attribute blame variably across a population dependent on the deterministic factors they’ve encountered in their life.

I think Dave Chapelle was attempting to relate his outlook universally - that appears to be the intention of comedy, at least limited to the audience a comedian attracts - rather than exclude himself as a special case that gets to choose as a consequence of his unique experience and individual authentic interaction with it.
However, I do find it an attractive notion to tailor law to individuals instead of imposing a singular rule across all of society. Bespoke law, as opposed to prêt-à-porter law sounds more comfortable :smiley:

Interestingly, this ought to be attractive to the individualist-minded of us, but I think it actually works the other way around.
Individualists, who champion Free Will and personal responsibility seem to me to prefer singular society-wide law, whereas Socialists, who champion Determinism and social responsibility seem to me to prefer to take circumstances into account when it comes to law. Abortion is a perfect example, where the deontological Conservatives favour anti-abortion for all, where consequentialist Progressives favour individual choice on the matter.

And of course they each use the opposite type of argument - Conservatives talking about the suffering all the women they know who had abortions go through after, for example. And progressives talking about rights to one’s own body. Religious conservatives, it seems to me are in a very tricky position since presumably God takes these babies to Heaven - and if he doesn’t…??? So that area much be uncomfortable.
Here’s the way one Catholic keeps it ‘up in the air’ so to speak… … o_heaven_/
But notice that this undecided format should still be very disturbing, because either babies get to Heaven and are happy forever, which is really not something to get worked up about OR God treats the innocent as poorly as abortionists do. But because it is undecided I think most Catholics probably avoid noticing that either possible conclusion is problematic.

I guess my point is that everybody is rather ad hoc. Progessives probably judge conservatives, on this issue, for their epistemology. But in the end they rely on apriori knowledge also. And conservatives tend to think progressives have no values, but they are actually remarkably similar to the Conservatives.

Unless someone is able to construct an argument aimed at including all abortions – a universal morality? – that seems reasonable to me.

Provided of course that the argument is able to be demonstrated as, for all practical purposes, applicable to all unwanted pregnancies.

The comparisons here would seem to be only more or less applicable. Obviously, in any particular historical and cultural context, there are going to be factors that overlap. But the closer you get down to the individual experience, the greater it would seem to be distinct from the experiences of others.

For all practical purposes what else is there? It’s just that for me and my ilk, we are still down in our holes. Each of our individual “selves” being fractured and fragmented beyond being able to embrace one side or the other. Instead, we can only acknowledge that given conflicting goods both sides [all sides] are able to propose reasonable arguments based on conflicting sets of assumptions regarding that which is said to constitute the “human condition”.

In fact, the focus on empathy in relationship to human morality was explored here in a Philosophy Now book review: … d_Morality

For me though, empathy, while clearly embedded in human biological imperatives, is no less rooted memetically in dasein, conflicting goods and political economy.


I already gave a proof for pro choice in this thread.

You thought that impossible. So you’re slowly being backed into a corner by me

Now it’s “what about a specific woman?”

The whole point of pro choice is that we don’t dictate those decisions with some algorithm

You’ll never find this proof by definition.

So really, to ‘make your point’ you’re debating people to the absurd.


That is an easy thing for you to say but you cannot really know that and since it cannot ever happen (at least I do not think that it could lol)…
How much of an "adult’ can you be if you would allow your mother to go back and abort you? Why would you not fight her tooth and nail?
You seem to greatly value everything in this forum, from your perspective, which you put in here as being real and truth and yet you do not value your own life in such a way?
You do realize, do you not, that if you allowed your mother to abort you the world could never, would never have known all of your so-called truths? It would be as though they had never existed at all?
Is there not a kind of selfishness involved in your just allowing her to destroy you?
Would she not in some way be violating your consent and would you not in some way be violating your own consent to exist?


Most people are innately, existentially, frustreted that they never could have been born.

These are the people that we don’t want to populate the earth.

Yes there is 5th dimensional space and time where these decisions can be made

You dont need to access another dimension of space and time if you regret ever being born
As there is suicide or death by natural causes that will take care of that particular problem
Also you could give your life purpose or meaning so that you did not regret ever being born

I’ve given it to you in proof form, but still, instead of responding to the proof itself, you keep saying this over and over again!

