September 22, 2006, 1:39pm
most /moʊst/
Pronunciation [mohst ] –adverb
9. In or to the greatest extent or degree.
sen‧si‧ble /ˈsɛnsəbəl/
Pronunciation [sen-suh-buhl ] –adjective
Having, using, or showing good sense or sound judgment.
dictionary.reference.com/browse/sensible [/size]
… Its harder then it looks. I suppose it’s going to change with perspective too. Well, can’t please everyone. Today’s post comes from thirst4metal, from the Religion forum.
There is no right…
There is no wrong…
Might makes right.
Might makes wrong.
All the rest, is preference.
(von Rivers)
September 22, 2006, 2:25pm
is this even an argument?
September 23, 2006, 12:31am
Arguement? No, if anything its a mundane thread meant to highlight the most sensible accomplishments of the ILP community, day to day. Same basic idea as Nihilist’s thread in the rants forum, but a different criteria.
I figured if we’re going to look for the most rediculous posts/threads of the day, we may as well look for the most sensible as well.
September 23, 2006, 1:24am
I think he was referring to your selection of thirst - is thirst making an argument there?
September 23, 2006, 2:28am
Hehe, I’m sorry - I admit, I’m slow at times.
No thirst didn’t appear to be making an arguement, per se, though it could have been taken as such. It was more of a statement.
ilovephilosophy.com/phpbb/vi … p?t=152654
It was still a post, and so can be placed into this thread - if thats what you were worried about.
September 23, 2006, 5:17am
first of all,good thread W.C.! sorry for not mentioning you on the “best member” thread,though i explianed that in the thread as did faust.
the following is an excerpt from mastriani:
No, I don’t play apology for terrorists of religious agenda. But, at some point the citizens of this nation are going to have to either get their government back to its’ duties of minding the nation, for the people, or accept the fact that “freedom” is little more than a philosophical ruse for political control.
i regularly archive posts* on ILP,not that one would know if i copy and pasted thier post.
i hope to have plenty more for this thread,and would like to know if anyone thinks i should add:
A:archived previously posted stuff OR
B:only recent stuff.
*posts i feel are so speacial,i archive them on a notepad(s).
September 23, 2006, 5:24am
democrat or republican, communist or fascist, liberal or conservative, left or right, marx or hitler, capitalist or socialist, it doesn’t matter.
the only way we can fix our society, environment, justice system, government, nation, policy, and world is to help each other out with no expectation of repayment. to be completely selfless as a race of people would ensure unending prosperity, technological advance, and happiness.
(these 2 posts may not have followed each other…)
Yeah, you are right. But the bad news is that no one will ever be able to do anything for the poor. Money couldn’t exist without the “poor”. And the forces of society and human nature will always re-create rich and poor no matter how hard you try to prevent it. You may have a few decades of relative equality, maybe like the US was during the 1950s up to the 1980s, but then the forces will start to create classes all over again, wealth will be divided unequally all over again etc.
Another bad news is that there will always be a country or group of people that will want to break up everything just for the fun of it. Now it is Fascist Islam that wants to bring the world to an end because they are completely crazy, but tomorrow there will be some other religion - denomination - country that will do the same. So the Nazis were not the exception, but the
rule. Even the Cambodian “communists” decided to kill a million people for some odd ball ideological reason. Maybe next time it will be some UFO religion that will want to blow up the whole world.
September 23, 2006, 5:33am
(When I’d defended the idea of evolution earlier in some posts, this was defense of parts of the idea, and not the whole. Eventually I realized that, despite how rapidly and widely the word’s use had become, the word’s meaning did not suit its common application. Change, development, etc. These words are not “evolution”. “Evolution’s” promoters attempted to claim rights to all change and development as proof of their ideology and part of their “truth”, in the same way that creationists claim all things which exist are “evidence” of their creator. It’s been common-place for human ideologies and faiths to lay-claim to as many “truths” & “facts” as possible, becoming more and more biased as every moment passes, seeking victory over commendatory beliefs, soon having nothing to do with reality in-and-of-itself.
September 23, 2006, 11:27am
Great idea WC.
It provides a thread for key ideas and may entice people to write posts worthy of being put here.
