My philosophy

  1. We are complex animals and nothing more. Our mind is our brain.

  2. The universe has only three dimensions. Time means movement.

  3. Everything that’s in our mind excluding our perception of the physical are merely human inventions.

  4. We can not conceive what is inconceivable.

  5. All we have governing our behaviour is a system of fundamental beliefs, which is beyond reason.

  6. Human life has as much meaning as that of an ant.

  7. I say nothing more, for my propositions are only my inventions, and nothing more.

I have finally come to a realisation of who we are as humans. I wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year! Good day to you all.

So now that you’ve completed philosophy, what do you intend to tackle next?

Looking forward to a change in your avatar! :slight_smile:

  1. For now. What we may become with computers, electronics, and genetic engineering gives one hope.

  2. Some physicists (string theorists) think it may have more.

  3. Define “human inventions”.

  4. Some tautologies are enlightening.

  5. What do you mean?

  6. I think that depends on your definition of “meaning”.

  7. Beethoven’s symphonies were only his inventions, Einstein’s theories were only his inventions, … Are you saying they are worthless?

i would say so yes. hey may mean alot to you/me or him but they mean nothing to you if you are not human.

lololololol me too :laughing:

dude, this is your philosophy?

…back to the drawing board for you my friend

  1. and 3. are in contradiction.


It seems you have accepted identity theory of some sort, hopefully Token :slight_smile:

Modern philosophy has pretty much determined that by way of the logical distinction between mental and physical events (see Freger, Brentano) eventually with logical reparsing mental events are reduceable to physical events of some sort, Probably those in the brain.

the rest I am not so sure of - but anything you can believe is always very reassuring whether its right, wrong or referenceless.

out of all you said, that one i agree the most. :wink:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone on this board.

Oh come now Monooq, ye prophet of ye own glorious religion, you gotta give PoR some amount of credit. Afterall, this is the guy that ended up saying the only reason he believes in God is because he “feels like it.” This little philosophy list is quite a step up from just feeling like it.

I will say this though. After reading his propositions, and still sticking to that avatar and saying Merry Christmas at the end, I’m still having a hard time figuring out where he really stands. So on those grounds, I agree with Monooq that he needs to get back to the drawing board, and get rid of that conflicting avatar that a good percentage of people are looking foward to seeing changed.

Being a physics minor, I must ask about this one:

First of all, define dimensions. Clearly, the dimensions of space are not exactly the same as time, but whether the term “dimension” encompases time as well as space depends on its definition.

Mathematically, space and time can be converted to the same units of measurements (in other words, seconds can be converted into miles, and conversly.) So, in a way, space and time are the same sort of “thing” known, oddly enough, as “spacetime.” Therefore, we can speak of “dimensions of spacetime.”

Perhaps another way of phrasing what you said is simply that time is a mental construct defined only by movement, and not, as most physicists think, another independent “thing” like space.

So, can you give some evidence to back up that claim, or at least that it is equally as valid as the mainstream, Relativistic thought?

PoR wrote:

“1. We are complex animals and nothing more. Our mind is our brain.
2. The universe has only three dimensions. Time means movement.
3. Everything that’s in our mind excluding our perception of the physical are merely human inventions.
4. We can not conceive what is inconceivable.
5. All we have governing our behavior is a system of fundamental beliefs, which is beyond reason.
6. Human life has as much meaning as that of an ant.
7. I say nothing more, for my propositions are only my inventions, and nothing more”.

It takes courage to make a post like this. Especially since it appears that you are in the process of reexamining your basic assumptions of life.

I will give you my take on your assumptions and simply state that I hope some of them will resonate with you.

  1. Generally when I hear someone pontificating on our soul, I have the biased opinion that they lead an un examined life. However, and this is my own little secret, the assumptions that you make must fit with who you are. Personally, I try to keep the contradictory assumptions to a minimum.

  2. I agree with Pi on this matter. But I am willing to be tolerant. (Math major but took lots of Physics). I should point out that if Brian Greene keeps killing trees maybe we will think that there is 10 dimensions.

  3. It is not clear to me that these Human inventions are not representitive of an exterior reality.

  4. What you have stated is a simple tautology, but I am afraid that you might be setting the bar too low.

  5. This is probably true but it does not imply that our beliefs should not be examined. Hooray for you!!!

  6. & 7) I agree with rvw.

