Must-Watch Video -- American Income Tax

Please Watch this before it’s too late (for you).

ignore the rest of the site, just watch this incredible film.

Just watched a few minutes, looks interesting. I did a search on Youtube and I came across this post film presentation by the producer who states that the women’s lib movement was financed for motives other than the ones officially set forth (about one minute in). #-o

Some interesting ideas, but if the income tax isn’t law, then it would have to be made so.



Seriously, if you’re American you have to see this film in it’s entirety.

I’m not American, but I still thought the film interesting. The question is: so what.

How would the US exist if not for taxes?

I can understand a reaction to taxes in regard to waste and so forth, but is wrong with paying taxes?

Answered in the movie.

But essentially the money that goes into holding together the country comes from other taxes. Income tax simply goes into the debt…

It’s not so much about the money, but how it is a means of control.

The video offers no proof of that.

I was amused by the comment that went something like: how did countries get by before the invention of income taxes!

They didn’t, would be the answer.

What are you talking about?

The income tax didn’t come into play until 1913, so… yes, they did.

Edit: Even though I’ve already said this, I’m gonna say it again as I’m almost certain you are lost here:

I’m not talking about -all- taxes, I’m talking about the unconstitutional income tax that is being fraudulently perpetuated by certain indivduals controlled by the European Bankers/Rockafellers.

The US constitution treats labor as a private property and cannot be taxed according to US law.

Like… there is no law, case closed.

Mr. P, Gobbo has set the record by making 387 consecutive, incorrect statements, but he is right here. The US government relied largely on tariffs and excise taxes until the income tax was implemented - and I don’t know the exact year, but Gobbo is close if not on the money.

Now you have start over, Gobbo. I don’t think you can top 387.

Well, here’s a good start. The US Supreme Court says the income tax is constitutional. And as you should know, it is the final arbiter on the constitutionality of acts of Congress. So, if it (edit:SCOTUS) says it (edit:income tax) is constitutional, it (edit:income tax) is. Doesn’t matter whether you agree with it (the income tax or the SCOTUS). That’s law.

This is the start of you realizing the truth behind every one of those 327.


Give yourself a pat on the back young man.

Try reading some history.

Before taxes and the social programs that they fund most countries were hell soaked. Income tax is a way to have all of the people fund programs that make the society more livable.

The “European Bankers” is usually code for “Jew” and “Jew” is usually code for communist in this context. Notice how in the beginning of the film the people questioned about taxes answered that they wouldn’t pay them if they didn’t have to. If it wasn’t for “communists” that would be the case. Then, you could kiss public schools, hospitals, and services for the aged goodbye.

The film is capitalist crap.

Your attitude proves much.

I fail to see how somehow can criticize a film that they have not watched.

You can continue by yourself if you want, but as for right now you’re so far off it’s not worth it for me to follow behind correcting you as you go.

Have you watched it?

I’m discussing sections of the film even, what gives?

Gobbo, have you any insight into the fact that you’re at times totally without reason? It appears that you emotionally react and believe that to be good enough. It’s not the best trait in a discussion.

Taxes, sure - the Romans were good at that. Income tax, no. Not necessary. The VAT keeps the European Union functioning.

Hell soaked?

If you say so.

Your inability to take criticism of incorrect opinions, tells all.

Where do you think that Roman people got money from?

Could it have been from income, perhaps :unamused:

Other governments had serfs and slaves to build wealth for no other reason than to do so for the powerful. There was nothing for them. They lived and died simply to work.

That’s they way it used to be and still is in some places.

The only reason I’m reacting with even a hint of emotion is because it pisses me off when people ask or assert things that are clearly answered in the video.

I know you’re talking about selections, that’s why it’s pissing me off.

Pointless, as usual. [-X

Why waste time?:oops:

I suggest a sandwich and a nice TV show. :wink: