My Dark Places...

It’s true I can’t spell very well and my grammar is more often than not APPALING! I seem to post messages here in an a state of
im-just-going-out-the-door-in-a-hurry even when I am not actually going out the door…I blame stupidity and a poor concentration span, I hold myself responsible, but only for nothing much at all!

My Dark places:

Everyone is a moon…has a dark side…Don’t be such a cliche, is that what you’re thinking?

I’m no murderer, I’m no sex-pest, I’m no voyuer, I’m no mythomanaic, I’m not power hunrgy, I’m not sadistic, I am not hypocritical, I am not a sexual pervert, I am not abusive, obnxious, arrogant, weak. And I am certianly not mad, without reason, unable to function civily, neither am I, selfish, uncaring, spiteful or bitter. Nor do I exploit the vulnerabilities of the weak, the young, the stupid, the Others…the public…Neither do I fantasies about killing people, or disembowing them, nor do I masturbate over highly sinister pictures, nor do I laugh at handicap people, nor do I dream of cannabalism, nor buggery, nor genocide, nor do I recall standing on frogs, dogs, cats, fingers, hands, or hitting eyes hands breasts…I have never drank the blood of a human and animal a child or a freshly dead corpse, nor have I kidnapped and tourted till the eyes tasted good, nor have I battered the innocent, nor have I shat my pants!

(That should be about everything…)

So, who has a dark place?
(I have a room without a light blub,
and that doesn’t count as a shadow!)

“nor have I shat my pants”

You might want to try that at least once!

Be good to yourself.

I’m inclined to believe if we want to find the light switch we will have to fumble around in the darkness with the express intent on finding it. The intense longing for the light and the familiarity with the darkness should help us find our Way.


i have a dark place…and itz beautiful :D.

aww they deleted my drunken post… :frowning:

I bet you laughed though liquid :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember as a child not being able to find the light swich,

" The intense longing for the light and the familiarity with the darkness should help us find our Way"

but after failing to find the light swich so many times, and crying out for help you tend to loose hope, and that longing becomes your undoing, causing you to feel more pain then if we just accepted that there was never a light swich there for you.


You seem like a good person. I don’t feel like I have a particularly dark side either and have a hard time around negativity. I liked your list of dark places and thought they were pretty funny. I also appreciated your honesty, but I will tell you: do not to put yourself down like you did in your first paragraph. Don’t put yourself down here - or in your real life. You are what you believe you are. Make a habit of avoiding self deprecation. People will treat you the way you treat yourself.

If being inarticulate bothers you - read more, write more, and use spell check and (even do it here) The more you know, the more you know! :smiley:


Along with the PLAYPEN and TOWER OF THOUGHT we need a TRASHED as well. Also a voted domain. In this particular case, you may vote yourself in - kind of like ILP-AA. “Hello, my name is OG, I am thoroughly trashed.”

Barthes would say there is no such thing as dark or light. Only that which blends peacefully with society and that which doesn’t.

The more complex you are, the more dissonant aspects you may have, but possibly you’ll have more consonant ones as well to balance it out, which seems to be the case with many of the wily dignitaries that frequent these here hallowed halls.

Dark places can stem from ignorance and hatred, and with wisdom or self-confrontation these dark places can be flooded with wiser light.

But light places can also stem from ignorance and hatred, and with wisdom or self-confrontation these light places can be flooded with a wiser darkness.


Were you quoting that? If not it was very well put and nicely written… if so who cares! :wink:

that onez funny i can see in the dark :slight_smile: you can’t hehe im special :).

Bessy, I stole it from Gamer. Assault and battery were involved.

ahh, very nice.


I honestly laughed for like 10 minutes after I wrote that thread that got deleted… in fact I’m laughing now. Frig that was funny