My philosophy


if you can’t make up your mind with regards to my philosophy, then be quiet. have we ever had a discussion? I do not think so. You haven’t raised any issue regards to my philosophy, basicaly you are just talking nonsense. Please don’t speak to me.


so you are another low life. say something constructive.


Hi, I appreciate what you wrote. I want to say that, I do have logical basis for my conclusions. I am working on the details at the moment. I just love oneliners. you raised some interesting points. let me reply to them.

  1. mind & body dualism
    our mind IS the brain. I know it is possible to make electronic copies of our mind, just as it is possible to make artificial intelligence. It is not possible to “download” however, it is only possible to make replicas of the orginal. I agree, thought or idea can be immortal, just as words in books are beyond the realm of life and death. The orginal consciousness that is the brain is mortal and will die.

  2. 3D universe
    I once believed in time travel. :slight_smile: we are three dimensional beings and thus, we can only think within our dimension. I think you are placing too much faith in science. The universe has ONLY three dimensions, unless ‘proven’ otherwise.

  3. Human invention
    Rules are human inventions, for rules invented by humans do not exist independent of humans.

  4. Rational and physical
    I do not find any inconsistency. Our mind is our brain. Our mind works with a system of irrational beliefs which resides in the brain. The construct of the brain determines the construct of irrationality. Crazy people have different brain-wave pattern, thus different irrationality. We all believe in something which goes beyond reason. e.g why do you want to be happy? happiness is not a means by which to achieve an end, but an end in itself.

  5. We are just another animal.

  6. science economics
    Science attempts to describe the physical world, science is not an invention. Economics on the other hand deals with human interaction. Humans choose to value certain things above others. Economics is just a study of human value system which is invented and believed by people.

yes, and I love “Ockam’s Razor”. I like things to be short and precise, straight to the point. And I have good reasons for believing in all seven.


I know everything there is to know about philosophy.


PoR, do me a favor. You seem like you have some decent hardware up there, but someday, maybe in a year or two, have a look at what you’re saying and how you’re saying it in this thread. You know a tiny bit about a range of things,enough to get yourself into trouble. Your assertions are laughably clichéd and range from obvious to innane, mostly the latter. I don’t have time to critique them. My constructive word is that you pay serious attention to others that do.

At least it’s not religoius crap…it’s more materialist which is good. But it’s so haughty to proclaim your philosophy in this way. If anything, these are seven fairly okay topics to throw out at a Socrates Cafe, nothing more. Each one oozes with tired mistakes, trust me. Or don’t. I trust you’ll find out anyway.

gamer… you’re a low life

get some sense.

PoR, so you feel how three dimensions holding you tight to animal human life on earth and your brain is to plain to get you out of here. Well it is begginning. Life is long and it is very boring to repeat over and over the same propositions so you are going invent something new. Well you are already invented 2,000 words of length of new one. The wisest in the history of philosophy was Lao-Tzu who dictated smallest philosophy treatise and kept silence up until his death. Although his pupils have written plenty of unneeded explanations. For me, PoR, philosophy is attempt to apprehend the meaning of this bustling life. It seems situation catched in right words bringing feeling that you have power over this situation and it is easying pain from failure. If one don’t want to ponder himself there is always citations from others. :slight_smile:

monooq, i think you need to add some weight training to your cardio, you’re looking a little scant these days, and not in the favorable “waif” sense.

Por wrote:

If we replicate the brain of a bat do we have any more clearer of an idea about the consciousness of a bat? Furthermore to say that the mind – thought – is all chemical reactions in our brain… total materialism… does that in anyway help us to understand consciousness? Perhaps, as Carl Jung said, all we’ve done is givin matter a form of divinity.


I must correct your faulty logic.
“He sounds more stupid than his avatar.”

“He sounds” creates an impression
“his avatar” creates an impression

I was merely comparing the two impressions on the grounds of stupidity. It is not funny.


How to think like a bat, according to Wittgenstein, one can not conceive what is inconceivable. I say, you can’t use a playstation CD on a PC.(unless you got an emulator). You know, bats have brain waves too. We may never be able to think like a bat, because to do so we have to become a bat. But we can see a bat’s brain wave. And if bat has any ‘thought’, its brain wave is it.

PoR, I initially worried that you might be a troll, and I now know that you are. Please leave with some dignity still intact. :slight_smile:

your insolence is dually noted.

Wow, you really don’t know a joke when you see one, nor can you take one. So just so you know, as you seem to take things a bit seriously, I’m going to dismiss your comments on the grounds of misunderstanding.

By the way, I thought it was funny, so it is.


your insolence is dually noted.

Since Kant has no Ockham’s razor, you may as well note my insolance in triplicate.

Glad to see that you replied PoR. This is an interesting conversation if we get away from all the ad hominem name calling that is going on here. So to your rebuttle.

1. mind & body dualism
our mind IS the brain. I know it is possible to make electronic copies of our mind, just as it is possible to make artificial intelligence. It is not possible to “download” however, it is only possible to make replicas of the orginal. I agree, thought or idea can be immortal, just as words in books are beyond the realm of life and death. The orginal consciousness that is the brain is mortal and will die.

As I said earlier, you show no proof of the first part of your statement. That is to say, you are not showing me (without a doubt) that the mind is the brain. I disagree. With the forces of love, morality, and other intangibles in the world, I would hate to break these down into nothing more than brain impulses and will remain unchanged in that opinioin until there is some definitive proof otherwise. In this tradition of James, this choice is forced and logical because there is no contrary evidence presented and having an opinion is better than not having one.

