More ILP Sex!!!

LMMFAOROTFL … what a class act you are …

I would say that we are finished here, I am feeling quite manly at the moment, but alas, your counterpart, the lady of Bessionus, has not presented her opines of the matter …

Would it really be fair to close the case without her input?

Or, you could just carry on in her absence, you know, just to fill the void … :blush:

I really should be ashamed … but I’m not … LMMFAO :evilfun:

I’m pretty much only interested in girls. So, take that as you will.

Hmm, means you are either a glutton for punishment or too hormonal to care? Girls are more problems then women and a heck of a lot more expensive. :laughing: :laughing:

women are [size=200]way[/size] more trouble then
they are worth, but with that said, I have no, zero, interest
in sex with men, so by default, I must say, I would
have sex with women. If only they would shut the hell
up after sex. Jeez Louise, they never stop talking.


by girls I mean females.

hetero. (sorry ladies…)

hetero, but i think i’ve complained enough on this site to point that out.

i seriously complain too much. i should really stop. :confused:


Oh yes.

Hmm, by not being picky you are a glutton for punishment. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: sorry just playing with you.OK :laughing:

I am into girls, transsexuals and beards. Not necessarily in that combination.

I’m sexually confused actually. :blush:

Sex with another male is atrocious. Oh but there are so many sexy men!

Paul Riser, the Phantom of the Opera (movie). Those manly men! I have other women that gawk at me when I get offended by their taste. Ugh, those bitches in love with Green Day. Nice music, ugly people.

And I agree with Kropotkin. But it’s not talking after sex. It’s EVERYTHING other than sex. Okay. Other than sex, foreplay, and cuddling.

why blush?

i find ‘sexually confused’ is probaby the best way to describe myself too.

I just broke up with my boyfriend (like 3 days ago, we had been dating for like 4 years. holy shiat) and i’m already in a ‘rebound’ with this fantastic girl.

Its really not about the sex of a person with me I think - its who they are and where they stand on issues. Like, I’d be much more willing to date/sleep with a guy/girl that started talking about metaphysics (and knew what they were saying…) then just some incredibly sexy person.

Geez, looks like I never weighed in on this one.

I’m forty-eight years old, so it doesn’t matter.

By definition, I am rather ‘asexual’, though I have a keen interest in love which is not clinging & insane, thus he askith for nothing, takest away nothing, and shares what actually is.


YaRR, look out for the gate seal of the lincobi. :laughing:

If you fuse the energy from your navel chakra, your crown chakra and your base chakra, all at once, then open the gate to the “white light”/“infinite love” thing which most NearDeathExperience people “witness” as they “pass on to the other side”, but make the physical “string”/psychic-link cave in on itself, you can pull life force/spiritual Aether OUT instead of naturally being pulled IN, and from this, one can “Generate” spirit/life-force, and use it, coupled with will and mind-essence, to create anything from a ghost to a demigod form, or even a form of healing energy.

Does something like that count as “metaphysics”, “crazy crap”, “religion”, “enery manipulation”, “mind extension”, or pure “occult”? What do you figure?

Hormonally confused might be better than using sexually confused. The mechanics of sex are pretty straight forward plumbing. Tab A goes into a slot of your choice. Now if you have only slots and no tabs and you get hooked up with another one with only slots you can go to the local hardware store for these problems and purchase a tab of your preference.

Confusion ends :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The real confusion exists within the fact that object, action, meaning and intent are all seporate things; this is why nihilism and sexuality were meant for eachother.

It doesn’t matter who does it, what he/she/it/they do, where, when, etc… compared to why.

Throughout the entirety of human actuated instinct/programming, the human “being” does the “right” things for the “wrong” reasons. “Reasons” themselves are merely dualities and “refinements” of a nature which is more pure without such. Chaos consciousness is replaced by indoctrinated linearism, so that the sheeple can be controlled BY WORDS AND IDEAS.

I’m heterosexual in that I am unable to resist getting hard at the sight of a well-rounded, firm, female rump.

Other than that, if it were not for procreation and mortality and the compromises it forces, I would have no interest in women whatsoever.

I find them boring, superfluous, hypocritical, predictable and shallow.
But they can be comforting and distracting….like a pet.

But that ass……ooooh that ass……

LMAO I know a number of men that fit that description, quite a number.

You love IQ, and don’t throw yourself into the death-throughs of cyclic emotionalism, correct?

“Procreation” and “Morality” are not needed anymore, in some ways.

I have seen “educatable retarded” women getting much “love/sex”, and I was shocked… they could barely talk, but they could fuck. Lol. And I think they could feed themselves, etc.

But lets bipass banality for a moment. Haven’t you met any particularily smart women before?

Also, fear, and arrousal, are thought.
If you never think aboud loss, defeat, etc. then you can’t really have stress in your life and self-sabbatoge wont happen as much. Emotions happen because of thoughts, and thoughts happen by means of what one focuses upon/views/exposes themselves to.

I’m talking nonsense…? Trying to figure out how to weezle around deep genetic programmed instinct. But by default, you can use overstimulus to gain a form of gnosis and then fire a sigil or something, at that time. So yes, it can still have some “higher reason”. Non logics can be used to paralize certain filters on the mind, which normally block certain powers/forces/states-of-consciousness.

Nonsense me feep!