MTV is the root of all evil

I am a teenager still enrolled in high school. I see my peers controlled by the media… particularly mtv. Kids watch this shit all day, with rap gods and movie stars treating women like objects, a peice of meat. Materailise is idlised, making that new sking care prodoct apeat just as necisary purpose. My friends dream of spinning rims and escalades. Fashion designers trying to sell an identity to nieve kids who were raised by tv wrather than 2 loving parents. I see this “entertainment” undermining traditional values such as love and self worth for greed, sex and fame. Mtv has turned the attention of youth tward them self wrather than others. We have become entirly concerned with the opionion of others we have forgoten who we are. If there is an evil corporation it isn’t nike with their sweat shops. It isn’t Enron and their scams. It is mtv. When i have kids of my own there wont be a single tv in the house.

People for the larger part are herd animals. They need to be spoonfed.

Regardless if a clergyman, a politician, or mtv is telling them what to think and believe, it’s all the same. It beats thinking, right?

deinitey, people love to fit in because it’s security and all that. a good quote to fit in here is from natural born killers - “the media is like weather, but man can control it”

I understand EXACTLY how you feel Tyler. They have this show on there now where they try to decide “who is hotter”? They even put the contestants Moms against each other and try to dictate who is hotter. Quite pathetic is you ask me. I think this quote fits the situation of where we are headed in our steady decline, “Oh Brave New World with such people!!!”-If you’ve ever read the book.

I’m in favor to censore or even terminate MTV. MTV is very populair amoung ‘the future’. Children, teenagers and even young-adults watch and enjoy MTV and they didn’t even noticed the transition from MTV being a non-stop music video broadcaster to a mainstream commercial TV broadcaster. MTV have designed many new shows to give ‘the future’ exactly what they want to see (and hear). Many of these new shows only acknowledge the almost sinister view of life according to MTV. The new programming of MTV didn’t really added anything new; the ingredients didn’t actually changed but put in a new body. Many of you will indeed recognize the following ingredients and many of you will continue to watch MTV and think it’s normal:

  1. Women naked or atleast barely dressed
  2. Cars, expensive cars that is.
  3. Men and women singing about: the contemporary erotisized love, the night life, a woman’s body (and in many songs and show they favor and show certain part of the body who used to be ‘private places’ and wealth.
  4. Music (video’s), with all the above ingredients.

An edited writing on my view on mtv can be found here

you guys have to have some faith in the future… i know it doesn’t look like it, but there’s youth plenty who do know what matters

I do have faith in the future but that doesn’t mean we should tolerate a source of extravagance and lifestyle motivator.

We should first determine if MTV is suitable or atleast hold an advantage for our ‘future’. I would be amazed if someone told me there are merits to watch MTV. Now consider the fact that our ‘future’ rather spend their time watching MTV than doing something useful. This thought would atleast give you ringer that something is wrong with MTv.

I think the sort of things MTV promotes is a reflection of the society that we are becoming particularly in the West. I think it is a good thing to condemn MTV because nothing of any use comes out of it…however while we do so maybe it might be useful to have a look at the society we are becoming. MTV, doesn’t shape society…at least not yet…it caters for it.

Yo dude, you are a lot smarter then your friends. Keep up the good work. Never give in to such influences. That T.V. has influences over your friends that they probably haven’t even imagined. Subliminal messaging is rampant on T.V. There is only one thing that I disagree with you about. That is the unvillifying of Nike and Enron. Big corporations such as Nike and Enron partially controll the mass media, and are part of the same system. Enron, Nike, and MTV are all evil, but operate that evil in different ways. Look, MTV supports Nike. Nike in return supports MTV. Your friends who are so concerned about buying nice rims and clothes have bought into the mass media outlet that works for such companies as Nike. Such media outlets are there to do two things: make your friends and others submit to society, and make your friends and others decadently waste money on things they do not need. By doing this, those who are using the media outlet for these purposes stand to gain immensely. For one, they don’t follow the rules of society themselves, so anyone who does they have an immediate advantage over. Secondly, the more they convince people to give up their money wastefully, the less powerful the people spending become, and the more powerful the people selling become. The rich get richer, while rest get poorer. 99% of the wealth is controlled by 5% of the population, and that number is steadily getting worse. There is much more to this then meets the eye.

What the F*CK! Oh my God! I’m glad I don’t watch that shit! That makes me sick thinking about how mindless and stupid shows like that make people!

