Music Collection

Anybody else out there an avid music collector? If so, list your collection.

I have…

14676 digital songs
60 or so CD’s
70 or so Vinyls (favorites being: “Chunga’s Revenge” by Zappa, “Velvet Underground & Nico” by VU, “Madcap Laughs” by Barrett)

I think I have an addiction.

lol far from, your one of many. im a huge music fan, just look at my picture…amazing band…and drummer. but ya im into the Nu Metal and heavier stuff all the way to jack johnson, Bob Dillon, and Bob im pretty open, how about yourself…

I have about 1,000 CDs, DVD-As and SACDs. Probably another 600 or so DVDs. So far though I have no downloaded songs.

Any kind of metal = crap
Jack Johnson = zzzzz
Bob Dylan = lyrical genius
Bob Seger = another overrated generic 70’s rock artist that doesn’t deserve any recognition whatsoever

Impressive. Why no downloaded songs? Are you against it or just felt no need to?

Both, among other reasons. The music I listen to isn’t as easy to find for downloading. Plus, downloading unauthorized music is considered piracy; aside from the money it costs the artists, the labels are pretty vigorous in prosecuting it. Beyond that, I don’t really have any need to download. As I’ve said, the stuff I listen to isn’t well represented online and the sound quality isn’t that great. Which brings up the final reason: I’m a card-carrying audiophool. I don’t care much for MP3 and the like. It’s okay for talking books but tends to strip the soul out of music.

2,369 songs from over 1,000 albums on my ipod, which I just leave hooked up to my stereo because I can’t work without music. Everyone from the Beatles to Metallica to Regina Spektor to Louis Armstrong to The Cure to Shakira to The Ramones to Murder by Death to Frank Sinatra to Michael Jackson to Led Zeppelin. I listen to pretty much everything except most shallow rap/hip hop/pop. I have a wider taste than most people who claim a wide taste in music.

That’s… actually not that much music too. Most of my friends have twice as much as I do. We’re all avid music lovers.

This is something I have never understood. Several people have mentioned before that they love Frank Zappa’s music…and then a moment later they are listing all the other trash bands they listen to. What I don’t understand is how can someone want to listen to that other trash after hearing Zappa?

Perhaps they didn’t really hear Frank Zappa.

The greatness of Frank Zappa is in his power to make the other music sound like the trash it truly is. His expertise, aside from producing the most complicated and advanced music ever made, is in mocking the music industry and the clowns who call themselves musicians.

I suppose its a generation thing. I do believe that Zappa was the last great musician, and that his career marks the end of musical integrity and the beginning of, or should I say the apex of, the mainstream music industry of garbage…fitting for the people who listen to it.

I would almost pronounce Zappa “holy” is I were so inclined. He was an oracle in a sense…he was warning us of things to come. Sure enough, I am entrenched in bullshit so deep I can’t be sure if its the shit I hear or the music on the radio.

That isn’t always true about MP3s. I know with digitally imported, I can get higher than CD music quality. It just means the files are a lot bigger. But with a good internet connection, it streams just fine.

Is this like your many assertions that I, Colinsign, Dunamis or whichever other poster you wish to tar with your ‘pompous bourgeois bastard’ brush is ‘not living in the real world’.

You know, your ability to argue like some sort of angsty gothic teen who thinks that no one ‘gets’ him despite your obvious intelligence, wit, imagination and balls astounds me. It’s like your are trying to make yourself incredible…

No sir. “Bourgeois” is a classification of those people who own the means of production. Previous to Marx’s use of it, it was a simple term used by the French to indicate a “legal category”, as wiki explains it.

Both you and Colinsign are students, and you might deliver pizzas on weekends for spare cash, so I would hardly call you bourgeois. Pompous bastards, perhaps, but not bourgeois. And I don’t know what Dunamis does other than stay online twenty-five hours a day.


What happened to the days when an insult was an insult and not coupled with a few compliments?

Anyway I talked to a gothic dude today at the shop and we had a discussion about how pathetic he was. I told him it was tough love as I lectured him. He was pretty convinced and took the criticism well, although I did have to admit to being so stupid myself when I was his age to comfort him.

He’s changed. Turnin over a new leaf. In fact, he said he was going to take the ceremonial costume dagger he bought back to the comic book store to get his money back. I convinced him that despite what the salesman told him, it is indeed impossible to summon the atronach spirit guardian with it, and that he had been tricked. Possibly by the same guy who tricked Magnet Man into buying the powdered deer penis for sexual energy. I dunno.

