My people

My people

The past consumes my people daily, they knowing not what consumes them…. It is my hope to bring to light that darkness of the past encoded into the very fibre of all humanity for it is in us and from us that all evils come, nature may inflict herself upon us and force our hand to what we would not desire and consider evil, but this by no means makes men evil, the truth is that men as babes were too weak to willfully make the sacrifices necessary. Instead of men and women honorably being able to select themselves from the group and willingly dying for the group in peace, they resort to barbarism because in their weakness they could not overcome the most powerful personal desire of all: To survive, once you have conquered this, you as conquerer are a master of self. For you no longer live of the animal, you were once consumed by the wild evolutionary programming of the past and now you are free from it’s bonds having fought it with all your might and subdued the feral creature and encaged him, he is now yours to serve you, instead of the other way round as it is for most men, women and children to have ever lived upon the earth.

When a lion kills and eats a zebra ; that is not evil. When a jaguar fights away other jaguars from its territorry; that is not evil. These are survival instincts. Instinct are encoded in all animals.

But man has developed a more complex nervous system to aid in its susvival. This nervous system and its’ activity produces fear as the survival tool. Where as aminals function through instinct, most men live in fear. This nervous activity has been so well encoded that many do not see it.

Fear has created the idea of races, nations, religions, and the perception of superiority, patriotism, and many other evil concepts. It is when one awakens and acknowledges the presence of this nervous activity and not let it have control; when one will be truely free and fearless.