
this might sound stupid to you, but you know how some people can move their ears, and their toes perfectly fine? well they’re muscles and you just have to get used to using them. so my question lies in… can you concentrate enough and be able to use your heart muscles, etc? the muscles we can’t control? could we be able to?

i’m inclined to say yes. just like the blind hear better, and the like. of course heart movement is an involantary muscle movement, one in which our conscious mind has no control over, so that might be a problem. but if u could get over that i don’t see why not. look at monks who can have sharp steel bend when it touches their skin.

madcaplaughs wrote:

These people havent built up any type of muscles to be able to perform these certain acts, it is hereditary.

My mom assures me that it is true that some people can bend spoons with their minds. This was a while ago and she didn’t back it up, only said that. Does anyone believe this and perhaps have some reasonable proof?

Maybe involuntary is not subject to the control of the will. Maybe some muscles such as hearth muscles and intestine muscles can not be voluntary, because if we forget to pump and digest well sure to die.

It is a pure speculation of mine but maybe that is the reason why the discovered dinosaur became extinct, perhaps they can not help but forget they should pump their hearth first before hunting. Intermediate animals are really unlucky.

Got this:

the bible says jealousy is not love, and god is all loving, but god is a jealous god
basically, its telling us
a=b, a=c, but b does not = c

check out mine, totally akin to that:

Because the moon resemble the earth in respect to light, distance from the sun, and revolution on its axis, it will resemble the earth also in being inhabited.

I don’t supoose dinosaurs becoming extinct might have anything to do with a many-mile wide crater off the coast of mexico?

Of all the explanations i’ve heard for dinosaur extinction, i get the feeling that isn’t very likely. Why? dinosaurs lived for many millions of years…they didn’t magically forget to keep their hearts beating all of a sudden.

As for the original question, there are nerves that control the heart indirectly. The vagus nerve can slow your heart rate when you are calm, for instance. Similarly, Adrenal signals speed it up when you are excited or nervous. So, if you can learn to manipulate these signals, you can control your heart rate. Meditation is a great way to relax, and thus slow your heart.

I beleive it’s biologically impossible to control individual muslces in your heart, i.e. one chamber at a time because it’s simply not wired that way. Your heart muscles beat naturally and automatically, and the only signal they accept is a synchornizing signal from your pacemaker.

Heart muscle is different from other smooth muscle tissue such as intestines and stomach. These muscle systems have comparitively few stimuli that are easy to control. They essentially respond to food. if you can learn to effectively pretend you have eaten something, you may be able to control your stomach function.

Iinciidentlally, none of this is a mystery. any biology textbook will tell you that most of your organs function automatically. They have no need of signals beyond basic regulation, and even that is not concious.

we can control our breath, can we not? and if we forget to breathe we die, right? but, we can’t forget to breathe, we can just control it, why not the heart?

that’s different…your lungs are not doing the brathing, they are passive organs. Skeletal muscle such as yoru diaphram and you chest muscles expand and contract your chest cavity, alterantely pulling in and pushing out air. There is a need to control breathing, however, if you’re swimming, or in a dusty enviorment, or something like that. The best evolved mechanism encorporates both voluntary and involuntary control, which is what you’ve got.

And don’t mention your baldder or rectum as examples to the contrary. There are voluntary muscles (such as your PC muscles) that youc an flex, contracting each cavity. that is again different.

You’re heart on the other hand, has no reason to stop or vary unless told to by the brain. Concious control of your heart has no function for humans, so it is not an evolved trait. For some frogs, there is such a use, when they hibernate through the winter. Same wiht yoru stomach, or you intestines, etc.

For the record, natural science is not philosophy…you can’t make such bald leaps of logic when you’re dealing with biology.

I have a problem with the heart issue: What in the world would you do if you accidentally stopped your heart from beating? Would you have enough accumulated practice to restart it?

And regarding the supernaturalism of bending a spoon: For one of my high school classes, a young girl moved three bags taken at random (one of them mine) and moved them across a series of connected desks. She did not ask us to leave the class so that she might fix the results; she just put them there, and stared at them for a few seconds and BAM. There they went, flying off the desk in order. So it isn’t impossible, nor implausible to me.

I had seen more incredible things than that, though, so it wasn’t a surprise, but it is interesting to note.

Whoa, Immanuel is there any more you can say about the girl or that event? Like how was it set up, what did the girl physically (facially, etc) do?

if she could move bags why wouldnt she move cool stuff all the time and be on tv. why havent we all heard of this girl by now.

is it possible to meditate and trick yourself into pumping adrenaline around into your heart? would that be really fun as demonstrated by johnny depp’s hilarious heartwarming encounter with satan in fear and loathing in las vegas?

[contented edited by ILP]

No, it is quite impossible.
The haert muscle is a form of smooth mucle (cardiacmuscle) that is inneverated by nerves from the non-skeleteal uscle system, so it is not under the power of the conscious mind.
The lungs have both tpyes, skeletal and nonskeleeal, so for short ersiods, we can control it, however, since we are not capable of thinking to breath all the time (I know i forget), the medula takes over (brainstem)

-there is no truth