2. 3D universe
I once believed in time travel. we are three dimensional beings and thus, we can only think within our dimension. I think you are placing too much faith in science. The universe has ONLY three dimensions, unless ‘proven’ otherwise.

Me too much faith in science? I am probably one of the most skeptical of science because they claim to prove too much in first place and one hypothesis is always replaced by another. But beyond that, you may be placing to much emphasis on human understanding. Because we only percieve three dimensions doesn’t necessarily mean there is only three dimensions. Perhaps we do not have the correct physical equipment to percieve such. So you may be placing too much emphasis on what biology tells us, the same can be said of your first conclusion.

3. Human invention
Rules are human inventions, for rules invented by humans do not exist independent of humans.

To this I ask how, why, and where do these rules come from? To say that morality is nothing more than a social or personal invention is to be a cultural relativist, if this is your stance I will discuss in a later post. But know (which I am sure you do) that this stance will ultimately lead to major ethical problems.

4. Rational and physical
I do not find any inconsistency. Our mind is our brain. Our mind works with a system of irrational beliefs which resides in the brain. The construct of the brain determines the construct of irrationality. Crazy people have different brain-wave pattern, thus different irrationality. We all believe in something which goes beyond reason. e.g why do you want to be happy? happiness is not a means by which to achieve an end, but an end in itself.

Once again, your conclusion rests upon a premise which you do not prove. Without this proof your argument is empty.

5. We are just another animal.
If this is true why are we different. We are animals but to say “just Another” is a bit crude. There are definate difference between us and the others in the animal kingdom. If not, we would not have survived (if Darwin’s surivial of the fittest is true)

6. science economics
Science attempts to describe the physical world, science is not an invention. Economics on the other hand deals with human interaction. Humans choose to value certain things above others. Economics is just a study of human value system which is invented and believed by people

Science attempts to describe but does it do it adequately? Do we have the right equipment?

Also, PoR when you attempt to uphold your beliefs you are rebutting on some of your stance. Such as accusing science and then upholding it. These inconsistancies is not allowable. But lets continue this further please.


I have no intention of being rude, but I have to say, ‘deja vu, here we go again’.

  1. mind & body dualism

The word mind means thought.

Mind does not exist, independant of the brain. Because you can not have thought without a brain.

Alterations to the brain alters the mind. If someone drinks excessive alcohol and gets drunk. Scientists tell us the alcohol affects the brain physically. At the same time, the subject’s mind becomes cloudy. Similar experiments have shown that the mind can be altered by physical manipulating the brain(e.g taking drugs). In fact, physical alterations to the brain ALWAYS alters the mind.
If thoughts, feelings comes about ONLY by means of alterations of the physical brain. Because by unchanging the physical brain, feelings and thoughts are not possible. Wouldn’t it be fair to say, the mind is the brain?

  1. 3D universe

You accuse me of placing too much emphasis on human understanding. Let me tell you something, all we have is human understanding. You are making the mistake Wittgenstein talked about, and which I have articulated in my first post. “Trying to conceive what is inconceivable”. You are trying to conceive the 4th dimension, but what is it? “Because we only percieve three dimensions doesn’t necessarily mean there is only three dimensions.” You have no proof to back up your faith in the existence of the 4th dimension. Because proof is impossible for you are a 3D being. So, from now on, try to think, and only think what is logically possible.

  1. Human invention
    Rules are invented for the purposes of regulating society, for better or worse, I do not know. When there are no ethics, there are no ethical problems. You have not shown how rules are NOT human inventions.

  2. Rational and physical
    If you want conclusive proof, you should become a brain scientist.

  3. We are just another animal
    Genetically speaking, differences between humans and apes are simply differences in genetical structure. I have been criticised recently for not replying to every comment. In this case, I don’t understand your argument. You say “There are definate difference between us and the others in the animal kingdom. If not, we would not have survived” - if others in the animal kingdom are the same, how could the animal kingdom survive?

  4. science economics
    I do not quite understand what you are trying to say. I was merely pointing out the difference between science and ecnonomics. I never said science is perfect but science (physics, chemistry…) try to describle the physical world, while ecnonomics (capitalism, communism) try to describle human interaction.

I never said science is perfect. I only said, when science is the only thing we have, we have no choice but to trust it. i.e Science says if I drop a ball, it falls, unless proven otherwise I believe it.

You are WRONG!

  1. We are not complex at all but simple. Our mind is NOT our brain. Brain is an organ and mind occupies no space, cannot be seen but only felt, does not follow the laws of our universe, etc.

  2. OUR universe has only three dimensions but we don’t know about the rest of the COSMOS.

“3. Everything that’s in our mind excluding our perception of the physical are merely human inventions.”
No they are not! Everything is not an invention or we’d be an invention too ourselves by extention or contraction (going back).

  1. We can conceive what is inconceivable through a revelation from God, that is how Newton figured gravity and others invented and yet others were enlightened but the rest were not.

“5. All we have governing our behaviour is a system of fundamental beliefs, which is beyond reason.”
That is because there must be another reality that has laws different from our universe.

“6. Human life has as much meaning as that of an ant.”
How do you know an ant has not much meaning in life? It’s our own perspective how much meaning we bring to our own life.

“7. I say nothing more, for my propositions are only my inventions, and nothing more.”

BeenaJain I must ask you to remain calm.

when I talk about inventions, I mean metaphysical inventions which is conjured up by humans. i.e morality, supernatural beings…

please read my other posts in this thread for further explanation. Sorry for not replying to everything you wrote, because some are based on passion.