Sometime in the next week or so we will be changing servers, with the intent of providing faster and more reliable service. Part of what that means is that we will experience a few hours of downtime, and potentially a few residual complication as all the switches and routers and whatnot catch up with the change. As you might have guessed, I don’t know that much about how all that works, but luckily for all of us I know someone who does. We’re in good hands.
I’ll let you know when I know more details about when the move will occur and how to make it as smooth as possible.
That lag was likely because I was backing everything up, getting ready for things. But the server has actually come down a few times due to poor management (not counting my screw ups), and we max out the working memory regularly.
The first years of ILP were the best, at least philosophical-discussion wise. If anything, delete the last few years instead. Or maybe, just delete “the feminization of man” and associated threads. That should free up enough memory for another ten years of bullshit at least.
Or delete the entirety of the Rant house archives. Who’s gonna miss that…?
Oh go ahead and delete my posts if you need some room. It’s no big deal to me. :-"
In fact, you could alter the program so that as soon as one of my posts shows up, ‘poof!’
But please remember, stick to current procedures and don’t let me know that you’ve done it. Otherwise I’d labor under the misunderstanding that anyone gives a damn about what I say. A terrible state to be in…to be avoided at all times.
(But now you should NEVER get rid of the feminization of men thread. I want all the ‘men’ who come to ILP to understand how they’ve already become feminized. Because as they gain in this realization, I expect they’ll stop posting pussy shots and making puerile comments about women as fuck-objects or elaborating on why rape is natural. And think about how much future bandwidth that would save!)
Come on, people, help out ILP. Who else wants to offer up their posts for deletion???
We’re all set with storage space. The issue is with speed and stability, and deleting posts, as much as everyone likes it, won’t affect speed or stability (or if they do, they do so negligibly). If we do ever get to a point where we need more space, there’s a lot of random crap on the server that can go before we start trimming posts.
Alright, 2 weeks was an underestimate. The move will happen between 1pm and 5pm GMT. Super low risk, from what I’m told. I know what you’re thinking: “this guy lost a day of posts running a freaking update.” But like I said, I’ve got a guy, he knows what he’s doing.
I just talked to my guy some more. He’s somehow magically set it up so that after the site comes back up, the internets should know about it immediately, meaning there shouldn’t be any residual trouble. If you experience trouble after that time, try purging your cache, and that should fix it.
Also, when I said 1-5, I meant between those hours. The total downtime should be in the range of 2 hours.
Careless has such negative connotations. I prefer “care free”.
I understand your point, though. For one thing, you have a very positive personality type. Secondly, you don’t seem to let trivial things or things out of your control bother you very much. Although, the way you talk to people indicates care for the other person.