My retirement in philosophy.

I have accepted the fact that there is no cure or improvement in which the human race can be built upon and that the reality of present humanity represents a doomed diseased madness that will eventualy self destruct itself in the near future.

From my studies into the human condition it is apparent that the dice were rolled a long time ago for mankind and all that is left is his inevitable global destruction.

Before I exit out of philosophy I plan to post all my notes here on the philosophy forum as a sort of reference so that maybe someone can finish where I left off at.

To be honest I have given up on my book because I know it will be a failure in this deteriorating modern atmosphere that men have clouded up amongst themselves. Currently at this point in my life I know that I am growing older and eventually like all other human beings I will die and by this acknowledgement I have decided to occupy my time by exploring the rest of the world for my own pleasure largely because I have decided that even if I could bring new grounds to global thought it would all be meaningless since I don’t think current humanity is worth that much effort from my own time or anyone elses for that matter.

( In my opinion present humanity isn’t worth saving at all and a global catastrophe would be somewhat desirable from my position.)

If humanity should destroy itself it would only be a act of fate by that of mother nature and we should all be thankful if the world comes to that state to end this giant cruel spectacle or charade.

There is an entire world out there that I wish to explore and I simply find conventional philosophy to be a giant futility and by listening to some people a fraudelent cruel joke carried by millions of deceptions.

I view it to be a waste of time and often these debates is lead by empty rhetoric down to insane chimerical ideals.

Now that I have said all of that I will say that for a couple more years I will keep having conversations on this website as I don’t think that I could ever leave philosophy entirely.

Right now I have decided to move to either Alaska or Northern Canada where I plan to live a very recluse life amongst the wilderness.

( I may even have a whole bunch of my anarchist and primitivist buddies join me up there in creating our own little colony.)

There I plan to enjoy life finally after years of fighting and struggling amongst this diseased parasitical world. It is there that I hope to live out my dreams while time still allows it even amongst all this global madness.

it’s better to burn out than fade away…


I will always keep philosophy as a personal hobby but to be honest I simply don’t have any hope for the future generations of man and in all clarity I think our species is doomed.

I plan to spend more time in other parts of my life leaving my philosophical interests to a minimum.

Joker, I gotta wonder: Do you ever read classical or medieval philosophy? It’s much more optimistic.
It’s not outdated, you know – just based on different presuppostions.

Life is absurd.

Well, good luck with whatever else you do.

If you latch on to the idea of saving the world you’ll always be depressed. Everything is dying and eventually there will be nothing left. Try capitalism man, it’s rewarding and can gives you novelty to cling to. Seriously man, who in America should be giving a shit about kids working in factories or the otherwise downtrodden peoples of the world? You’re in the land of opportunity. Take advantage. Learn all the philosophy you can, and use it to get your way. The first step is to figure out if your way is in tune with the cosmos. If you find struggle constantly, then you’re just out of tune. Realize that the rewards of capital gains are tangible and real and made for this earth and this life which is the only one there’s any proof of at all, and that going after anything else is just what an indoctrinated slave is suppoed to do. Don’t try to save the world. Relish in it’s downfall and the resulting decadence that societies like ours enojoy more than any others in the world.

I want no part of your capitalism or other people’s destruction of this world.

Optimism is just another moral idealism farce propagated by the same immorality they publically condemn.

Just another form of hypocrisy.

You’ll be missed.

It should be noted that I’m not leaving this website but rather I am leaving any attempt to fixing or altering humanity’s present course.

In short I have lost any ambition to write a book or to bring my own thought
to the table of global society.

I will still come to this website daily in discussing philosophy and it will always be my hobby. I have just decided that humanity is doomed and that the ideal of improving mankind is a futile proposition by me or anybody else.

My retirement is myself abdicating to doing anything about present humanity but rest assured my discussions will still be around here on this website.

Whew! ILP sure dodged a bullet there!

Don’t give up on your book. Just take it slow. I’m sure your book will stand out among all the crap that’s being published these days.

But, how will humanity cope without your direction…?

“Don’t give up, trust your instincts.”

  • Slappy from Starfox.

That may be my basterdisation of a chineese proverb, but it’s what came to mind when i read your post.

Humanity is doomed of course it is, for all good things must come to an end, nothing lasts forever…and all that jazz.

please reconsider

Is that crude humor that I’m hearing?

There’s still hope, Joker, you could become the next unabomber. Well, at least you’d be in the news for awhile. :laughing:

I’m actually a big fan of the unabomber. ( especially of his personal writings which you can find on the internet.)

Unabomber- “Everything in which I am forced to do through the economy can only be considered as my surrogate activities”.

humanity does not need to be fixed. so you might consider shedding that mind frame. I struggled with the same mind frame until I was put in a prison cell and realized what my college roomate meant by “dont worry about other people and just enjoy yourself.” You might consider reading “Veronica decides to die” by Paulo Coelho

as for altering humanity’s present course many people beleive you are. “when a butterfly flaps its wings”-cp

as for your book “you miss 100% of the shots you dont take” -wg

Im new to this disscusion table but you seem to have some fondness and a minimal commitment to ILP, so I would call you selfish if you dont share your genuine thoughts (including the ones in your book) with the rest of the people at ILP table.

well, please dont be offended, just how I preceived your post.