My Theory of Consciousness

If consciousness was a product of the brain it would never have been able to exist in the first place. There has to be a precursor for it to stand on, which I like to view as the unconscious > subconscious > conscious
With each layer containing thousands, millions, trillions of variables reacting and have reacted to evolve into the next stage, eventually becoming consciousness.

Lights out for who? The identity? Sure. There is a simple fix for that, called reproduction, genes and memories. Lights out for energy? No, law of conservation says so.

There really is no death, just the temporary ceasing of an interactive /I/. What do you think happens with the energy that cannot cease to exist? You think it just floats off and never re-manifests? That is laughable.

Lights out for you.

In Ec’s case, you could call it “that which wants to leave all of you forever.”

He could perfectly do that. Just end it all.

There are humane ways.

Just to take the pain variable out of the hypothetical.

As an interacting mechanism in real-time perhaps. The idea of me still exists, through memories, genetics, etc. that’s all the interactive mechanism truly is, an idea that is attached to energy. Ideas do not die, they only are forgotten and energy never ceases. The states of consciousness are embedded in all energy in layers.

But this is all nonesense. “The idea of me,” this that. Bullshit.

When you die, you’s is dead.

You don’t seriously expect to wake up one day inside some loved one’s memory. Let’s not push epistemology beyond bounds.

Who said anything about the idea of me waking up? I don’t have to, it doesn’t mean the energy itself that I am made up of does not remanifest itself and that the idea of me ever ceases to exist. Once something is, it does not ever leave this place. Forgotten maybe, leave for good? No. If so, there would be no history or ideas that are discovered twice.

“The energy” is some new age hippy bullshit that means nothing in real terms.

In real terms, it’s lights out. That’s what “waking up” refers to.

Ec wouldn’t end it all and then find 5 minutes later “doh, someone remembered me and here I am!”

He would be dead dead.

The law of conservation is hippy bull shit? I didn’t know the laws of the universe were hippy bullshit and didn’t apply to reality. Let me say it in simple terms, there is no escaping this cycle we are all in, there is no rest.

The law of conservation has to do with actual energy, like gravity or inertia, and matter, not some sceance ghost nonesense.

The law of conservation of energy, not of resurrection lol.

Ec wouldn’t die and then go “oh well but law of conservation.”

He would be gone and nothing would bring him back. He would never have a chance to regret it, or realized he failed to leavbe us all, because he will have succeeded.

Ec wouldn’t need to “wake up” as Ec. Ec would have served his purpose. This does not mean it is “lights out” and just nothingness for good, everything operates on cycles and this is observable, to think it ends for one and is not just part of another cycle goes against what is observable and true about the entire universe.

The law of conservation applies to ALL energy.

But here in the real world, he would be dead and gone. Nothing actually would remain, but bones.

He would no longer have to suffer us.

“Lights out.”

To us it would appear that way. But let’s be real, we all live off of borrowed energy of those before us. There is no “new energy” being manifested purely to manifest humanity and then just simply goes away after the cycle of life is at its end. Ecs ability to interact with reality would cease, this does not mean Ec is gone, the idea of Ec will always be.

And between every molecule is a monster called dave who says “artimas sucks” and was born 3.54 billion years ago.

If anybody seriously believed what you say, suicide would be endemic.

In reality, we all know when you die, it ends… Which is why the gentleman won’t do it, he loves life. But he should thus stop being a bitch about it. It’s dishonest and cowardly.

Or if he really wants to leave us all, press the switch.

Fantasy has a way of disappearing real quick when you’re facing the noose.

That’s the great thing about it, it doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, it is the mechanism that is reality. Why would people commit suicide just to re-manifest when there is no GUARANTEE of manifesting as a conscious entity again? It doesn’t change the fact that nothing ever leaves this place.

Because money talks, and bullshit walks.

All words. I can say I am you right now manifesting as me saying you are a doofus for making unfalsifiable claims and presenting them as obvious reality, as charlatans are wont.

But we know that I am me, and you are you, and death is bye bye.

Plenty of Vikings held the belief of Valhalla who went into death willingly for it. This does not mean they remanifest again as conscious individuals. Death is just an illusion in terms of it being “lights out” and “nothingness”. The only thing that ceases is the ability to interact in a present moment as a specific identity attached to a system of energy and even that is temporary due to the law of conservation and energy never ceasing or being created.