More Clemency, please!

(An incomplete thought …with apologies to Ichthus for previous ill attempts… please add & amend as needed)

'Twas the night and my missus,
and me, her dear spouse,
Suspended our kisses
and buttoned the blouse.

Descending we ventured
unto the living room
To supplement gifts
for the prize of her womb.

Three hundred sixty six
shopping days until Christmas.
Was there something yet needed?
Were there joys that still missed us?

We set-down the star present
from a long absent saint
And wondered what would be
our child’s next complaint.

LED lights emitted
their pale bluish glow
Through evergreen branches
that e’er would not grow.

When what to our secular
views might arise
But an ecstatic Spectre
in rapturous guise!

It asked us what greater
prize could we conceive
Than that which was given
'tween two who did thieve…

Expressly I pondered
if death were a gift,
Then espised the Fir tree,
its fragrance I whiffed.

The sap it so slowly did
distribute its stick
Upon the bark surface,
and needles did prick.

Then suddenly shook
that coniferous pawn,
Confronting the Spectre,
its cones strangely drawn.

“The point of the ending
is not that it’s given,
But in what is forsaken
while we are still livin’.”

Oughtist, don’t know what your apology is for, as I don’t understand half of what you say. And that’s not just because I have to consult the dictionary every five words.

The eagle has landed.

Roger. Over and out. Mononucleosis and perspicuity, arivederci (sp?)…


I think it’s brilliant.

:-k onomatopoiesis? a baloon? a cat wish a shpeech dishorder? …what?
btw, the apology was genuine; unfortunately, it was still raining outside, I guesh…

Smears: Oh p’shaw!

pssht… the sound a walkie talkie (prob’ly a better name for that) makes when you aren’t pressing the button that allows you to talk (and be heard), and the guy on the other end isn’t pressing that button… seven year old boy would love that sort of thing… if you know one…

Stole it from Orange County [edit: correction: Saving Silverman (edit again: I don’t recommend that one!..been a long time since I saw it last, forgot how it was…)]. Jack Black is [edit: still] my hero.

If ever you give a genuine apology, Oughtist, you have my genuine forgiveness. On tap.

Time flies by… Spring’ll be here before you know it.

Merry Christmas-Eve!

Aw Crap! I HATE being unforgiven!! Damn You, Ichthus, and your conditional agape!!! In the meantime, Happy New Year to you & your clan! :teasing-tease:

p.s.(sht)… 10/4! Good one! You do Mr. Black proud!

“on tap” means it is already there… you just won’t fully enjoy it until you willingly accept it… iow… are authentic…

It’s all in my paper.


…and a happy new year to you and yours…