We don’t die dude.


Sing it with me, E: you can’t kill me

Alright let’s go…


Did you mean to say that most wish that they had never been born?
It is possible, perhaps even probable, that at some time or another many uttered those words but they were only said in frustration or when they were feeling powerless - they were not really meant. Despite that, they continued to struggle and live.
Stop trying to find the rabbit in the hat ~ it just is not there. Instead, show me your statistics on this? Show me the evidence for this. Real evidence which I can read. There is none!

Oh really now! Speak for yourself. What a miserable, inhumane thing to say, Ecmandu.
You are sounding like Josef Mengele here.
So what are you saying here? That you would annihilate those people who are feeling powerless,who are so far down? You would not try to show them another side to life, to lift them up, to give them hope?

Unfortunately, your so-called decisions were made in our dimensions and what happened there, Ecmandu? Humanity fought back and eventually we won over one of the most evil times in our history. Men and women gave their lives so that Nazi Pigs could not eradicate people who they thought ought not to exist.
Today, there are other so-called Pigs of different names and humanity continues to struggle and fight these.

Life does hold a whole lot more value and meaning than you and others feel. If that were not the case, people would not be courageous enough struggling to find their way in the world and to live.

Yes, very curious. Perhaps he’s trying to make it look as if more than one person is interested in VO?

I’m kinda sad the Trio Fantastico gave up on their enthusiasm. I was looking forward to the deeply intellectual discussion.

Very funny. He thought the case is closed. Are you telling us it is not?

Dave Chapelle isn’t subjectivizing the issue, he’s merely relativizing it. The guy is merely laughing at the idea of a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to abortion (and probably many other things in life.) What he’s saying is “What is objectively right for one person in one situation is not necessarily what is objectively right for another person in another situation”. He’s definitively not claiming there are no objective oughts i.e. that you can’t use reason (or science or philosophy or whatever) to discover objective good/bad and right/wrong.

I think that’s Jakob’s train of thought just as well it’s just that he’s not communicating clearly. German philosophers (Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, etc) are prone to that sort of stuff. He’s definitively not telling us that there are no objective oughts. That’s crazy. Here’s one: “You should eat if you want to remain live”. That’s an objective ought. Don’t eat and you die. See it for yourself if in doubt. Jakob is merely saying that if you’re morbidly obese you shouldn’t eat the way you should eat when you’re fit.

So how does this relate to your own problem of dasein? I have no idea. I don’t think it does. I think the core of your problem is your need for consensus – the utter inability to think independently from what everyone else thinks. The trio didn’t even come close to it.

Here’s an important passage, Jakob:


I interpret this to mean “I do not deny the existence of objective morality, I am only saying that no one has been able to convince everyone (or at least the great maority of people) that what they think to be objective morality is indeed what objective morality is.”

He’s asking you, Jakob, to pick any moral statement you hold to be true or false and then convince a relatively high percentage of human population that it is indeed true or false.

If you can’t do it then I think he’s going to tell you that your philosophy is of no practical value.

It looks like an either/or fallacy to me.

Either your philosophy can be used to make everyone agree with your philosophical beliefs or it is of no practical value.

Okay, Jane is convinced that it is objectively right for her to have this particular abortion regarding this particular fetus in this particular context.

Jim however is equally convinced that he is objectively right that this abortion is immoral. And that it should therefore be illegal. And that Jane ought to be punished – after being convicted of first degree murder? – if she aborts the unborn baby.

So, using reason and science and philosophy what is the objective good/bad, right/wrong thing to do here?

To me this is same old argument about there being no universal morality in regard to abortion but that we can go from one individual context to the next and determine the objective truth each and every time.

You and I have gone down this road before. There is [in my view] a distinction to be made between what you ought to do if you don’t want to be faced with the choice of aborting or not aborting a baby/clump of cells.

But if you do all that you ought to do to avoid a pregnancy and become pregnant anyway – a defective contraception, rape etc. – then the ought question can shift to others in turn. Jane believes she ought to have the right to terminate the pregnancy while Jim believes the state has the right [under the law] to arrest her and try her for murder if she chooses that.

