Morphing Monkies


I have trouble accepting it.
I don’t see morphing monkies.
Where are the ape men?

Darwin was trippin’.

Sure, people have found evidence to support the conclusion but not enough.

I think he was onto something but I don’t think the theory is as complete as those anxious anti-creationists would like to so rapidly tackle down.

It’s shown day to day, generation to generation, that species stay within fixed species.

They so easily accept that the universe has always been but when it comes to concepts like the earth, its life forms, and resources they say something shifted into gear that just turned on these cycles, they haven’t always been cycles, and they interchange. What if this isn’t true? What if everything we see in front of us is eternal and changes very little because it reconstructs?

What if a god form is the utter reflection of humanity seeing itself precisely but the only way to express it is through a mirror image?

What if what is immortal is what, to us, seems mortal because of our consciousness coming and going being intermixed with what isn’t?

Ideas are not new. Ideas rely on time to build but are not a renewing consciousness. Ideas use renewing consciousnesses but are not themselves conscious. People change but people reflect on eternity and change into other people. Only within its species can it do so. Only within its species can it renew. Only within man’s species does time take effect because man is the only species that houses ideas which indent a timeline man’s ideas have formed. Man defies nature with his utmost strength. He himself is God of the universe. Overseer of kinds. Nature at his thrown of which he plays marionnette with at his leisure. Man’s place is to contribute his ideas to this eternal cycle so that it may flourish for man in his image.

We didn’t come from any other species than man. Man is on a timeline.

An odd creature.
It’s me.

Only I define me.

F u morfing monkie jewz.

evolution is a remarkable easy idea to understand.
You along with most people take the really large view
and thus miss the idea behind evolution.
You are the product of evolution as is every
living thing and yes, you have seen evolution in
progress. Are you different then your parents?
Of course you are. You are taller or smaller or
different hair or whatever. That difference between
you and your parents is evolution.

Evolution is simply changes passing on traits
through the genome from generation to generation.
It has no “purpose”, it is about probability not certainty,
and sometimes evolution helps in a certain environment,
sometimes it hurts and that is the name of the game.
Which changes help you survive a certain environment
is what evolution is all about. Nothing big or fancy.
It is simply about small changes from generation to
generation. That is evolution.


Yes, but I ask you, what has naturally changed other than what man has merely changed of his own doing which is entirely against nature’s pre-notioned cycle? Everything stays within a fixed species. There are no morphing monkies or catastrophic evolutionistic events booming the spotlight of man’s time.

I turned out taller but that doesn’t mean I’m evolving because the next generation could be smaller or taller as well. I could could have turned out smaller. Basically, it’s chance and it changes nothing outside a fixed species.

I take on this large view because I’m human, not any other species, but human. Humans defy nature because they see beyond it. They always have and always will.

Gods and men both evolved, IMO.
I think religion and evolution can get along just fine, all we need is a slight paradigm shift in as regards sources.

SilentSoliloquy: Yes, but I ask you, what has naturally changed other than what man has merely changed of his own doing which is entirely against nature’s pre-notioned cycle? Everything stays within a fixed species. There are no morphing monkies or catastrophic evolutionistic events booming the spotlight of man’s time.

K:Morphing monkies would disprove evolution. You can’t become
a horse because you have genetic wiring within you. That wiring
allows you allows changes such as hair, height, weight, but
not to grow wings because that is not wired into you.
Species are not fixed. They changed, but the changes need
not be big, the changes are small and genetics.

SS: I turned out taller but that doesn’t mean I’m evolving because the next generation could be smaller or taller as well. I could could have turned out smaller. Basically, it’s chance and it changes nothing outside a fixed species.

K: yep, you could have, but that is evolution, you have no
certainty about anything, just probability.

SS: I take on this large view because I’m human, not any other species, but human. Humans defy nature because they see beyond it. They always have and always will.

K: beware that you don’t miss the trees for watching the forest.
And evolution is about the trees, not about the forest.


Really, it makes no sense and doesn’t have near the amount of evidence it should. Mark my words, it will be disproven in no time.

Nothing is showing this changing outside of species that’s supposed to be going on. Simply changes within species that fall back ontop of generations. Tall, small. It varies and equals out. Wings were never wired into anyone and never will be. They can’t be because they don’t run in the human gene pool.

Humans can’t adapt to nature, lol. Seeing the forest is inevitable for a species beyond it.

It’s remarkably, willfully myopic to consider humanity some the “finished product.” We may think we’re the cat’s pajamas, but in a few million years our fossilized bones will perplex the intelligent hominids (or whatever replaces them) who dig them up.

SilentSoliloquy: Really, it makes no sense and doesn’t have near the amount of evidence it should. Mark my words, it will be disproven in no time.

K: It has tremendous amount of evidence, and it hasn’t
been disproven in about 150 years. It is easily one
of the more secure theories we have.

SS: Nothing is showing this changing outside of species that’s supposed to be going on. Simply changes within species that fall back ontop of generations. Tall, small. It varies and equals out. Wings were never wired into anyone and never will be. They can’t be because they don’t run in the human gene pool.
Humans can’t adapt to nature, lol. Seeing the forest is inevitable for a species beyond it."

K: You should learn about something before you dismiss it.
They are evolution for dummies book which I have.
Read them, very instructive.


Don’t try to confuse these hominids. It’s enjoyable to watch them squirm.

The view of evolution is almost always short sighted. Tiny incremental changes? possibly, sometimes. But some changes occur very rapidly. There is a term called “sport” A change within a species very radical. Most of these mutations are unsustainable and die out, but some may persevere within the right conditions. Morphing monkeys? Probably not. But a profound mutation resulting in a lineage leading to homo sapiens? Quite possible, and given a time span of millions of years, almost likely.

