Moron Methods & Motives

I think Satyr is more angry with -how- a person “challenges” him, not that he is challenged.

He seems to welcome (quality) challenges, from my point-of-view. But this requires intellectual honesty, like, defining your terms and premises up front.

Being evasive, and then backbiting, yes he won’t treat you very nicely, which is warranted.


Imagine being challenged by idiotic infantile declarative crap. and excepted to respect the source.
Imagine refusing to take an infant promoting Santa Claus and then accused of being authoritarian because I did not accept the child’s Santa perspective.

Where does one draw the line and refuse to lower themselves further?

this cunt doesn’t even know what my positions are, let alone threaten them or being able to challenge them.
She simply dismisses, mocks, taunts, negates across the board…
She does nothing else.
Then she quotes and ads her trite idiotic little commentary, signaling that she reads…but even there she is dismissive patronizing…nullifying.
There is only one answer…all know nothing…
Nothing is all we all know.

Neo-Marxist methodology…
Do not confront the system - ideology - directly; subvert it from within.
Participate, pretending to belong, and then promote suffering, disillusionment, uncertainty…until the mases rebel and are ready to be assimilated into the collective.

He pretty much excludes you and anyone else that does not completely agree with everything he says.
So nah. You seem to be falling at the first hurdle here.

I had not noticed.
Where is your evidence?

But you are still excluded if you know something.

Why does “she” bother you so much?

Self-righteous hypocrites irk me.
I despise hypocrites and pretentious morons.

And it’s fun to smash a retard who thinks highly of herself.

I also study human nature, and these psychotics that gather on ILP are fascinating.
The dull ones…are less interesting.
The real crazies are also entertaining.
Like iamastupidcunt, like Ecmandu, like shit-Stain

Keep your names out of your mouth.

The quality of a society is observed by its loudest speaker.

The higher the quality, the lower the tolerance for bullshit, grifting, and Abrahamism.

[insert aphorism flash bang]

Morons quickly run into contradictions, hypocrisy, and nonsense, signaling their lack of reasoning and intellect. They can’t work things out or rationalize life, inside their head. They might be able to tackle small problems and life experience, but a small rise in complexity and they give up. Children and teenagers are ‘assigned’ their IQ level, while developing. By the time a person is 18, s/he knows, mostly through her peers, friends, family, teachers, students, etc. whether s/he has intellectual potential or not. Some are convinced that they’re much smarter than they actually are. These are the types that tend to embarrass themselves publicly, common on ILP.

Morons have a need to be Seen and Heard, but must compete against much more intelligent, rational, and reasonable people. It’s a basic competition in life. Stupid types who are stronger/larger, tend to use their voice in public to shout over others and challenge anybody through yelling matches. These types, although they might appear physically intimidating at first, are simply emotionally driven. Like on ILP, appeal to emotion fallacy is commonplace. Most here want to “fit in” and “be accepted”, more than the (Objective) task at hand…doing philosophy, and being competent at philosophy.

It’s a difference between Objective-motives, versus Subjective-motives. Is your mind turned inward, focused on boosting your own Ego, your popularity… or is your mind focused on something External to yourself, a Goal, an Ideal? Truth, perhaps??

It’s easy for the intelligent to outshine and humiliate the unintelligent. But is it worth it? The fool is spiteful, hateful that you stole his precious Attention and spotlight. This is a large brunt of resentment from the inferior toward the superior. This is why the masses of humanity must be spoonfed, with sugar-pills, nothing too bitter. And their Egos must be soothed, as a parent coddles their infantile child, stroking the dull mind as you would a house pet.

[insert polemic flash bang]

It’s easy, no?

Genes to Memes,
In Nature as in ILP.

In nature, mammals expel group members based on weak/unfit/dysgenic DNA. At a certain point, an individual’s quality is too low. Mammalian females sometimes kill their young, Infanticide. Human females do the same, Abortion. If an Unfit child is birthed, and grows, then it continues to create a Lag/Burden/Impairment/Hinderance upon the group/society. This can be observed on ILP and memetically. Which ideas are worth considering? Which ideas do you want inside your head, good ones or bad ones? What type of discussion/debate do you wish to have, a stimulating and riveting one? Or a boring and pedantic one? Do you wish to learn something, or not?

