One needs to understand that compartmentalism has a utility which includes all the above, the exclusive pleasurable access and other supposedly innate items that one could think are generic, across the board pockets of meaningfully recoverable concerns.
But there it gets hairier, how has that excluded to form any kind of probability, that it is a universal constant that formed the enjoyment of the pain, that such displacement caused?
That it can utilize that ‘principle, is no doubt evident in the recovery from preceiving it as tool by which to punish, to cut off or up, or to provide sub marginal instances which invert the source of pain in variable doses of changing,so that the over all effect can be regulated to increase or decrease it’s effect/affect.
It could be a useful technique of manipulation. Or a setting the stage for a basis of a kind of parent child , master-slave ,authority(object-subject relation)
That kind of clarifies at least in this place. of the universe, the true unnoticibly hidden dialectic in an otherwise severely formal scheme Ec or used in a scheme which tends to degrade pleasure for furtherance of inflicting pain. The ominous latent evil is overly representative, the sadist come antihero body politicized in order to erogenize a confirming master slave paradigms, so as to subjugate and normalize apprehended feelings, that there is something abortive in exclusive access.
The compartmentalizes chasms are merely the recognition of developing new stages of realization, and as with all subsequent development the antidote of an internal anesthetic is naturally, internally produced.
It is a sugnificant negative state of feeling in the primary stages of development, that is why the need to bind , to simulate a version of organized behavior which can share exclusion, and deny it’s pre forma excercise as long as possible.
The utility of institutions is to confirm to this early powerful thrust, so as to go through it as painlessly as possible, and find ways to utilize well headed ways to compensate for the body politic through more humanistic and obliging ways to deal with human evolution based on ideal and remote perceptions of aesthetic concerns.
The beauty and the beast has audaciously been fine tuned to ‘brains and brawn’
Selection can be unlearned by changing the structural hierarchy of recollection, by the well known method that is used by serial killers, (extreme sadists), to cut and preserve parts, irrespective of mutilating it’s wholeness, for it is in parts that the unity can be recalled. as other missing parts can be found in other places, other universes.
Exclusion is effected by a basic need to recollect missing parts and to reconstruct a lower st image of completion-compilation.