MS Paint art

saw someone else had some MS paint stuff up so I thought it might perhaps be acceptable to put up some stuff I was fooling around with…did all of these I think eithier during astronomy class, computer science class, or study hall.

This ones 'faceeater"


‘the dirty witch’

and this thingy

oh yeah and this one too!!! IT SAYS…

Spectacular right?

I enjoy the thingy - very creative - i like it.


It kind of reminds me of strongbad’s drawings… but I do like the multicoloured thingy.


Thingy and “the dirty witch” are awsome. I have also done some stuff in MS Paint that I will share some time.

I will be the first to say “I don’t get it”. can you help a brotha’ out?

Who the doody is that?

Oh and thanks for saying you like my thingy.

Indeed those are my favorites

My favourite is 'faceeater". I really like it. :smiley:

It has reminds me of some late 19th century drawings.

strongbad isn’t something I can reall explain.

you kind of just have to see it, and maybe laugh. (I like the japanese cartoon one best.)


Dude, that strongbadd stuff is weird but I still found it amusing, yet I don’t see how my artwork inspired thoughts of it. I’m sure it had more to do with the feeling you got from looking at it rather then how it actually looked.

people approach and feel art from so many angles.

You seem to approach them from a comic perspective mixed with some shape design.

cool beans!


I really love these, the limited tools of MS Paint used in such a way that expresses a certain beauty of limitation, though the subject matter may not be as deep, the effort is where it pays off.

Thanks for sharing.

I made this one sort of randomly messing around with lines awhile ago, its not very good but here it is anyway, I decided to call it…

‘feeling pulled apart by horses’
