muck up day

kinda planning muck up day at my school, that’s whne you trash it on the last day of term, which is coming up in ethe next couple of weeks. so has anyone got any fun ideas? prefs ones that won’t get me arrested :smiley::smiley:


Find the smallest car belonging to a teacher that you can and take 3 friends, each of you take a corner, and heave the thing around so that it’s stuck between two lampposts.

love it. I do however go to an all girls school I think it would take more than 3 of us to shift a car? maybe we could just hide it in one of the fields…

more ideas needed

Something with silly string, that’s my suggestion.

Here’s a Shooting-Stars-inspired one: arrange it so that at such-and-such a time on the classroom clock, everyone stops what they’re doing and does a six-second “ahhhhhh” monastary chant :slight_smile: After the chant finishes, go back to what you were doing as if nothing happened :smiley:

  1. Purchase three pigs

  2. Bring the pigs to school

  3. Label them Pig 1, Pig 2 and Pig 4

  4. Release them into the school

  5. Watch and enjoy as your teachers spend the day looking for Pig 3.

At my school some friends of mine tried to climb up on the roof and put a park bench and a dummy wearing a school uniform up there. They were caught by the police and expelled from school on the last day. Not such a great result for them. I think muck up day is a bit pointless.

That was funny ben,

but I believe you omitted this important premise. Girls love piggy animals. What we need is rats. One big hamster-mouse hybreed suffices. It’s gona be so noisy so that it’ll be on the evening news.

What sense can be made out of the parable of the elephant being frightened by the mouse?

I think we can create a decent metaphor with that material, so somebody give it a shot.

Put your thinking caps on.

Dammit ben,

Thats exactly what I was going to suggest.
It must be a worldwide trend in school pranks.

Well…if you need another idea…perhaps smear poop on the walls?

pigs are cool but if you want to freak people out use sheep…

mary’s all grown up?

the only problem is if you number the sheep it might put people to sleep…


  1. Purchase 3 donkeys

  2. Label them ‘donkey 1’ ‘donkey 2’ and ‘donkey 5’

  3. Sit back and laugh as…

You get the idea…

Stink bombs/ you can put them in certain offices and or vent shafts

Plastic over toilet seats

Um. Lets see, Mix oatmeal corn,creamed prefered in sufficient amounts,plus chop up some unidentifiable other stuff pretty fine, make sure it is fluidy and the right texture for vomit, then apply in strategic locations throughout the school, do this with stink bombs and you will have good results.

My suggestion would be to take the outdoor school pool, lift it up and flip it over. Then set the bottom of it on fire with a lighter.

Out of this lot, I’d go for one or more of the following: the “four” pigs, the chant, or the clingfilm on the toilet seats. My preferred one would be the chant, because 1) it’s clean, and 2) it was my idea :sunglasses:

In my last A-level physics lesson, I arranged for the whole class to hide when the teacher left the room. He was gone for ages (the troops got restless!) but when he came back, we waited for 30 seconds or so, and then all sprang into sight. It was a hoot :laughing:

Hello F(r)iends,

If you have a nice patch of grass… then salt the earth in the shape of boobs.
Note: This has potentially long term consequences.
Perhaps it’s best you just cut the grass in the shape of boobs.


thats funny, cos when someone asked me I suggested we bleached a penis into the grass, and then set the fire alarm off so everyone had to line up on it.

hee hee hee.

no one had thought of pigs, where would I get pigs from???

clingfilm on toilets is standard, but a little bit nfair on the cleaners perhaps??

as we have chapel every morning we were thinking of unplugging the organ.

but all good ideas. keep em coming…

whoever said poo on the walls, erm EWWW


Build a giant wicker phallus, set it on fire and then dance around it in ceremonial robes. The teachers will probably think that you’ve all turned to witchcraft, which I understand is relatively common among all-girl school students…

Get Detrop to dress up in suspenders and a propeller hat and stroll into the school.

Then get him to bombard every adult with intense rhetoric belittling their moral lives until they break down and run from the school.

No, wait.

Get 3 Detrops, label them 1 2 and 4 and…


Hello F(r)iends,

Ha! Excellent!
