I dont believe in violence- and i think its wrong to kill other people.
Id just like to say i do not agree with the actions of any terrorists/politicians. And was deeply sad to see inocent civilians die because of “the few”.
Before Bush is american he is a polition (if you disagree- what do you think is more important to him? patriotism or power? exactly) Before binladen is a muslim he is a leader/whatever.
The people that have the most power in this world are not removed from each other regardless of race/religion/country.
What i am saying is that america are just as wrong as anyone. The only difference is - they speak our language. People are people the world over- i dont give a fuck what anyone says- oriental people eat some rare shit but no matter our differences WE ARE MORE ALIKE THAN WE ARE DIFFERENT. Basicly im disguisted with the words leaders for being so cheap. And the public are NUMBERS.
Can you imagine what an ethiopian would think of these grosely overweight americans? How dare they become addicted to food?
Virgos and librans everywhere must be tearing their hear out!
vigos being the organisers and librans being the balancers.
I dont know it just seems so sad that The west has it all and the rest is left to suffer…And its not a fat man in oragans fault or an obese woman from new yorks fault its the fault of ignorence! And its the fault of greed.
wheres the love. Wheres the empathy? there IS enogh food to feed the world… or atleast a significantly larger portion of it than right now.
The sympathy lies in- corrupt greedy usa taking everything and sharing nothing…The whole thing was over oil… AND IF THEY DID THE RIGHT THING (WHICH I CONCEDE IS AN ARGUABLE POINT) THEY DID IT FOR THE WRONG REASONS. Iraq i mean.
Coming back to bin laden-why the fuck dyu thnk they bombed the world trade centre? They wanted to hit the basturds where it hurt (their pockets) Do you really think the gov. in usa give a shit about the innocent people that lost their lives? yeah right- they certainly make a show of caring tho. MONEY money MONEY money- power powerpowerpower…Fuck those corrupt motherfuckers -its sick.
What they need is a liberal gov. and an honest media in that deluded self- imporatant country. They use their media as a weapon against AGAINST their own people. Spreading fear to increase consuption. i dunno… Is it me or are they so obviosly insincere (politicians i mean) that its shocking!
There was some controversy about the vote counts in certain states.
Kyoto agreement.
9/11 after one plane hit they sat on their asses and watched another one hit a good bit later (what the hell were they thinking).
War with Iraq, oh by the way his father had a particular beef with that sadam fella as well.
Went against UN council decision.
Oh Iraq is nearly at the other side of the world, what the hell are you doing all the way over there.
There are no weapons of mass destruction.
Whenever I see him interviewed and the questions become a bit harder he acts like a little child. How can somebody which such bad social skills become a leader of the most powerful nation in the world ?
He’s doing his best to make you doubt him.
But despite everything I’m pretty convinced he thinks he’s doing what is right (from a moral perspective, not greed).
Does that make it better or worse ?
But in response to what you said, yes he should’ve left the zodiac signs out, and he probably should’ve omitted the rest of his post for something more substantial. My point was that his inablilty to format a more convincing argument is probably due to lack of formal education rather then stupidity or inability. His opinions are still valid (always glad to hear opinions of the U.S. that come from other portions of the world then the U.S.), and besides that, we should encourage him to make more convincing arguments rather then condemn him for his country’s lack of education, and thereby discouraging him from evolving mentally.
I understand hermes, ye there"s nothing wrong with wanting to defend your country but I do more agree with alien, since we should not be petty and small-minded and see the sincerety of purpose and not to proclaim censorship.
Theres no no need to get defensive “Herpies the great” oops what an aweful spelling error -i mean “hermes” -so sorry.
Sorry that my faith in the american public is so low- can you blame me?
49% of you voted for the fucker lol.
Nice one bath.
Perhaps you would like to analise my grammer now too? or maybe my punktuation?
So you dont aree with anything i had to say on this topic hermes?
I happen to believe in certain aspects of astrology- there is nothing wrong with that. Just because its not been explained does not…why am i waisting my time. Actually, fuck you.
49% of us did not vote for Bush. First off, there are plenty of descrepancies in several states as to voting records. Secondly, not even close to everyone in this country votes. True there are plenty of morons here who vote Bush (see seeker in the Bush or Kerry? thread), but those morons do not by any means represent the American people as a whole.
Sorry, I wasn’t trying to be insulting in the last post, I was actually trying to defend you. Hermes had a valid point about your post, and there are some things maybe you ought to take into consideration when trying to formulate a convincing argument. note this is not a put down, it’s just some friendly advice
First off, you need to stay on one train of thought at a time. You should formulate decent sized paragraphs that all support one train of thought, and give your beliefs/opinions/arguments towards that one thing all at once. I noticed in your earlier post you tended to ramble from one thing to the next without starting a new paragraph and properly correlating the two. So in the future you might consider trying to stick to one idea, and thoroughly explain your view point in each of it’s individual segments. If you want to add something about astrology and signs of the zodiac, that is fine, but you should start a new paragraph in which you identify your understanding of the zodiac signs, and how they correlate to the rest of your political analysis. I found your useage of the zodiac signs to be rather vague and misplaced in the context that you used them. Also another thing you should think about is providing logical explainations for your positions. We are glad to hear any of your opinions, but those opinions are much more substantial if you can provide what sources you get your information from, and what logic you use to come to the conclusions that you make.