I would only ask that ILPers include a link to the page where they got the post so anyone interested in the piece, can go to the forum and read the post in its context.
September 23, 2006, 6:52pm
Wow, this is all very interesting for me to read, it’s turning into a good thread.
As I think of it, we in the US never hear anything about you guys (it’s almost like you live in another country) and I wonder why exactly that is. Part of me assumes that it’s because you have functioning (at least I believe so) elements of socialism and the capitalists in this country don’t want us to think about it. Worse yet, it could simply be that few are interested here. Anyway, it seems rather stupid on our part.
Meanwhile, I bet that there’s a number of Canadian politicians that just love the focus placed on the US. They’re probably having a party.
September 23, 2006, 7:04pm
It’s true that in many ways, ILP is a mirror of the collective minds floating around in it, but you know what? I’m sick to death of the mirror anology. Too many times, those who say “I am but a mirror” aren’t. It is simply used as a hideout when they are confronted with their own BS.
At some point, we just are. Some of the members attempt to be more honest than others. They are willing to expose their frailties, their stupidities and their lack of understanding. They risk paying for being vulnerable, and there is no lack of those who will take advantage of the opportunity to be ‘superior’.
It isn’t that we are completely blind, or that we cannot discern a general vague understanding of one another, but to say that you are this or that way because of your words, as if I have transcendent knowing, is the height of arrogance.
It is the mean spirited arrogance of all this purported knowing that brings us down, both as members and collectively as the ILP community. Is any of this serious stuff? Well, it can be, but only to the extent that we step back and look at the illusions it generates. Oh, and I’ll include my illusions if you’ll acknowledge yours.
My point is that we all could use a healthy ‘reality check’. ILP and all that is written here could use a lot more civility and much less nastiness. If we let out even half the gas in the puffed up egos here, we could probably make it to Mars.
September 23, 2006, 10:56pm
September 25, 2006, 10:40pm
What is pathetic, though, is when the weak begin associating themselves with the strong so as to justify not-resisting them.
Weakness isn’t an insult – since we are all weak more or less- until it stops trying to become strong and surrenders to what overpowers it; becoming its best friend and most loyal ally.
Democracy worked in societies where there were, what, 50 – 100 thousand voters?
In a system of millions it becomes a game of who can manipulate and guide the ignorant, naïve and stupid, using emotion and psychology - which the weak already believe they have surpassed with their ‘reason’ - the best.
That’s when stupidity and naiveté become virtues and thinking becomes an insult.
September 27, 2006, 3:23am
Even an individual can do that. An individual can think and then contradict his thought and change.
You see, that is part of thought itself and would not be lost.
A non collective mind cannot share new ideas very easily and most knowledge is lost then mistakes are repeated trillions of times in a row instead of things not having to be learned again the hard way.
September 27, 2006, 4:13am
September 27, 2006, 6:32pm
It has always been misconstrued by sophists and other institutionalized minds that to conduct ‘stringent philosophy’ or to consider any opinion relevant, one must, by necessity, use established voices in place of our own.
In other words, it is often considered serious philosophy, as opposed to trivial, amateurish philosophy the endless quotation and discussion of what has already been said by another.
We believe we are thinking by merely adopting another’s perspective of the world and we call ourselves thinkers because we’ve memorized and we’ve ‘understood’ what this or that previous thinker has said.
Then we become translators of another’s words and we no longer look upon the world for inspiration but we look within a book.
But how long can you talk about Spinoza or Nietzsche or whomever before you take what they’ve taught and speak for yourself?
Stupidity isn’t falling into logical error; stupidity is never learning from it.
September 27, 2006, 9:06pm
K: The idea of a “greater individuals” in truth, I have found
people have an exaggerate idea of their worth. They think they
are entitled to more then others because of some false notion.
The village idiot is a perfect example, because he was born in
wealth and privileged, he thinks he is entitled to more then
other people. Yet, personally the man has failed
in every single task, he has ever done. He just THINKS
he is superior and entitled, when in fact he is dumber then dirt.