Yet you’ve used it in the more general sense to mean ‘anyone that I, as a Marxist, object to’.

You know, you should really stop getting your political and historical information from Wikipedia.

Neither of us are students. I work full time.

So, despite not knowing what I, Colinsign or Dunamis ‘really’ do, you’ve told all of us that we aren’t in the ‘real’ world. Fascinating…

I only insult people who I know are capable of better.

Back to the original topic. I’ve got about 5500 mp3s, (all downloaded). I listen to every type of music except electronic and country.
On another note, have you yet to insult me STAID, because I’m not capable of better? Or is it because I may not have done anything yet to provoke a constructive insult? Or maybe you just hadn’t thought about it. I dunno. Sorry to ramble, I’m completely fried.


Slightly more likely.

A lot more likely. No offence, but you’ve been here for about 2 months, and despite a notable avatar, you just haven’t (yet) said anything that has provoked much response in me. Don’t worry, it’s only a matter of time.

Awesome. So most of the music that I listen to lately is instrumental. I like alot of old jazz, and some occasional stuff from these cds that I got from a music appreciation class. Other than that, I like led zep, the rolling stones, um, lots of stuff. Also audio books are nice.

I’m not crazy about Frank Zappa myself, but I feel that even thinking of bands that I truly love, reducing all other bands to “trash” compared to them is… a bit of an overstatement.

Sure I understand what you are saying, CI. Myself, on the other hand, claims to have a kind of supernatural sixth sense for signs of decay and decadence in music and art. What I consider is the evolution of music in accordance with the means through which it is produced and the reasons why it is produced. In todays’ modern world, the comparison of the music which exists today to the music which existed before the industry was cheapened via the modes of mass production, it becomes apparant that not only is the musical integrity declining, but also the integrity of the consumers who buy it. Of course, this goes hand in hand, and each generation of industry relies and depends on the fact that the consumers are ignorant of other generations of music, and this forces them to become conditioned to believe that the music they have at their disposal is the best music there is.

The major steps to consider are simple: the technology available at a time and the need of capitalists to increase the production of the music which is to be sold.

Today this is at its highest point. The majority of the musicians are not, in the historical sense, talented. This is because the production of the music is generated from technologies that make it easier to compose music. But this generation does not notice…they cannot notice…because they are conditioned to accept modern music as “all there is”. Combine this with the increasing need to produce more and more music, and you get a new band every fifteen minutes on the cover of a magazine and bought by simple minded automotons everywhere, who then dissappear in two weeks to be replaced by another band of posers. The process repeats.

Rock and roll, heavy metal, and hip-hop are the epitome of this calamity today in modern music.

To sum up: everything you listen to sucks, but you cannot know this any sooner than that kid in Skinner’s box knows there is a world existing outside of that box. In fact, the kid might actually enjoy being in the box.

As Zappa once put it, concerning the nature of modern rock: “the public needs the repitition of the 4/4 beat, because its something they are familiar with. It makes them feel secure.”

The question that interests me the most is what determines a person’s musical taste?

My friends determined mine. I don’t think I listen to 5 bands they didn’t introduce me to. Before I was hanging out with them I didn’t pay much attention to music and all I heard was what was on the radio, which I didn’t like.

Two factors, in the case of lyrical music. One is the stimulating effects of the sounds, the mechanical aspects of the sounds and their complexity. Modern music is terribly simple and mundane. It has a small anatomy, that is, it is structured so to produce minimal stimulation in the brain. Heavy-metal, for instance: Dun-dun-dun-dun…dun-dun-dun-dun…ad infinitem.

The lyrics help to make up for the loss of substance in the musical aspects of the song. If the lyrics are centered around a desired theme, such as “love”, it makes little difference whether or not the first melody is five bars with a two part chorus in a 5/4 meter, because the listener isn’t listening for that anyway.

Good music, in a sense, isn’t a choice. One cannot decide that they like this or that song. The music demands your interest if it is good, because of the objectivity of its anatomical structure. A composition with several changes is far more interesting than one with none…except when the simpler one has lyrics which help little Johnny feel angry at his parents for grounding him, and is a good medium to smash around his room and bang his head. Or, when Shanisha has just gotten pregnant by Jerome for the third time and now needs something to idenitify with, such as the song “That’s just my baby’s daddy.”

Its all very simple. If I told you that the music industry is conspiring to “dumb you down”, would you believe me?