More Inconsistencies?

Has anyone ever examined the following text and questioned its inconsistency?

In this passage, ‘he’ refers to Jehoram and he was 32 when he began to reign for eight years (making him 40).

The very NEXT verse reads as follows:

Jehoram was 40 when he died and his youngest son was 42!?! :astonished: Did I miss something?

What are you getting at?

Only one sentence inspired by God in the Bible would suffice to overthrow atheism.

  Yes. The NIV and NASB versions of the Bible have the age of his son at 22, not 42.  Check it out. [](  This is one of several places in the Old Testament where some of the manuscripts are in disagreement about a single character in a single verse. Since the KJV was written, we've found better manuscript evidence, and most of the Septuagints have 20 or 22 as the listed age.  The 22 figure can be verified in 2 other languages, so that's what modern translations use. Nothing to get real excited about, is it?
 You know, it took me all of 30 second to find the answer to this on the net. If you Google "+jehoram +contradiction", the [i]very first link [/i] you get gives you this information. It's amazing how hard a mystery can be to resolve, when we don't actually want to resolve it, eh?

Hey Ucissore, appreciate the info but certainly do NOT appreciate the condescending attitude that I got from your post (if I was wrong, then my apologies). I googled the information and was unconvinced by the first link (Christian Courier).

All of the following translations show Ahaziah as forty-two (42) in 2 Chronicles: The American Standard Version bible, the Douay-Rheims bible, The King James Version, the NEW King James Version (an original translation that used the Hebrew/Greek/Aramaic texts. NIV is a decent translation but it has its faults like any other. I will take the KJV and the NKJV over the NIV nearly everytime.

To answer Samkhya’s question: The point is that for those who believe the bible is “godbreathed” and is the perfect word of god this could be used to reason that perhaps there are flaws in the bible… Read 2 KINGS 8:26 where Ahaziah is twenty-two years old. INCONSISTENCIES! That’s the point.

You know… it’s amazing how condescending we can be when we want to, eh? (again my apologies to Ucissore if I misunderstood).

 The whole reason you started this thread was to point out that the KJV has an [i]error[/i] in it, so what are you talking about 'taking it' over some other translation? You started this thread to deride the KJV, not sing it's praises.  As you pointed out, the KJV has an obvious mathematical impossibility listed. As the website we've both seen now points out, there are manuscrips in several languages that don't include this error.  So, what else is there to say but that other translations record this verse more accurately than the KJV does?

After some reflection I understand that in this case the mathematical inconsistencies are likely a mistranslation by the KJV.

Unless I find evidence that suggests the KJV is accurate I must conclude that you are right and I respectfully withdraw.

Thanks for the clarification. :slight_smile:

any translation is going to be flawed that’s why it’s best to read them all and absorb them…

if you want the truth of the matter learn hebrew and aramaic.(sp?)

as for the NIV being a flawed translation? certainly it takes a conservative spin on some things but not as bad as the NLT.

Hey uccisore,

Is there a source delineating all of the linguistic inconsistencies in the bible? Maybe a collection of links that covers the whole gamut? That would make a good reference sticky since this issue pops up all the time. It would answer those questions and leave us time to squabble over literal -vs- allegorical interpretation. Of course, that’s where all the fun happens. :laughing:


I haven’t found a source without an obvious bias- all the listings I know of on the Net are either listing all the alleged contradictions with the intent to explain them away, or else listing them with no attempt at explanation, in order to disprove the legitimacy of the Scriptures. I don’t know much about the anti-Bible stuff, but one of the best webpages looking for resolutions to questions about Christianity is

A good neutral site for Bible study in general is

I use at least one of those two sites 90% of the time when the occaisional Biblical criticism is floated by here.