Know that I am not attacking you here, and your grammer and spelling aren’t all that important in my opinion as long as you format your argument in a coherent manner, and your spelling and grammer are good enough to be understood. I have my regular grammatical abuses such as the one above (run on sentence), but I present coherent arguments that have definate logic beind them, so no one complains about my grammer mistakes. You don’t have to listen to me at all, but if you do, people are more likely to take your posts seriously. Just a suggestion.
alien corpuscle bath, people who don’t vote are stupid because they don’t realise the improtance of democracy and end up getting represented by the people that do vote, so Dr Projectile was kind of right. not much of a point but im crap at this thing anyway
Dr, maybe other countries should adopt the ways of America. They obviously work as far as being able to indulge in luxeries. You want people to share more, how would this be done with cruel dictators such as Saddam in power. It seems like the majority of your criticism is at the wrong country. But we do deserve some ;o
I believe that there should be some sort of test before being able to register to vote, in an effort to get rid of the people that vote on looks and don’t know enough. Pretty sure I said this in the Bush vs Kerry thread.
Thanks Bath thats fair enuf. Look at it this way. If “John” were in a nice warm house with a warm fire while 100 people stood at your window dieing of frostbite should he be entitled to feel content? No! Let the poor fuckers in!
Inducement said- “Dr, maybe other countries should adopt the ways of America. They obviously work as far as being able to indulge in luxeries. You want people to share more, how would this be done with cruel dictators such as Saddam in power. It seems like the majority of your criticism is at the wrong country. But we do deserve some ;o”
It simply isnt possible for the whole world to live that way, there are not enuf resources. And the reason i attack the usa is because its obvious where other coutrys go wrong, they tell us everyday.
I think america ought to be handed back to the indians.
Well I agree with you on sharing for sure. I would never leave anyone out in the cold. I also agree with you on many aspects of your critisism of America. However, I think you are targeting the American people to much as opposed to the American system. There are plenty of good people in America, just as there are plenty of bad people in America. Selfishness does tend to be a main value here, but I don’t think that is the fault of the people, I find it more to be a fault of the system. People are largely just products of the system that created them. In this case that system is the American system, and more importantly, the American mass media system which promotes the values of that system. Here are the culprits --------> mediachannel.org/ownership/chart.shtml
The American media system is the most powerful system of propaganda the world has ever known. It is run not by the U.S. government, but by global corporations such as VIACOM. This system that they have created is so powerful that it reaches other countries and assimilates them just like the U.S. Take a look at China for example. U.S. corporate values have been successfully inserted into a country that used to be about as against those values as you can get. The American mass media are experts at manipulating collective sub-consciousness’s of societies and social groups. Subliminal messaging is a common place art for them along with misinformation, and many other propaganda techniques.
It is this system rather then the people that it manipulates which needs to be targeted along with other global systems, namely the world bank, the IMF (international monetary fund), and the world trade organization. These organisations (often referred to as the Bretton Woods Institutions) are responsible for more poverty and misery then any other systems in the world. They deftly manipulate politics, buying out poor countries and forcing their indigent people to pay higher prices for food and goods that they ship in. They then take complete control of these countries and over-ride any human rights and/or environmental policies that get in the way of them taking all the profits they want from these countries. If the countries refuse to comply, then these organizations will black label them and all the investors will withdraw their funds at a moments notice, thereby leaving a country which was completely dependant on these systems out in the cold with the worst humanitarian crisis imaginable. Many grass roots organizations have targeted these organizations, and their policies, and they simply respond with double talk, saying one thing in the Washington convention while doing something completely different and continuing their atrocities in practice. Here is a link to an article about this in a website full of damning information on these organizations, so much so that it would take you forever to go through it all.
I think one of the main obstacles to making the world a better place is that most people don’t really realize exactly what is going on in the world right now. So many people probably haven’t even heard of the Bretton Woods Institutions, or if they have, they have no idea what those institutions are up to. These institutions are quite good at covering their tracks politically, and you won’t find anything about this in the media of course. You have to dig and do research to find out what they are up to. In order to know to dig and do that research you have to realize what organizations are responsible for our current global crisises. It’s sort of a catch-22 like that. The mass media does it’s job well.
BTW: there aren’t really any Indians left to hand America back to, unfortunately. That was a mass genocide that you never hear of.
yes there are a few of us left… over 300 tribes recognized and a few score more unrecognized… but you are correct, you never hear of the american genocide…
Impenitent, what tribe are you?
Secondly, I wholly disagree that You never hear about the american genocide. Have you not gone to an american public school and taken their high school history curriculum?
Abenaki, and no, I haven’t been a high school classroom since 1985 (and this is soon to change for I am going into teaching myself)… but I do understand how the environmentalists have bastardized the tribal histories and blended them into a fiction to suit their political agenda. but even in the political season we have now, who do the politicians talk about? latinos and blacks… do you ever hear about tribal problems on the national news? no… do you ever hear about the continued desecration of sacred tribal lands? no… outside of one hour of one year of high school do you ever hear about indians? no… that’s simply the way it is…
I went to public high school… The only real mention of it being a genocide is the trail of tears which Andrew Jackson defied chief justice John Marshall to do. Besides that, they just make it sound like Native Americans were just “relocated into more convienient places”.