Despite Uccisore somewhat sarcastic post, I do agree that there are many more elements to philosophy, but I think you are doing great!!!

[b]4. We can not conceive what is inconceivable.

This will be sweet and simple. I put forth this, that conceivabillity is a human invention thus by rule three, it is not real. With this simple arguement, just because we know nothing of somethings existence does not mean it does not exsist. This fact has been proven throughtout history.

That’s true. You have a point there. Although, I read somewhere that space has to have 26 dimensions. I don’t remember where, though.

And, string theory does seem to be the simplest and most elegant solution to the Quantum/Relativistic problem. Although, we have no direct proof, or even evidence, that I know of for its truth. Too bad. It would be nice to be able to travel back in time by flying in a figure eight around two superstrings. :smiley:

Hi all,

It’s always good to see new posters. I hope you guys will enjoy your stay here. Monooq is such a low life. I am just going to ignore him from now on. He sounds much more stupid than his avatar.

Anyway, after writing over 500 posts on this forum. I finally worked everything out.

just to clarify certain things. what I mean by “conceive what is inconceivable” is that it’s pointless trying to figure out concepts like, What is God, for God is something no one knows anything about.

What do I tackle next? Well, I am planning to write an essay on my philosophy, i’ve already done 2,000 words and I’m 1/5 through. I should finish the work by the beginning of March. I have 6 more month to go before I finish university. Wish me luck!

Have fun everybody!!! :slight_smile:

LOL! dude you are hilarious.
i’m sorry about what i said earlier, i didn’t mean it, your philosophy is top notch, all 7 lines of it.

Actually Monooq, I’m suprised you didn’t comment on something I found particularly funny…

Not that your avatar would make sounds Monooq, but that it makes sounds that are smarter than the sounds you make, which is rather odd since it doesn’t make any sounds. Would that imply, by PoR’s reasoning, that to be smarter than more stupid, one would have to simply be silent?

Unfortunately PoR I cannot agree with your views. For the most part because of lack of logical proof. What you have given the forum is not an argument but rather a serious of conclusions that have no premises. Without the proofs, unfortunately, your conclusions have little to no truth value. Also, a few of your points I have objections to (as others in the forum has mentioned as well).

Conclusion one makes me wonder about morality and those things that are outside of mechanics. If the mind is nothing more than brain, our existence stops with death. However, it is now being theorized by scientists that it may be able to download our consciousness into a computer and guaranteeing imortality of thought.

I can agree that it seems as though time is a construct of human thought and understanding. However, the idea that the universe has only three dimensions is unwarrented. This is because we know so little of it. There seems to be a way out of this by ammending your statement to “The universe must have AT LEAST Three dimensions.”

The third conclusion is one that makes me extremely nervous. If our thoughts are just our invention there is a problem. This is because we are only privy to our thoughts. Even our perception of the outside world is nothing but what is seen in our head. We cannot step outside of ourselves and check to be sure what we are perceiving is accurate. Because of this we cannot also be certain that we are perceiving the world in at least a representative form. With that being said, it is not hard to imagine that what we view in our head is not what is actually in the external world. Then our physical perceptions are broken down to nothing more than a thought as well (which established by you is our own invention). Therefore, we invent everything. This conclusion leads us into solopcism.

Also, you have a problem with consistancy between the fifth and first statements. If what governs us is beyond rationality then there must be something beyond physical bodies.

As another poster mention, it would help if you would define meaning. It can also be said if you prove your first statement then this one is a bit superfulous. This statement is contained in your first if it is true that we are nothing more than another animal.

Finally, if a persons thoughts are only their own inventions that means that a man is justified in believing anything he can think. This tells us nothing about truth or wisdom and discredits every field of study from science to economical studies, because a man can believe what he can imagine.

Feel free to disagree with any of these points, but I feel that this view is flawed. But don’t cut down PoR for only having seven points to a philosophical system. Descartes only had Three in the Meditations. Perhaps PoR was applying Ockam’s Razor?

Just out of curiousity. You treat Philosophy like it’s some kind of Job? How can you finish? You say you want to tackle something else now? lol. Come on, be honest…you couldn’t even every know anything about nature yet you say you’re ‘‘finished’’. Atleast you give that impression anyway.