Murder is the non-self-defense premeditated killing of a human being(s) by another human being(s).
Murder is the moral relativistic violation of the foundational paramount inviolable right to life. Because rights trump moral relativism every time, murder is always wrong.
The commonly known truth of reality is that murder is not foundationally a legal term, but first and foremost a sociological term.
Murder only makes its way into statute when law-makers deem both 1) it, on a per-form basis, is not to be tolerated, and 2) to proscribe a penalty for the per-form behavior.
Murder, by its common foundational sociological definition, is still murder and just as instrinsically wrong, by appeal to foundational definition of the term, whether or not law-makers have subsequently stipulated.
It is not a matter of whether such is mentally “accepted”, by the killer, the killed, society, etc., as “acceptance” is irrelevant by definition.
Murder is what it is, sociologically, by definition, whether mentally “accepted” or not.
If not accepted, society enacts prohibitive laws against the sociological behavior of murder.
If accepted, such as in the case of our murderous oil thieving of Iraq’s oil distribution rights, situational abortion, capital punishment, Terri Shiavo-type euthanaisa, etc. then society does not enact prohibitive laws against the sociological behavior of murder.
But whether accepted or unaccepted, murder is what it is: the non-self-defense premeditated killing of a human being(s) by another human being(s).
And, from the most foundational and overriding argument we posses to determine value – the ontological state-of-being paramount and foundational inviolable right to life argument – murder is always wrong.
Merely ask anyone if they want to be murdered. Only the severely neuropsychologically damaged/overwhelmingly truly guilty will say “yes”, and, of course, they are too impaired to know the truth. Over 99.99999 percent of the population, those not so impaired, will speak ontologically from their heart and say “no”.
Thus murder is wrong, always, regardless of what laws do or don’t exist.
Because, as DNA and life science have proven beyond any rational conjecture, a unique individual human being begins to live at the moment of conception, if that person, from conception on, is pre-meditatively killed by another person for non-self-defense related reasons, that killing is thus, by definition, murder.
Hitler’s experimentation and slaughter of the Jews is another heinous example of murder.
Executing a prisoner who is bound and restricted and not in the immediate process of trying to kill someone is also a famous example of murder.
The list goes on.
In every case, murder is wrong.