The possible natural genetic “experiments” over several million years makes evolution the most plausible theory we have.

The difficult part of understanding evolution is wrapping your mind around what is a million years…

The possible natural genetic “experiments” over several million years makes evolution the most plausible theory we have.
The difficult part of understanding evolution is wrapping your mind around what is a million years…"

K: or a billion years. It is thought that evolution began
3 billion or so years ago. That is the hard part.

gould and shoot what his name, came up with a theory
that did suggest that evolution did occur faster occasional
given the right conditions. But its was still evolution, just
an attempt to explain conditions in the fossil record,
another theory if you will about evolution.


“Because fish have gills and birds have wings, because dinosaurs are extinct and snakes are not, because the duckbilled platypus and the spiny anteater have characteristics of both reptiles and mammals, because animals need the waste products of plant respiration to survive and plants need the waste products of animal respiration, because plenty of plants need insects for fertilization but earthworms don’t even need another earthworm, because dolphins are intelligent and whales can sing, because crustaceans look so much like big bugs and primates look so much like humans, and because nearly every meat on the planet doesn’t taste all that much different from chicken, the theory of evolution is correct.”-Marilyn Vos Savant

The same way people try to indoctrinate through old texts they try to indoctrinate through fossils. Same way.

They say “Well, oh, you weren’t there so you don’t understand.”
“Oh, well you haven’t lived for a million years.” “Oh, well you aren’t God.”

“See, it was miracles that happened.”
“No, it was evolution.”
“No, miracles!!”
“No, evolution.”

“I got the texts to prove it!”
“Oh, yeah!? Well, I got the fossils to prove it!”
“Oh yeaaah?”

So, I come in and say they’re both wrong. Species are eternal. :evilfun:

So, I come in and say they’re both wrong. Species are eternal. "

K: And I am sure the dinosaurs felt the same way.
Imagine their surprise.


Dinosaurs went extinct, so what? All we’re left with is the theory that they were either morphed into creation or zapped or whatever.

Totally stupid. That doesn’t happen.

If people were to stop reproducing they’d go extinct too.

Species reproduce y’know? Like, after their own kind.

It all dies off after a while, but nothing is clear as to what made it.

Not even Evolution.


I’m not trying to be confrontive, but your statements presented as fact aren’t very clear. Saying species are eternal could use a little explanation. You also state that both creationist and evolution theories are wrong without explanation or offering an alternative theory. ???

I don’t quite have a theory yet. I just know that they’re wrong because fossils and books don’t prove anything to me.

Fossils are dead species. Not the answer to life.

Books are written ideas. Not the answer to life.

Life had to come from somewhere even if species did intermix(which they don’t). Creation is a lie. Nothing is created only renewed within species. If a species dies it dies. That doesn’t prove anything. Fossils mean nothing to me. Nothing looks remotely close to a cross breed of any kind. Nothing just sparks from the sky either. The only thing we can be certain of is our death.

There’s that nothing again…

I think what you are specifically objecting to is Macroevolution. Microevolution does in fact occur pretty indisuptably within our life spans. One virus suddenly has characterestics it didn’t have…it’s resilent it’s picked up new abilities. For this to happen on a macro scale I would expect that the time span involved would be pretty colossal. Fossils, for better or worse, are one of the few things that can stick around long enough to testify to what was and what is. What they show are creatures different in many regards, but strikingly similar in others.

The question becomes why would extinct species be similar at all? What reason would they have in having the same constituent parts arranged differently?

One thing that always “shows” the power of evolution on a large scale I think are dog breeds. People are endlessly creating breeds that are different from one another in drastic ways. They haven’t yet created a new “species” exactly, but it isn’t hard to imagine that a Great Dane and a Yorkshire Terrier will at some point, some day, not be able to mate. (I shudder to imagine a male Great Dane and a female Yorkshire Terrier…in fact, I’m not sure anything would be left of the Yorkie other than smoldering cinders)

It is easy, within one’s life span, to alter a given dog breed into some other breed that doesn’t look a whole lot like what one started with. Are they still “dogs”? I suppose…but one cannot deny the large differences between breeds on a relatively short scale. Increased that to a million years and the results might be surprising.

That’s the wonderful thing about evolution- it keeps plugging away, shaping the world anyway whether you believe in it or not. :slight_smile: Feel free to ignore it.

shinton: Species who haven’t gone extinct are as we know them eternal because they go on without end as a species. There is a possible end but that doesn’t guarantee one. Without death and total depletion there is eternity. Fittest species is obviously true in that respect. The idea of life on earth eternally must include death. Lively species still carry on.

Everything comes from somewhere but creation and evolution is another story.

Phaedrus: It does, doesn’t it? How far are you willing to go without knowing hands on? How far into what you’re told? Into one theory by one man about the entire property of life?

A human creature going beyond his human line? Do you realize how false it is to say the earth has been around for billions of years when humans haven’t even been around that long? Or have they? We don’t know! How do we know other species have been around that long? I mean do they pick up a fossil and look for the date enscripted?

Until they don’t…

There is a possible end for me today, but it isn’t guaranteed. Am I eternal?

I suppose this is true, but any species can face either or both of these situations at any given time.

Uhh…well, if you are dead I’m not sure you’ve got “life eternally”

Everything comes from somewhere? How do you know this?

To be sure, it is an inference, but it is an inference based on some pretty decent evidence.

In a round about way, yes. They carbon date them.