Why do people like music?
I dunno. But I room with a guy who has -no- taste for music. -At all.- Oddest thing I’ve ever run into in my life. Oh, don’t get me wrong, he’ll occasionally relax to some very generic jazz, and he’s particularly partial to John Tesh and Manheim Steamroller during these infrequent sesssions. But understand: He’s almost 60 and whenever I talk about rock n’ roll or country the man has ABSOLUTELY NO fondness for either. LOL Strangest thing I ever saw. Timeline is no issue, either. I can go back to the seventies and pull out stuff and he just… well, there’s a disconnect. Me, I am emotionally moved by music – and my tastes range the gammut from REO Speedwagon to AC/DC to current-day bluegrass (I LOVE the bluegrass they play on cable’s Music Choice; I have a digital package).
Let’s hear it for Alison Krauss and Ricky Skaggs, two of the best!
I saw an interview with a very famous German composer who said “music gives expression to those emotions that are beyond communicating with words”.
I think it has the ability to go far deeper into a person because it’s emotional. Music connects you to the world, the artist, the music itself, the notes, the harmony and most importantly to beauty. One cannot help but appreciate and enjoy beauty.
To me beauty is the expression of life and music conveys life. And life is all about the emotion that this world invokes in humanity. Life is feeling, whether its despair or joy life is about emotion. A tune on the violin tells a story, perhaps of hardship and struggle, perhaps of jubulation and happiness, and human beings are able to relate, understand, and most importantly of all feel the emotion (the pain, the joy, the guilt, betrayal, struggle, whatever it is that is being expressed) in ourselves.
Music brings us hope and comfort, I think Marilyn Manson said “that we’ll all throw on a record because we know a record won’t yell back at you”. It brings great comfort to us to listen to a song of someones hardships and feelings when we are down because we know we arn’t alone out there in pain. Music helps us relate and connect with one another.
In Judaism music was always seen as very mystical able to really move ones soul. Look at churches or synagoges and notice that song brings people together, where you can llose yourself in the crowd. At times letting go of oneself is a fantastic feeling. A liberating feeling.
I had an interesting exprience last passover. I had the traditional meal at a Rabbi’s house and there was a Jewish Cantor there. I don’t speak Hewbrew but when he was singing I’ve never felt so much emotion in myself, I was on the verge of tears because the songs were so somber that they moved me on such a level that I cannot express for you in words. These are songs that go back thousands of years that tell stories of despair and struggle which represent Jewish history.
Songs bring us peace. Think of childrens lullabys despite there generally horrific lyrics they quiet the children and send them into a beautiful peaceful sleep. I think music has this effect because the harmony or the voice creates a geniune connection with the person hearing it. And one cannot feel hopeless or alone when one feels connected to another, and most importantly emotionaly connected to them.
i like music because i know some songs i listen to, i can relate to the lyrics. i also enjoy being able to play guitar, because it makes me feel better. i think it kind of tunes me out from the rest of the world and everything else that’s going on. i feel like whenever i listen to all the instruments and voices blend together it’s like a whole lot of sounds which gives a bolt of energy to my mind. i also enjoy it because i feel that by the kinds of music i listen to, it hsapes my personality.
music is another aspect of human language… the human voice and the frequencies of human voice are interelated. on top of that, music is mathematical… as far as why i listen to it, i would have to say cause i like the sound of it.
I’ll take a quick shot at this one.
To start, I'm a believer of the "Mozart Effect," and much of the studies done on that can support my opinion.
(More on the Mozart Effect: mozarteffect.com/learn/read.html )
The effect basically states that music can improve certain thought aspects such as memory and awareness, and also (most importantly) it is believed that it largely reduces stress, anxiety and depression. The studies done on this controversial effect all point to similar conclusions, one of which is the power music has on the brain and brain stimulation. Also, if you want to think of it that way, music's just a drug without side effects.
Beyond the scientific approach, music is an excellent way for people to express emotion, even through other artist's words. Music is most of all something people can relate to. I've seen people who are absolutely against a band, artist, or even that genre of music fall in love with a song because of what the words meant to them. It can bring back memories, good or bad. The good ones can even make you feel sad, while the bad ones can make you feel still worse, but you still keep on playing those tunes most of all because they make you [i]feel[/i]—a striking contrast to most people’s life. The harmony and melody of song playing together can set your mood, and if you wake up with music, then it might make your day, just as falling asleep with music will surely shape your dreams.
One of the greatest things is having a powerful, bone-chilling song stuck in your head. If you’re like me, you fall asleep with music in your head, and get up the next morning the same way. It can help pass the long, boring hours of the day, or lengthen those all-too-short moments you wish would never end. Music’s not just sound, and does not simply come in the form of a song. Music is a way of life, and comes in the form of a person.
very interesting post
thanks for the ‘mozart effect’ link
anyone have any info. on how music effects other organisms? plants/animals? my dog seems to enjoy classical the most, but my cats seem indifferent… haven’t done any tests with plants though.
i heard about a study done in which two sets of plants were grown under the exact same circumastances exept one set was played classical music constantly and the other set was played loud hard nasty music constantly and the plants that were played classical music grew better…
A classic science fair project. But in one experiment i’ve seen, those that were played jazz music grew the best – and the ones played easy-listening music died.
Why do people like music? The classical philosophers would say that music imitates the emotions. Part of it’s charm is in the simple ratio of the frequencies of the notes when they are in harmony.
ah, jazz…
do you think there’s money to be made in music specifically for the proliferation of plant life? its ecologically safe… i suppose that the next step would be an experiment testing the musically supported plants against those who’ve been aided by ‘Miracle Grow’ or some equivalent.
as for jazz… to me, it seems to be the best representation of actual life. rising into beautiful heights of rhythm and sound, then slowly slipping back into a cacophonic daze of disarray. of course it bounces around much more than that. it just seems that the complex and seemingly erratic compositions of jazz fall right alongside the triumphs and tribulations of life.
no wait, its polka!
Music is communication. Communication of feeling and concept. Thats why we “feel” when we hear it. It is also truth. These are ideals though.
To answer the original question; Everyone has their own reasons.
actually i find that if im trying to concentrate on something and fully comprehend it i do so better without music. it could reduce stress but id say it depends largely on the type of music. same with depression. the lyrics of certain bands are especially depressing.
Why do people like music? Are you serious? lol why do people like good food why do people like perfume? It stimulates a sense music is pleasurable to the ears so we listen to music to stimulate and please our ears. Would you eat food that tastes bad? would you listen to music that sounds bad>?