Then back again to using reason and philosophy and science to pin this down definitively.

Dasein as I understand it revolves around particular facts that can be demonstrated as true objectively in regard to Jane and her unwanted pregnancy. But, far more crucially, it revolves around our reaction to those demonstrable facts when we use them in an attempt argue for objective moral conclusions in regard to Jane choosing to abort her unborn baby/clump of cells.

If you’re asking me to make everyone accept my moral beliefs then I am afraid I have to disappoint you for I have no such super-powers.

If you’re asking me to prove to you that my moral beliefs cannot possibly be wrong then once again I have to disappoint you.

What I can do, and only up to a point, is explain to you why I think what I think. Another thing I can do is explain to you how beliefs are formed and what makes one belief more valuable than another and how. But, it appears to me, these sorts of explanations are of no interest to you.

No, what I am suggesting is that philosophers, using the tools at their disposal, do not appear able to provide us either with a universal morality applicable to all abortions or an objective account pertaining to each particular abortion in its own unique set of circumstances.

Further, I am suggesting that, here and now, you own moral beliefs are more the embodiment of the manner in which I construe dasein in my signature threads. “I” as an existential contraption derived from the actual sequence of experiences in your life. And, that, given new experiences, relationships and access to ideas, you may well change your mind about many of the things that you believe about the morality of abortion here and now.

Okay, in regard to your current belief about the morality of abortion, gives us your own rendition of the sequence I noted here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=194382

In other words, the part where the tools of philosophy meet the actual experiences in your life intertwined from the cradle to the grave.

iambiguous, I think something instrumental in contemporary politics that resists your philosophy is the “First Past The Post” voting system.

The Nash Equilibrium of this voting system is a binary polarisation. This encourages thinking in opposing absolutes from the top down, which is in stark contrast to your philosophy, which embraces circumstance in a spectrum as wide as the number of unique people in society.

This will be why the abortion debate in politics is an either/or pendulum swinging from one extreme to another - whereas what you’re suggesting, put into practice, would individualise each case specifically to each individual.

The advantage of the current political climate is that it’s as simple and crude as any system of absolutes, making practical application as uncomplicated as possible.
The obvious downside is that the lack of nuance smashes through the issue with all the delicacy of a sledgehammer.

So whilst your philosophy would benefit from being maximally appropriate, the practical implications of tailoring the legality of every instance of abortion or lack thereof to each person specifically sounds like an administrative nightmare, that inherently defies oversight and accountability, because with all cases unique - there are no cases deemed equivalent to test outcomes against. How do you know unprecedented outcomes are optimal? There is no standard.

A compromise then - perhaps. Current politics are clearly going nowhere (perhaps that is the point? - such debates are often seen as mere distractions or conveniences for political branding), where an array of case categories could be laid down, to which specific cases are matched. Dasein is thereby approached as far as pragmatically possible under the conditions that limited legal resources and principles of accountability allow.

On the contrary, even in regard to the moral judgments that pertain to each individual abortion, “I” is deemed by me to be no less an existential contraption. “I” is thus seen to be no less fractured and fragmented; and no more able to resolve the conflicting goods at the very heart of the abortion wars.

I’m not at all sure what your point is here. But mine is that sans God or a secular argument able to be demonstrated as in fact establishing an objective morality [universally or on a case by case basis] the best of all possible worlds is still moderation, negotiation and compromise. Re for example roe v. wade here in America. Democracy and the rule of law. But even here the components of my own moral philosopnhy don’t go away. “I” am no less down in my hole fractured and fragmented.

Actually, this is my point in regards to those who reject a universal morality but insist that conflicting goods here can be resolved on a case by case basis. For all practical purposes the sheer number of variables alone would collapse each and every effort.

Yes, there are pragmatists such as Karpel Tunnel who configure their pragmatism in such a way that they see their own particular “I” as less fractured and fragmented; and not nearly as far down in the hole as “I” am.

But then they don’t construe “I” here in the manner in which I do in my signature threads. They don’t react to the fact that given new experiences, new relationships and access to new ideas “I” [in the is/ought world] is always subject to change at any time. Not as I do.