Movie Review Day After Tomorrow

Now there are some goofy holes in this movie and the whole thing’s based on a Whitley Streiber book, so this is like Meteorology a la Madame Blavatsky, but does anybody realize how subversive this movie is? It’s great. The territory Of the United States is ripped in half, there is an indo-european style Mass Migration into Mexico, the Global South becomes the First World, the Northern Hemisphere is covered in ice, the three scotsmen, like noble pagans, drink to their impending doom, the president - an Al Gore look alike is killed and the vice president makes a public admission of stupidity. Wonderful wonderfully subversive.[/b]

I really liked that movie. I did find it weird how at the end all of the rich people ended with the poor people, like the 3rd world countries. I think the director was trying to implant a personal message there.

what do you think is his point with an “indo-european style Mass Migration into Mexico?”