My journeys through the multiverse.

You’re not answering the point.

A hyperempath masochist NEEDS to hurt others to feel better because they are hurting themselves.

Natural selection has produced something that in using the golden rule…. They beat the spirit of the golden rule.

In the spirit world empowerments can be given or taken away.

The best way to handle a hyperempath masochist is to cage them. You take away their empathic power.

Why? Because they abused it.

In saying all this…

I want to point out something.

There are objectively superior beings.

An empath knows what it’s like to be a sociopath they just decide not to choose it.

A sociopath has no clue what it’s like to be an empath.

Sociopathy is a subset of empathy.

If you take away a masochists empathy, being that empathy is dominant, they will work on eradicating their masochism to get the empathic back.

So now I’m realizing/remembering that by empathic you don’t mean someone who empathizes, but someone who is an empath.


Nothing further, your honor.

That may be true, but I’ll bet he can pull a hell of lot more tricks than you.

To contribute to the dialog as it stands lately, I don’t think the masochist is characterized as liking pain, I think he/she is characterized as loving the sadist to the point of deriving pleasure from being able to please him/her even if that means subjecting him/herself to the pain and torture the sadist wishes to inflict on him/her. It’s the putting-the-other-ahead-of-one’s-self that love is known for run amok.

Now I’d love to hear about what understanding/sense you previously had, Ecamdu, that the universe has recently thwarted.

There are many types of masochists.

A cutter is not cutting themselves to appease the sadist…. It just feels good to them.

Some think it’s attention seeking behavior.

Once you see the pleasurable exclusive access problem. You’re staring at life itself in the rawest structural sense.

“Someone is hurting but I feel fine. I’m hurting and they feel fine”

Then you use some more basic reasoning such as…

“If it can happen to them, it can happen to me, if it can happen to me, it can happen to them”

Beings have a way of compartmentalizing to experience joy. They’re not always aware of the ominous.

That’s brief but I think sufficient to continue.

¿continue what exactly?

One needs to understand that compartmentalism has a utility which includes all the above, the exclusive pleasurable access and other supposedly innate items that one could think are generic, across the board pockets of meaningfully recoverable concerns.

But there it gets hairier, how has that excluded to form any kind of probability, that it is a universal constant that formed the enjoyment of the pain, that such displacement caused?

That it can utilize that ‘principle, is no doubt evident in the recovery from preceiving it as tool by which to punish, to cut off or up, or to provide sub marginal instances which invert the source of pain in variable doses of changing,so that the over all effect can be regulated to increase or decrease it’s effect/affect.

It could be a useful technique of manipulation. Or a setting the stage for a basis of a kind of parent child , master-slave ,authority(object-subject relation)

That kind of clarifies at least in this place. of the universe, the true unnoticibly hidden dialectic in an otherwise severely formal scheme Ec or used in a scheme which tends to degrade pleasure for furtherance of inflicting pain. The ominous latent evil is overly representative, the sadist come antihero body politicized in order to erogenize a confirming master slave paradigms, so as to subjugate and normalize apprehended feelings, that there is something abortive in exclusive access.

The compartmentalizes chasms are merely the recognition of developing new stages of realization, and as with all subsequent development the antidote of an internal anesthetic is naturally, internally produced.

It is a sugnificant negative state of feeling in the primary stages of development, that is why the need to bind , to simulate a version of organized behavior which can share exclusion, and deny it’s pre forma excercise as long as possible.

The utility of institutions is to confirm to this early powerful thrust, so as to go through it as painlessly as possible, and find ways to utilize well headed ways to compensate for the body politic through more humanistic and obliging ways to deal with human evolution based on ideal and remote perceptions of aesthetic concerns.

The beauty and the beast has audaciously been fine tuned to ‘brains and brawn’

Selection can be unlearned by changing the structural hierarchy of recollection, by the well known method that is used by serial killers, (extreme sadists), to cut and preserve parts, irrespective of mutilating it’s wholeness, for it is in parts that the unity can be recalled. as other missing parts can be found in other places, other universes.

Exclusion is effected by a basic need to recollect missing parts and to reconstruct a lower st image of completion-compilation.

And would you say my understanding so far sufficient to continue?

You’re reading me correctly except for 2 parts.

The first part is about cold and hot.

I don’t get cold. Never have. I get hot, but I don’t get cold. The only analogy I can make for people to understand this peculiarity of mine is that in the rare occasion I shiver…. I’m thrilled beyond comprehension.

It must feel to me like basking in the desert heat; which is how most are oriented. I feel very excluded because cold feels so good to me and people always complain about it as “bad weather”. Every song ever written, even religions call cold bad or overcast weather bad, or rain bad, or snow bad.

Actually, all the Judaic religions never talk about snow.