So investigate the mechanism of Expulsion. Why do some groups, Human Politics, include more and more and more Unfit persons? Why does humanity weigh itself down, to the absolute limit, testing the buckling pressure? Is society worth destroying and breaking, to keep “everybody” aboard? These are in herd/pack, mammalian instincts. You can convert this -directly- to memetics, to a microcosm.

The moron, because he is Unfit, lowly intellect, has a maddening compulsion within him. #1 he knows that he must not be “found out” for the fool that he actually is. #2 he knows that expulsion from the group is certain death. He will not survive on his own. He is dependent, thus more ‘female’ than male, thus more ‘child’ than adult. If his Unfit genes/memes continue to survive, and perpetuate, then what is his resulting Psychology? What does he do, thinks, say, believe? Would he not be All-inclusive? Would he not be ‘Humanitarian’ to its absolute limit? Would he not demand that everybody be included except for the very Expulsive instinct and individuals which keep the group health, functioning, cohesive, and intact??

So easy a moron could do it.


No, seriously.

ILP and Know Thyself.

Two utterly insignificant online “philosophy” websites that have virtually no impact whatsoever on the world we live in. And here he is creating yet another thread about me. As though so much is riding on him being able to convey to the world how iambiguous really is this “moron” that he has concocted “in his head”.

Me, I’m waiting for godot. I have absolutely no illusions whatsoever about my contributions here. On the other hand, with the Philosophy Now forum at least there’s the possibility that “real life” philosophers might read my stuff and [perhaps] offer me some hope of being able to yank myself up out of the “hole” that “I” have dug myself down into.

Satyr? He comes to what’s left of what was once an actual philosophy venue…one month a year. And this pathetic “paper tiger” still seems convinced it’s something that is really, really, really important. #-o

Meanwhile over at his own clique/claque he accounts for 99% of the posts. And is still so insecure that as soon as someone does actually challenge him, he bans them from the forum!!!

The goal of iamastupidcunt, is all-inclusion.
This is why she appeals to the “other”, this is why she constantly admits that she may be wrong.
She is virtue signalling, appealing to the fear of being excluded from the herd.
She’s saying: you are wrong, i am wrong - because there is no truth - so let us come to a compromise and each tolerate the others error.
so if you don’t offer an absolute certain truth, then all are equally wrong. That’s ideal because now we can come to a compromise and agree to tolerate each others idiocy.

A “fulminating fanatic” objectivists, is one that excludes, without offering an absolute final complete truth.
She equates truth with popularity, and appeals to the “other” to gain popular validity.
She admits she may be wrong, signalling that no absurdity will be excluded. All weakness, all stupidity, is welcomed.

She wants to build the largest herd ever…humanity as a single herd.
She triggers innate, primal anxieties about being ostracized or excluded… certain death in nature.
She will embrace all if they tolerate her ignorant idiocy.

Let’s support Mary Land - the litmus test of abortion, of bad judgement - because we will all find ourselves in her situation and will need the help of the herd.
Someone to bail us out of a bad judgement call, a bad choice.
This is her psychological appeal to the herd, to weakness, to mediocrity.
She has no clue about anything.
She refuses to define the terms she throws around because this will expose how clueless she is - and by defining a term contradicts another’s definition…and her idiocy wants all idiots to feel welcomed.

This is why she repeats, describing her enemies, that they think in us vs them…because she is all-inclusive.
Doesn’t mater how stupid your convictions are, you will be welcomed if you water your wine and make compromises.
Contradicting herself in the process.
How can all be included when those who reject all-inclusion are excluded?
All she feels she has to do is find a flaw, a incompleteness in any theory…this automatically makes it just as wrong as any other theory.
Certainty or total uncertainty. If you aren’t allowing for any alternative - no mater how absurd - you are a fascist. All must become equally uncertain.
If not omniscience then ignorance. If not omnipotence then impotence.
Either/Or, simple and effective among simpletons…her target audience - those “others” she constantly appeals to in her notes.

What are the long-term consequences of such herd-psychology?
She doesn’t know; she doesn’t care.
All must be included, because nobody knows for certain…there is no omniscience.