I believe that Jesus was a typical “white mans” wish to be as non-discriminatory as possible. Like say for example whites have always had the power in history from swords, knights in armor, to guns. Either way look at the way “whites” primarily always had one lifestyle that influenced their beliefs, money. And everyone wishes to be fair, just, and non-discriminatory to see things from anothers point of view. Like Jesus never judged, obviously thinking about all the things that could of led to that persons position in life.
Then look at Martin Luther King Jr. He made stereotypes obviously wanting equal laws for blacks. But look at the way he did it, being as non-discriminatory as he could be unless someone stereotyped first in my eyes. But how could you be not like that looking at a African-Americans past (slavery). Thats why I labeled him as a “black-Jesus,” in a report I did for school.
Protestantism - An excuse to crime against others whose belief is not like yours. By saying something like “It was in the name of God,” when who will deny someone for just believing in Gods eyes?? No one, when you instead would be persecuted against for bashing someone who says they do it in Gods eyes. But of course no ones dumb enough to do something that radical, like killing saying its in Gods name or you’d be looked at as crazy. Because how many people talk to God?? Not even John Edwards (my guess) from watching his show talking to your average joe. (Peoples whose ancestors came during the Revolution. White women with the empowered but put down might mess up their thinking, like how they dress up as sluts to impress others just to lower their self image)
Muslim - Believe Jesus is not Gods kid. To me its because he was non-discriminatory, but look at it from their point of view. Have their lifestyle been to the point where they need to be grateful. Being grateful is when you don’t stereotype against others knowing how your life has been, and knowing they wouldn’t like it. Because if you care for others not many can hate you/being grateful. And they believe to me, that their version of Jesus will place their thinking of gratefulness to others like Jesus did. Something like 9/11 almost did, making us humble/grateful for human life.
Christianity - Jesus taught to be as non stereotypical as possible. But can you, when in history Europeans have always been in power and not needing to worry about being put down. Therefore not needing to worry about seeing anothers point of view. To me Jesus just had the thinking of the first white/European who wasn’t discriminatory, when wouldn’t you think the so called “Gods kid” would use it to his advantage putting others down like Kings do??
Buddhism - These people are grateful, alot. Would a rich European want their reincarnation to be poor?? Not really seeing how they want multiple kids to rule their kingdom. Reincarnation for these people is a metaphor (logic and reasoning) for wanting to see from anothers point of view completely, therefore being as non-discriminatory as possible seeing as how you see from someones who lifestyle is opposite of yours (like Jesus was).
^^^Examples for my belief.
Not all of these Religions races who mainly practice it. Like Buddhism you think Southeast Asian, Christian you think Europen, ect. Because every now and again you meet a Indian who may believe in the Christian faith. Just most of the race who mainly practiced the origin of the faith believe how the public eye percieve them to be. And from my thread, I believe the obvious believers want someone to base (basics of your thinking when it comes to certain things like Religion) their thinking off of to complete their Religions basic beliefs. Stuff like placing your logical reasoning on others is completely unintentional. Like how “I” believe you enter this 1st life physically then mentally (DNA strands, sperm egg, ect.), and your 2nd life enter it mentally then physically (Alzheimer’s, memory loss, ect.).