Of course. It is because of monarchism, the idea that there is “royal blood,” that has established itself in political ideology that has so thwarted things. Leadership is not, nor can it be, hereditary. Race and bloodline are outdated concepts, only to be replaced with class values; the greater person is one who originates from an upper-class. Bullshit. Fact is, you and I are no different that that homeless guy on the street. Anything else is metaphysics.
September 27, 2006, 10:28pm
Bessy: Hi Peter,
In theory, I agree with you, but after being here for a while you will see that some people here cannot maintain civility - what’s wrong with getting mad? Nothing. But just like in a civilized community there are rules. If someone doesn’t like them - they are welcome to find another community. Simple."
K: ahhh, not so simple for me. rules are not absolute, nor
are they always enforced, for that matter, punishment is
not uniformly enforced. As a parent, you know that.
You did not enforced each rule absolutely and you did not
punish absolutely. To hide behind the “rules” is
is escape from actually dealing with a situation.
Daughter: dad/mom, I want a tatoo.
Dad/mom: never and don’t ask again or you are ban/sent
to your room.
K: clearly, you are sending/banning the child,
to push the conversation off to another day.
I believe banning is from weakness.
I do believe that this minor “dreyfuss affair”
is, certain parties are feeling guilty from
actions conducted. The attempt to take it private
shows that. You only conduct private conversations
if you are hiding something.
November 25, 2006, 8:03pm
This i read along time ago, but i thought of it agian and decided it was worth a rememberance. I dont read this forum that much any more,but i really meditate on it… yah i it really stays with a person…
Its always good to keep smart people around, so you go to a philosophy forum and make a few friends. Normally, one goes to a forum to discuss and argue philosophy. After a year or two of that, one finds themselves preoccupied with the forum out of habit rather than with the original intentions, and in the position of asking themself why they ever wanted to argue with strangers in the first place. But its too late for that…one has already spent years with other members; one accidentally becomes less than a stranger. So, the next thing that happens is members mention the idea of meeting, since they know each other but do not. That lingers a bit and things continue with an uncertain future.
There are often bouts of minor insanity and madness with certain types, which generates from coincidents in forum interaction. Its a Jungian occurance and involves things like rare syncronicities between members, or moments of what one wants to believe is telepathy. Conspiracy is also another element that causes these brief bouts of madness, resulting in paranoia. And of course fixations can develop between members who like each other.
Yep, with internet philosophy you get a wonderful spectrum of possibilities for experimenting with what it is to be human. I have, in the last year or two, extracted an algorithm behind what could be called “meta-conversation,” and I believe that I have discovered specific Husserlian modes of private language which can only be found by suspending experience…
(wait a minute…let me take a bong-hit)
Okay, where was I? Oh yes, the “why do we come here” question for the thread. Well, I believe I’ve covered, more or less, all the ingredients for the motivation to participate in forums.
My personal quest is to find a wise man smarter than myself on the internet, yet nobody cries Hosanna unless I ride into town on an ass. (thanks Fritz)
But seriously folks, the time is at hand. You are aware that WW3 is beginning and so I’ve decided to post my cell-phone number at ILP in the event that anarchy breaks out. Those of you who want to survive will call me and follow my directions.
We will become the…
(from Red Dawn)
i think detrop is right on the money on some of his points.
November 29, 2006, 12:31am
Okay gobbo- let’s find out. post a topic with the subject heading “republicans are trickier” or"green eyed people shit more" and lets see who gets the most views. It would be an interesting experiment at worst. (I bet I win).
My point is , that on a forum such as this I thought when i posted a subject with the word “axiom” in it , people would take interest, but found that this so called philosophical discussion is nothing more than the same old , never ending social, slash, left wing- right wing political non-sense.
Philosophy has to be applied to life though.
I mean, I pretty much think in metaphors, my mind is quite odd. But I can’t spend too much time doing heavy philosophy, it just wears me out. Not everyone is like this, but enough are that you see what you get here. Half of the people here are philosophy students… we do enough of this stuff in RL.
Daily good philosophy isn’t going to happen, sometimes good threads have like a week or 2 in between posts. This place is like a cow hopped up on angeldust, you just have to ride it in all it’s absurdity. The moment you start to try expect something or milk it you’ll get kicked in the fucking face.