Dont misunderstand me Pinnacle, I am a determinist.
Celox: “The future being determined does not require us to know the future. What it means is that, theoretically, an outside observer could determine the future if it knew the properties of all particles in our universe, that’s determinism.”
Yes, this is the point Pinnacle, though the outside observer has to be comlpetely seperate from the universe. The observer’s chain of causality if it even has one must in no way coincide with the universe’s causal chain. Only then, would it be theoreticly possible to predict the future. This is not as you say “Partial determinism.” Determinism only says that every event has a cause. Simply causality. Nothing more. A result of causality is that the future is set, everything has happend, is happening, and will happen because of reasons that trace back for as far as we can imagine, and we dont know how far it can be traced back, if theres an original cause, or whatever. We dont know this, and as a result of us being part of the universe and our very limited intellect, we are unable to actually determine the future. All we can do is predict it, come up with possibilities and probabilities. We do this all the time, and I think the extent to which we do predict the future lends credence to the idea behind determinism. The more causes of events we understand, the better our predictions will get, this complies with determinism and is exactly what we notice in reality.
“proof for determinism lies in our ability to see into the future. since that is impossible, so is the proof for determinism.”
Again, you misunderstand determinism. The evidence for determinism lies in our awareness of cause and effect relationships. So much evidence I would say that it might as well be proven.
“Freewill makes more sense because even though our past has been determined by our will our future as far as we are concerned, we do not know. we feel we have choices, and that is not an illusion, because we do have free choices governed by our will.”
Freewill requires proof as well, or lets call it evidence. Freewill has much less evidence than determinism, actually ide say none at all. You saying that we feel choice and this is not an illusion is not evidence. As a matter of fact, free will is illogical by definition. It is something that has no reason, which is illogical. I cannot see how one can adhere to logic and yet accept a free will.