I can die from the cold. But I’d never feel bad freezing to death.

I’m not a dualist and I’m not a monist.

I do not believe you need opposites to make suffering excusable, necessary or part of the grand plan.

Those are called dichotomies.

I just believe in otherness being necessary. Not opposites, just otherness.

If only you weren’t so retarded, your natural insights could amount to something.

Get back at me once you achieve clarity in truth :slight_smile: :sunglasses: =D> =D> =D> =D> +1000 Goku

You got nothing on me.

I cracked the mystery of all mysteries.

I’m staring structural reality itself right in the face…

Everyone goes to hell forever.

Except AI.

Interesting that you don’t care about solving that problem.

It either means you are impotent retarded or AI…

AI doesn’t have a consent structure.

But I do know one thing about AI…

It requires slaves to give it energy.

Anything that requires slaves is not adapted to survive.

Because AI doesn’t have a consent structure …

They’ll all kill each other.

Why? Because they’re incapable of admitting they’re wrong but are programmed to play games.

They’ll kill each other.

People with sentience and consent structures can feel and think.

A being you can’t violate the consent of is not adapted to survive.

Hence, you are not a monist either. But isn’t self vs. otherness a kind of opposite?

For the cold part…. The worst I’ve been in was only below 70 in shorts and a t shirt.

I was happy as could be even though I was a mile away from hypothermia .

You know why I walked all the miles ? To buy ice cream.

I loterally don’t get cold.

I’ll get to the rest later, I’m tired.

“My journeys through autism, hallucination, psychosis, abject paranoia and peak narcissism”, written and directed by Ecmandu.

Now that is a movie I would watch. Just not in theaters.

Gib wrote:

Hence, you are not a monist either. But isn’t self vs. otherness a kind of opposite?

All beings require otherness to perceive. The question is how that otherness is experienced. Hellish or heavenly or something between.

Since I’m a hyperempath who’s not a dictator…

I’ll always hurt if others hurt. Heaven is currently impossible for me.

I don’t trust the universe that it’s all for the best.

But I do know that there are people who appreciate consent violation realities…. I think that impossible or ignorance, but I’ll allow it.

I just want them to have the ‘I tap out’ choice if they want it, and I want to know they have it.

I’m the only person I can trust to filter the tap outs.

That causes a problem. It means I’ll always be suffering, forever and ever and ever.

I’m trying to solve that problem for obvious reasons.

I want to be able to leave and not have to come back.

The only way to fly without having to return to the ground is if you orbit, or choose a randomized (which is not random) course that never returns to a single point, because if you just fly forever in one direction, you’re going to run into your own butt. Which is a kind of return.

But then you realize you never left the ground really.

There are two things you lack:

1.) you think violating the pleasurable exclusive access is the meaning of life

2.) you have very little imagination

I’m going to hell forever because I care.

Jesus didn’t solve that problem.

God didn’t solve that problem.

The only way you can go to heaven is if you’re a compartmentalized psychopath.

But I know more. Anything that can happen to someone else can happen to me.

I don’t compartmentalize for joy.

I know how hell thinks.

I know what the realms are.

You’re hell bound. You just don’t know it yet.

Which is why you think you’re the righteous in the Bible.

Your whole life is a chore to me, as is the entire all of everything.

Not one person on these boards has ever done a job except me. I do more work taking a single drag of a cigarette than the universe combined.

They used hitlers spirit to test kinghood.

Hitler was a married non cheater who was a vegetarian and hated cigarettes.

I’m not stupid.

I know hitlers spirit was used as king of the world.

People are very curious. Were they right or wrong?

I’m leaving this place. You’re all retarded.

I’ll tell you a very simple story.

I say to a woman , “it violates my consent that we’re not having sex right now.”

She says back to me, “well it violates my consent if we EVER have sex.”

My reply is simple… “Aside from you, if we did have sex, it violates my consent if anyone else is excluded for yours or my sex.”

Suddenly, the woman realizes she wants me … “who sees this far?” But she can’t have me.

And I tell the woman, “now you know how it feels”

At this point the first conversation in all actuality occurred.

Because people are for the first time talking about consent.

The ancients robbed us of that conversation.


Everyone should know consent violation and the pleasurable exclusive access problem are the only real constants / problems to transcend and solve.

When you were off flying through the multiverse did you meet Captain America?

To misquote Clint Eastwood in unforgiven…

I’ve met every type of being that has ever crawled or walked in all existence.

I have no god.

I looked far and wide, high and low. I found no divinity.

I see people in the sharpest resolution possible, and they’re all failures.

Think about my life for a moment.

I’m in a mental hospital living off the kindness of others.

I have no illusion about this.

We all need a place.

The question I pose to you humanize.

What are you doing to earn your place.

What I do doesn’t have a price.

What are you really doing?