Movie Ideas

Now you’re thinking in terms of deeper tectonics :+1:

Yes and that is occasional energy bursts through, shifting the structure of the very foundation of all that’s seen and experienced,

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I’ll dig up some of the foundational principles of tectonics if you want.

What can I say but yes.

Give me a little time, Im currently working on a nice buzz

Almost said take your time, but then reconsidered because it might have seemed a slight

Whenever you have time…

I wanna see a movie where you two shut up.

Removed for offensive nature


This might serve as an intro,

and for the sake of keeping this about Movie Ideas, let’s imagine a movie made with the following as its explicit or implicit premises:

Tectonics 1:

1 Note that no formal, necessary or sufficient elaboration or
definition of Tectonics yet exists. The philosophical idea is still best
expounded on and understood through example, derivation,
conceptual extension and excess; image, body, word soul, instinct,

  1. The future exists in the literal, ‘physical’ sense of the word
    “exists”; the future is the deterministic (if often chaotic and
    unpredictable) unfolding of the present-past, of the present
    moment space-time situations plus the addition into those
    situations of what is called memory: the future is already
    bound up within the present as the hidden derivations and
    necessities yet to unfold naturally out of this present qua
    present. The future also loops into the present by route of
    conscious awareness, i.e. responsiveness of adequately
    developed consciousnesses/bodies to future states and events,
    which that consciousness is able to anticipate (to predict, to
    read the future literally). The fact that this reading the future
    is usually imperfect does not discount the principle at work,
    only the degree to which its effectiveness may obtain given
    other factors (such as space and time distances between
    consciousness and its object, substantive complexity and
    depth of circumstances and causalities, relative and absolute
    degrees of knowledge with respect to the domains of objects of
    consciousness, etc.)
  2. Ideas, thoughts, feelings, mental-emotional perceptions and
    subjective experiences all exist in the literal, ‘physical’ sense of
    the word “exists”; these are just as real as are material objects,
    bodies, atomic particles, etc. and in fact admit us into a new
    standard of reality whereby ‘what is real’ is not understood as
    simply whatever is physical, material or has some perceptible
    quality to us (note that these things are merely the operations
    of certain fundamental forces such as the opposition of
    electron clouds to each other around the further most edges of
    so called “material objects”, thus creating the experience of
    physical resistance, weight and separation; and note also that
    such things, in particular an object’s perceptibility, is relative
    and depends on the perceiving entity and its own properties
    and conditions, in this case ourselves as humans, and
    therefore perceptibility and physicality reflect relative degrees
    of possible differentiations able to be identified within, to
    varying degrees, their respective relatants), but rather what is
    real is understood, by tectonics and as tectonics, as whatever
    bears the most effects from itself and the most causes within
    itself, whatever is the most contingent, fragile, derivative,
    universal, and whatever holds the most ‘identity’ within itself
    and represents the highest quantity and quality of reality
    (other entities, states of affairs, facts, etc.) in terms of its own
    identity-ness, in terms of its own being. Whatever is more and
    contains more and causes more directly from itself would be
    defined as what is more real, and “reality” outside of the
    simplistic and most fundamental proposition of “reality is
    whatever exists” admits of degrees and must be understood
    that reals have varying degrees of real-ness, not in terms of the
    fundament as noted but in terms of their reality as such,
    beyond the base fundament.
  3. Different causal qualitative ranges and regions of reality may
    be and become categorically different from each other, using
    differing logics and forces/laws and operating by their own
    ‘values’ and posited conditions and needs; quantitative
    differences mount toward qualitative differences and become
    qualitative when pure differences of quantity become able to
    add themselves to larger differences of degree and in the
    categorical sense of meta-states of cause and effect that
    outspan their own conditions enough to engender triadic,
    non-dyadic regions of cause and effect whereby sub-layers
    become integrated to each other extra-dimensionally beyond
    they own lower and more homogenized purview. Reality tends
    toward differentiation and connection both vertically and
    horizontally. Layers that become adequately different in
    quality and categorical being will interact similar to tectonic
    plates, namely as different relatively cohered entities that
    crash, break, merge and run over or under each other at their
    colliding edges, each plate attempting to hold to its own logic
    while simultaneously attempting to relate itself in the logic of
    the other, and to subsume that other logic within itself—but
    this is no mere contest of wills, no mere warfare of self-
    interested parties or wills to power, for each such tectonic
    clash of qualities is at once also quantitative as well as bound
    up within super- and sub-layers of greater and lesser tectonics,
    a graduated continuum of being that rises and falls materially-
    physically and ‘energetically’ from every point of tectonic
    encounters, and also rises into the future and to the degree
    that such points and plates and their extended conditions bear
    the possibility for referencing and reflecting-relating future
    states (see 1. above) their own respective hidden or bound-up,
    enfolded conditions are able to be expressed beyond
    themselves (reified, externalized) in a process of self-extraction
    of one’s own essence and nature, one’s own conditions and
    being. Any tectonic layer is therefore possible to be connected
    to any other, albeit perhaps with great systems of translation,
    interpretations and (mis)communication.
  4. By consequence of these principles 1-3, ideation and
    thought or the whole inner reality of subjective being,
    including feelings and emotions (which are and contain in fact
    the conditions of thought and reason), example a higher form
    of reality than those typical forms of reality we are generally
    used to (e.g. material objects, sense perceptions, etc.)—ideas
    are as literally real as are things like chairs, but the chair’s
    reality is far simpler and factually flat compared to the reality
    of the idea; ideas mount in the continuum of being toward
    greater existence, greater scope and comprehensively and self-
    depth, this mounting action being what has been called
    philosophy or the task of philosophy, namely truth.




I want to see a romcom that follows the lives of a texter and a drunk leading up to their car crash, and how the texter was caught on camera texting, & the drunk failed his sobriety test, and both their insurance companies hiked their prices even though they had to go through the same court-ordered distracted/drunk driving class together & lived happily ever after.

Obviously a no contest.
3 persons were invited to an event; all 4 were present, but one didn’t show.

The other guy says well that one at least seas what’s going on the other three sitting across don’t see the one in the middle, either cause he didn’t show or else he is invisible.

How can that be asks one of the two at the shallow end?

Well the thing is ain’t a mystery, we can not see either the one at the far-deep end , or the middle guy for that matter.

Therefore invisibility of self, a selflessly reduced complexity into the absurd is the price to pay, for wishing to return, existentially plunging into yet another trip, to salvage the possibility to become one,. With all the others of which comprised. From top to bottom and yet back through the eyes of the (a) little boy.

It is never a choice, though.
It is chosen premordially they-some, call-recall as fate then of course ,
recognized it’s necessary double. (Naturally)

So invisibility may be a fluke, or something, a way to make all for one and one for all.

Cowers, eyes to ground, whispers around, and the hermit appears in disguise wearing only a leaf.

Course done before, then a sequel like ‘The Greatest Story Ever Told’2

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