My proof of god.

I believe my bottle of budweiser is a god and I have epistemological proof on the account of my faith that it is, not to mention that I trust my taste buds empirically…

Does anybody have any insights on my god that I like to drink of religiously and ritualistically everyday through contemplating prayer of sensual taste?

Here is my evidence:

This is my holy sepulcher.

You have a Budweiser bottle that you drink from every day but that doesn’t run out of beer?

Either you’re a very casual drinker or it’s a miracle.

My bottle of budweiser demands that I pour new beer into it everyday so that I may fulfill it’s holy relevation.

It’s holy relevation was revealed to me on a sacred mountain followed by a unexpected burning bush. ( No this was not a bangkok prostitute after the exit of the American navy who had the burning bush but instead was a literal bush of the plant pursuasion. :laughing: )

I think it’s a miracle that the bottle revealed its holy goodness of liquid refreshment and wisdom.

By getting drunk I come to understand its esoteric wisdom.

Close to true divinity. Close, but no cigar. There are so many beers out there, why limit yourself to just one style, let alone on brand? Especially since some of the other beers have a considerably higher octane rating, if that is what floats yours boat.

But I’ll split the difference and say beer is pretty awesome.

How dare you question my great leader and it’s alcoholic divine goodness!

Heresy! Blasphemy! :laughing:

How do you know that my bottle of beer isn’t divine? What is your proof that my bottle of beer isn’t god?

Hey man, I’m not denying the divinity of beer. Don’t get me wrong, beer is where it is at. I’m just saying that I couldn’t devote myself to a single divinity that way. Soooo many good beers, so little time.

Fair enough. :slight_smile:

This is the greatest thread ever!
We worship the same God!
This proves his existence!
All shall repent and worship our God!

Sweet statutory rape that picture looks mighty good and that can be our virgin Mary with our divine budweiser beer god.

The girl gets drunk and wakes up the next day wondering how she got a bun in her oven while at the sametime thinking that she’s the virgin mary having the child of the divine beer god in bringing fourth the apocalypse to all the world when in reality she was too stupid the previous night to realize that she slept with a random homeless person unknowingly in alcohol consumption.

( I see a television special here Bane.)

Joker…question if I may. Actually your little play on words was good until one point. An this is what I see a lot of not only here but many places. Now people expect others to respect their right to believe as they do. I understand that. However ridiculing another’s such as the virgin Mary is not respecting some others.

The way I would look at it is this. Even if I did not agree with what the beliefs are then there is respect for woman as a whole. She no matter how you believe was a giver of life, a mother of children.

As far as worshiping the bottle, got a friend in jail right now does the same thing. :wink: Dont think they allow his freedom of religion there though.

I don’t give respect out freely for it is earned within my sphere of life.

Once upon a time I did give respect out freely and people took advantage of me so… I really don’t feel like having a repeat of history going on here.

( Some call me a heartless bastard but… You know…Oh well.)

No I dont think your heartless…hurt and angry at a lot. Understandable.



gives me

leading to my

which if I reject would lead to

Just like this

Budweiser is and always has been a crap beer. I could easily name a hundred that are better.

Addiction to alcohol isn’t a sound theological argument.

I’m still fairly new to this site, but am quite surprised that most of the
threads seem like half baked drivel, written by people who can barely
string words together coherently.
I guess it’s damming evidence about the nature of democracy that eventually the morons take will take over!

Don’t read or post at ILP anymore.

Renaissance man,

hint: don’t worry about who “rules” and just enjoy whatever good posts there may be. there are some, if you look hard enough…

I was hungry so I looked for partially digested cernals of wheat inside of a big pile of horse-shit.

Later I met an asshole but when I looked hard enough at him I realized 10% of his personal space was not bloated with shit.

Later I dipped my hand into a bottle of acid because there was a dollar at the bottom of it.

After that I drank a bottle of water that somebody else pissed in, but they only pissed into it a little bit, and the rest of it was still good!