My life/dreams make no sense

Dream interpreters! Have your way with me.

Perhaps I am writing this simply so I can remember it, none of my dreams make a lick of obvious sense.
First, I am with my sister and we have to goto Orlando for something school related. Instead, we goto Magic Kingdom, and buy tickets but we hate Magic Kingdom and want to goto the other parks. Not too interesting.

Next, I somehow end up in what seems like a vacation home, mountains around and the such, with my teacher and a girl in my class Caroline. I talk to my teacher about god knows what and she leaves, and then I remember asking Caroline what this permit was in her hands, and she says something along the lines of “a waiver because prositution is illegal but this will let me get money for head.” I reply “So, uh, had your first customer yet?” She said something I couldn’t remember but we both smiled. It was something along the lines of calling me a “cutie” or something gay like that, and I am so self-concious that even in my dreams I asked myself if she was lying.

Sadly, it cut to the next scene. For some reason I end up at a professional wrestling show and I shake the hands of several of them, including a bulked up, young Arnold Schwatzaneggar (sp), and he tells me where to go to see them. Anyways, I go early, it’s in a large gymnasium, and begin making a total ass of myself around people I hardly even know. One girl I have never talked to at school I am sitting next to and we chat for a little until I start yelling out pointless things and then she moves away. I move to the front row somehow and a random kid Taylor from my highschool who is basically a tremendous clown, but in a poser like manner for those who look deeper inside him (he does an excellent job of covering it up), and I try to talk to him but it is as if he ignores me. And then I see a random kid from my lower school and I say hi and he rolls his eyes.

Anyways, I leave completely depressed for some reason and decide I want to goto the beach, which I can see far out in the distance. First though, I have to cross this river that is full of rocks and broken down cars and trucks. I do this with relative ease, but someone calls me or something, and I have to go back. This time, I pick a wrong path or something terrible happened, but the water is no longer knee deep and goes up past my head and I’m over 6 feet. It is incredibly rough and I try to hang on to the cars and trucks to make it across. Some random large hillbilly bum walks out and says, oh look, theres a chaser though, and this large white fan came displaced from being stuck in the rocks and starts coming right after me. I am scared out of my mind and try to swim away. I never make it across though, as I realize I have neither washed my face nor brushed my teeth and I wake up.

I can’t go too deep into it, consdiering I don’t know details about your relationship with your sister, and your opinion of her (the same goes for your teacher and friend, and the others).

Your social awkwardness (particularly with the opposite sex) is something that bothers you. Overtime the pressure of being “normal” and impressing girls has become very intense, to the point where you try to just ignore it now (by having different value).

You have a will to power (the bodybuilders, gymnasium) which, consciously, you use towards building your philosophical reasoning, but this is really an overcompensation for areas of your life that are left unfulfilled (you want sex).

The beach is the view of yourself you would like to have… I suppose it might be the image of a secure person walking around shirtless at the beach, chatting it up with groups of bikini girls. THis is the security you seek.

You have read some Nietzche, and it has momentarily made you feel like you had the answers/understood the world, but after the initial excitement and apparently quick, easy answer (for making you feel like you are in a suitable position in life, one that you find fulfilling), you have realized that you indeed still have needs, established in your past, that you aren’t working towards, which require you to look back to where you started (the fork where branched off onto the Nietzche/philosphical/etc path), which will lead to a path of hard work, painstaking effort.

Getting where you want to be will require the pain of training unexercised muscles. Do you think you aren’t taking proper care of your physical appearance?

That’s what I got out of it…

Ha. There’s no way you could possibly presuppose that I like Nietzsche just from that dream, but you probably know from my posts.
I actually bodybuild a lot. I do it to compensate for my social awkwardness. Who knows? Maybe if I look enough it will be less of an issue. I hope. Perhaps I had that part of the dream because I hadn’t lifted in 3 days out of laziness (the most I am ever allowed to not do is 1 day according to my plan)

Haha well of course I knew you like Nietzche from all your posts! Ahh yeah that makes sense about breaking your 1 day rule.

Sort of makes sense, that you bodybuild, from how, once you starting feeling insecure about whether your female friend really thought you were a “cutie” or whatever, you were thrown into the gym–your trained response to dealing with social awkwardness.

Why do you think it was a wrestling match? Do you have very negative views of the type of people who are wrestlers? That watch wrestling matches? You don’t want to feel associated with the “stupid” characteristics of the type of person who bulks himself up.

And so, with enough security from the bodybuilder characteristics you go about talking to some girl you barely know, but finally certain needs you have inside force themselves out through the yelling of random things. What makes you you forces itself out from this image you try to present to the girl. Unsuccessful with working with this image, you seek other positive social qualities–a sense of humor. However, he doesn’t even respond to you. Something unaaceptable about him, something that isn’t right for you (maybe his desperate attempt at humor, how you said he is just a poser).

Not sure about the kid from “lower schoo” … is lower schoo like middle school? Elemantary schooll? What kind of kid was he? What do you remember about him?

Btw excuse me if you no longer have much interest in interpretting this dream, I just enjoy dream interpretation and wanted to help out.