Most sensible argument/post of the day thread

most /moʊst/
Pronunciation [mohst] –adverb
9. In or to the greatest extent or degree.

sen‧si‧ble /ˈsɛnsəbəl/
Pronunciation [sen-suh-buhl] –adjective

  1. Having, using, or showing good sense or sound judgment.[/size]

… Its harder then it looks. I suppose it’s going to change with perspective too. Well, can’t please everyone. Today’s post comes from thirst4metal, from the Religion forum.

is this even an argument?

Arguement? No, if anything its a mundane thread meant to highlight the most sensible accomplishments of the ILP community, day to day. Same basic idea as Nihilist’s thread in the rants forum, but a different criteria.

I figured if we’re going to look for the most rediculous posts/threads of the day, we may as well look for the most sensible as well.

I think he was referring to your selection of thirst - is thirst making an argument there?

Hehe, I’m sorry - I admit, I’m slow at times.

No thirst didn’t appear to be making an arguement, per se, though it could have been taken as such. It was more of a statement. … p?t=152654

It was still a post, and so can be placed into this thread - if thats what you were worried about.

first of all,good thread W.C.! sorry for not mentioning you on the “best member” thread,though i explianed that in the thread as did faust.

the following is an excerpt from mastriani:
i regularly archive posts* on ILP,not that one would know if i copy and pasted thier post.

i hope to have plenty more for this thread,and would like to know if anyone thinks i should add:
A:archived previously posted stuff OR
B:only recent stuff.

*posts i feel are so speacial,i archive them on a notepad(s).
(these 2 posts may not have followed each other…)

Great idea WC.

It provides a thread for key ideas and may entice people to write posts worthy of being put here.

I would only ask that ILPers include a link to the page where they got the post so anyone interested in the piece, can go to the forum and read the post in its context.



This i read along time ago, but i thought of it agian and decided it was worth a rememberance. I dont read this forum that much any more,but i really meditate on it… yah i it really stays with a person…

i think detrop is right on the money on some of his points.