When Denmark made a cartoon about Mohammad jokes, Muslims got angry fast.
In other religions, like Buddhism or Christianity, if Buddha or Jesus was made fun of, people would not demand that the jokers be killed.
When people hate each other for the way that those people express themselves, that’s not right. Hate is not good.
Being offended is often a form of self-infliction.
At work, if a girl walked up to a man and said: “Hi cute.” and she put her hand on his chest, if he did not like the fact that she was being affectionate to him, it would be his responsibility to ask her to stop. She’s not hurting him at all, and she’s simply showing her affectionateness. He would only feel hurt by this if he was very insecure and mentally handicapped.
If she pinched his butt, or some silly thing like that, it would still not be sexual-abuse, as the buttox is not a sex organ. The man would probably not feel raped and violated, etc. And he could simply ask her to stop, if he didn’t want her to do this. Most of the time, people will stop something, once you explain that you don’t want them to do it, and especially romantic attraction/love – is easy to discourage.
If the man, in any of these two situations, became very insulted and offended, like the Muslim-Denmark incident, it would be his own fault and his own security that would be to blame. If someone is insecure and crazy, that’s their own responsibility to get over it.
*Now, imagine a woman in the place of a man, in cases 1 and 2. It is still completely the same thing.
Much like the Denmarked Muslim extremist, she may actually want him to die, hate him, etc. Just for one little transgression.
Throughout history, in many cultures, women have been worshiped and slaved after. They were seen as sacred, more deserving than men, and men were expected always to out-preform women, and also, men were expected to do almost everything for women, as men were told to be the provider.
[ex: “women and children first.”, “ladies first.”]
This is why “it’s a mans world”, because the responsibility has been mostly set upon the shoulders of men. It’s not easy to handle all of this work, and men do not live as long as women. Also, men have much higher suicide rates, not because they are less emotionally secure, but instead, because they have such greater demands set upon them than women do.
The idea that men were superior to women, was not an insult to women, so much as it was greater demands upon men. Men being always expected to do more than women. Women had it easy, in many ways, but having an easier life does not mean a human body will be more satisfied. In many ways, they are bitter and hateful of all beings which do not serve and compensate for their own insecurity.
In older times, and today, armies mostly consist of men.
Imagine, if you had to go to war? Wouldn’t that be a very hard thing to do? Women were so lucky, because society did not even expect them to be able to do it. Now, in America, the feminists complain about all of this. They say that it was so unfair and unequal to them. Of course it was unfair. They should try living completely without males in the society for a while, and see if it’s any easier. No, it will not be easier. Taking the lead, and controlling anything, is a far harder task than it is to complain about it.
I’ve not said anything about rapes yet, but if rapes do occur, then after sufficient proofs, the rapist should be killed as quickly as possible. A knife or a bullet, it doesn’t really matter, as long as bad-blood is removed from the breeding pool of the race. Check USA statistics on the race ratios of rapes, and you will see what I mean about races, and bad genes.
The classification of rape should not be confined only actual intercourse. Rape is exploit, damage and/or intrusion upon the sex-organs of another being. In the same way as it would be rape to screw someone’s sex-organs forcefully, non-concentually. It would be a rape if someone cut your sex-organs with a blade, or struck them with a fist, foot, stick, or bat, etc.
Anything from circumsitions to men getting kicked in the cock, things like these are sex abuse. Male sexuality especially [as it is more abused] must stop being abused and hated, as well as female sexuality must not being abused or hated. All forms of rapes and assaults should be abolished.
One of the reasons why men can handle far more abuse and demands than women can, is because men are treated more eugenically than women are. It has been statistically proven that women have less sex partners than men. Women are more picky about the quality of their partner, where as men are usually not very picky about it. Men are willing to give the gift of their genes and selves to almost anybody. But, women only allowing less sex for men than the men would have ideally wanted – lead to a sort of eugenic principal, of which, men ended up being more selectively bred than women were. In this case, men were bound to be come superior, genetically, due to more genetic selection. “Sexual selection†is to blame. It is women’s fault that men are superior. Thank women, for their eugenic higher expectations of men, as it is for the greater good of your race, and be more selective about who you cream.