just that… they did not all eat the same food, farm fish and hunt the same, they weren’t all peaceful, they all didn’t ride horses, they all didn’t worship the same gods, they did not have the same language, they did not all share the same rituals or religions, they were not all communal in the communist sense, they were not equals in the tribes, they did not always try to preserve nature, they did not try to save the whales or seals or anything like that, they were not responsible for the extinction of anything, they weren’t all always clean, not all tribes had totems, they were not always sharing and giving and caring, ect…
I generally agree with you regarding First Nations issues, at least from what I can tell. However, I think you think the gwai-lo are as dumb as a post and I have to say that’s ridiculous. The sites you posted argue against a liberal regulatory type of environmentalism that was based on the myth of pristine wilderness, a myth that more and more environmentalists back away from everyday. You are attacking a strawman.
I find it amazingly hard to believe you when you say Americans ignore the American Indian genocide when Atlantic Monthly, one of the most important and widely read public intellectual magazines in the nation, ran a twenty page COVER(!!!) article on American Indians before the 1492 (actually 1520 some-odd as De Soto’s expedition was the first to pierce the interior of the North American Continent) “discovery” of America. This article discussed the ecological role of Native americans all across the continent as well as the Horrible decrease in population following the contact with Europeans and their diseases.
I do agree with you when you say that most people do not KNOW about the Native American influence on US history, but I find that most Americans are overjoyed to hear how Indian their country actually is.
Books for You to read
Changes in the Land by William Cronon
Native Roots by Jack Weatherford
Native Pragmatism by Scott Pratt
Wasnt it the worst genocide in world history? Maybe the nazis killed more jews…but they did not wipe them out to the point of almost extinction…
I think it was the worst genocide in history…
Im not so stupid that i would say ALL americans are arseholes, i mean apart from being a generalisation its bloody obvious. Joke. And it is partyly the evil media’s fault, but people are also responsible for themselves and ignorence is not really a very good excuse…is it?
As I said, people are largely just part of the sytem that makes them. The American system was designed for assimilation. Let’s taka hypothetical. Suppose that advanced brain washing techniques were created, and you were kidnapped so they could test these new techniques on you. They thoroughly brain wash you, and completely program you into a completely new person. They program you to be evil and hateful. Throughout the rest of your life you are completely atrocious and cause much misery and suffering to many people around the world. Would you say it is your fault that you caused all that misery and behaved vilely? I would say it is not, because the people who brainwashed you essentially created the person that you became. Therefore, they are more responsible for your behaviors then you are. You still retain some responsibility for them, but not all or most.
Well as we grow up in life, we see and hear things that get hardwired into our personality. All animals do. A most extreme case of this are the ducklings that see a human and think that human is their mother. These ducklings have hardwired that image into their brain as the first thing they saw, and therefore their mother. Well all species hardwire input differently, but none the less, during infancy, toddlerhood, adolesence, and even through adulthood, humans (and other animals) have certain stimuli which are hardwired into their minds. The younger you are, the more likely a stimuli is to be hardwired into your brain. So as such, we could say that by and large, society, and especially social institutions that have learned quite effective ways to manipulate such hardwiring, are responsible for the programming and creation of individuals. How responsible they are for the creation of an individual depends on the will power of said individual. It is my belief that the more will power an individual has, the less likely hardwired patterns are to effect him/her. Will power puts us in control of our own destinies. Ask anyone who lives in America. It is real easy to give into the decadence encouraged on every sign post, television screen, radio, and in every peer group. Only will power and individuality can pass that barrier.
You’re both wrong! the spelling mistake has nothing to do with education or stupidity. It has to do with carelessmess
As to what Troy says regarding Bush and Sept. 11th, I have to say your point 4 lacks basis because if one plane hits a building that in itself is such a shocker plus unless one already knows that another could hit another building then how could one imagine that that is going to be so and so prevent it? I mean until it’s happened you can never envision another plane could do the same. So your question as what they were doing sitting on their bums and did not prevent the other plane hitting the building has NO BASIS AT ALL. And if you can think something like that pt.4 then I’d have to question my dear, is it possible that perhaps Troy actually knew beforehand of the second plane doing what it did? (just kidding)
Beena, the problem is that Dr Projectile’s original post was so riddled with half sentences, misspellings, and non sequiturs that it made the content of his whole post questionable.
I know Hermes, that’s why I found it difficult to respond to it and so didn’t. But the fact still remains that you commented upon the mis-spelling in sympathy and not Dr. Projectile’s post as such and I just commented on what you commented on.