Those would probably be the parts where they flash some one frame clip across the screen with a hidden message. That is how subliminals work.

I disagree. All the media outlets are owned by just a few people. T.V. DOES shape people! It’s the most effective tool of mass propaganda in history. PEOPLE, QUIT WATCHING TV! The only T.V. I ever watch (and even this is rare) is educational programs. I refuse to watch the commercials even then. Don’t want to muddy up my unconscious thoughts…

Alien…I agree with you entirely about the dangers of television…and maybe MTV is just another tool in this large propoganda machine. But I still hold to my original statment that MTV will only really show what its target audience wants see…if ppl didn’t want to see these women and cars etc then its unlikely that MTV would show it in the first place. In terms of propoganda…I’m not sure what sort of propoganda you might get from MTV…it might push for a certain outlook on life…but propoganda ? I dunno…wat sort were u thinking ?

just remember, a hundred years ago, people talked about books the same way you are talking about television now…

I’m disappointed of your lack of rationality and relevancy. I’m used that you use reason. If you’re making an analogy atleast show what validates your analogy. What books? There are countless.

Yeah the differnce was they were talking about good books. But in any case removeing something from the culture is 100 times worse then just leaveing it there. Look what happend when we killed Jesus. We’ll never get a do over on that one.

Well, I was referring mostly to subliminal propaganda. They have been using subliminal techniques to subdue the masses into greed and decadence since the fifties when they first proved effective. Besides that though, there are many, many techniques to propaganda. One that is frequently used on television is that they act as if they are displaying many different viewpoints and opinions about something, when they are in fact displaying only one. Corporations who own such T.V. stations have been known to puch their viewpoints through their media channels. Howard Stern, for one was recently complaining that he would lose his job for speaking out against Bush. The corporation that he works for is a right wing outlet, and previously they had forced him to adopt a right wing view on his radio show. Howard Stern seems like a liberal (which he probably is in reality) so people who have a tendency to be liberal are more likely to listen to him, even when he is pushing conservative agenda.

Here is a good example of subliminal messaging used in the mass media. A political ad advocating George Bush was played, and he was blatantly caught using subliminals in his ad. During a part when the word democrats is said, a split second clip of the word “rats” was played. … 2/

He denies that it was a subliminal technique, but if you know anything about subliminals it is really obvious that it was intended to be subliminal. It is a method used to fool the subliminal mind into associating democrats with a negative word like rats. The word rats is inside the word democrats. During the portion of the pronunciation of the word when you here rats in democRATS, the split second, one frame clip is flashed on the screen, which goes unnoticed by the conscious mind, but not the unconscious mind. It is filed away subliminally with the word democrats, and the two are associated with one another. A totally typical subliminal technique.

Now, if you will take notice at the article that I posted about the ad, you can notice two things. First off, this story did not make national news. I seriously doubt that anyone on this board has ever heard of the story. None the less, the story does exist if you looking for it, so no one can make the claim that there was no news coverage of it. There was only very slight news coverage of it. Just enough to where no one can accuse the media of intentionally not covering the story. Secondly, the story appears to be completely unbiased in nature when it is in fact not. While they refrain from any personal opinion about the story, they only question the makers of the ad in the story and the person who the ad is advocating. Why didn’t they question any subliminal experts? If I were trying to determine whether or not an ad were subliminal, would I question the makers of the ad who would obviously have biased opinions, or would I question a neutral third party that is well informed on the subject of subliminal messaging? Where is the investigational reporting?

So you can see how both techniques of propaganda, one subliminal, one not both came into play here. Conservatives and right wingers work really hard on this, and even harder to make people who notice such things look like psychopaths.

sorry to dissapoint you, Hadj
well, people used to hear that youth was spoiled by books (novels i guess, i heard my mother tell that, i think, not sure anymore), just as you’re saying mtv spoils youth,
on the other hand, i don’t like watching mtv, i despise the lack of creativity and the way everybody behaves like pimps and whores (men and woman respectively)
i dunno, it’s kinda… low… lol

i don’t think mtv is the root of all evil though… it’s decadent, useless and money-making, that’s what it is, but not evil

i’m sorta agreeing with lostguy, too



I’ve never said it is and neither do I confirm it. By far is MTV not the root of ‘all evil’. Again, if you’re certain that MTV is an innocent source of entertainment then atleast refute and mention my arguments.

I advise you to read the full article on my website.

MTV is not the root of all evil, it’s the whole herd mentality that is really to blame.