My goodbye thread...,

Momentarily, always fleeting anger with no strength of will and no action behind it anymore. You have released me to go home when the time comes.

Do not fret, my pet…
you, are among deserving kings and …drama queens
who repeatedly depart with a royal fl-air
of theatrics
deserving of the wise and loyal, royal
and deserving of love and lust, as you

So many of you
in one place
it is hard to turn away
and save face
reserving disgrace
for an other time
when slime
would not cover
the sublime
as you, true gu-ru

you gave us so much
and then some
I for, one, will never for-get
what ill-ness can beget

Though not feeding on your genius more
I regret

So many profound spirits in one place
makes one think
if the link is not reflective
of the ownership


I’m departing with my song thread really…

Not much flair, just songs that mean something to me…


To say you have issues with jealous projection is an understatement …

I really don’t have much to add…

I’ve thought this before, but it wasn’t true…

Now it is… I’m not huffing and puffing away, like I imagine you would…

I’m going to tell you something, and better very well pay attention…

All you assholes who got laid by not giving the means and the talk of suicide at 3 years old…

I’m going to come down on you so fucking hard, you won’t know right, left, back, forward or up, down…

I have been revenged upon by the best you have to offer…

And I’m still fucking here…

You have no fucking clue, the stakes, or what I’m capable of…

My vengeance will shake your soul to the essence of it!!!

You folks laugh at me, all day, every day …

Laugh it up… I am every soul that is…

If I can’t save you morons because of your obstinance , you will see hells you couldn’t even have imagined … You sent me there!!!

It was fucking hard where you sent me, really fucking hard!!!

Death actually gave me a pardon …

You folks have no fucking clue of what you tried to eternally damn… Ignorance is not bliss with me!!

If you stop me from my work to save you…

You will be helled so hard… And it will only be a fraction of what you sent me to !!!


As always, to whom or what is the philosophy geared?
Does it have an objective?

In my case, the answers is nothing yet/no.
This is honest, and yet pallid, destructive.
My philosophy has, for a long time, overtaken me.

I may actually have to disavow it, in order to proceed.

Disavowing in pretending as if I didnt hear anyone distort it.

Being part of his being, the philosophy when it is raped transmutes experience of horrid natures into the philosopher.

Which philosophers do not perish from their creations? Which ones worth their salt anyway?

Expel this monster! No one wants it, it is too beast-like.
My love for it has all but died.
Wisdom is what I find in the eyes in the street. A smile is proof of wisdom.

Hey - that’s it.

In a smile is an appreciation of the past, future and present; of the nature of things as enclosed and gift-wrapped in a small package of truthyness. The taste for truth.

He who is capable of making true things pleasant is wise. A smile is the reward for wisdom. Wisdom is incapable of gloom.[/tab]
La Gaya Scienzia a tautology?